THG: Catching Fire
I had seen THG several years ago, but never got the chance to actually see the sequel. Jennifer Lawrence is a powerhouse. This movie was ten times better than the first one (maybe even a 1,000) something like that. Mind you, I've never read the books but before the movies were released (before the first one) I researched the heck out of it (liked it before it was cool). Catching Fire out of the Hunger Games film was the best one yet. Lawrence is definitely one of my favorites, and she really brought a lot to the film. The story itself was impactful, impowering in a way. Right when it starts, it pulls you in. There's also a lot more action and more of story with this one. The premise just seems so realistic in a way. I mean, what's happening nowadays people not having the chance to stand up for what they believe in, restricted or even punished for doing so. President Snow, I love the fact you get to see how sinister it really all is. Phillip-Seymour Hoffman was incredible! I freaking love the twist at the end! This has gotten me overall excited to see Mockingjay. For Mockingjay looks like they're following it pretty closely compared to the book.
*SPOILER I hope they actually let her kill Snow*
Lawrence dynamic in acting is on cue, and while I never thought much about Hutcherson especially in the first film, it shows he can actually act alongside Lawrence.
Johanna (don't know the name of actress) was great. Ever since I saw the first one, I liked it but I was never in the actual hype as I am now. You can feel that Lawrence gives Katniss a soul. Especially since the Mockingjay has just has got to be one of the biggest symbolisms of the entire series, and how Rue had such a big influence over Katniss along with Katniss's guilt, it shows more than anything that Katniss is a human being. The fact Katniss gets screwed over, when she's suffering from the movie's first events and having to relieve the same horrors (or die another day) reminds me something connected to the spoils of war. Post traumatic disorder, especially something that occurs in soldiers after coming home. This movie was an absolute brilliant surprise.
Five starts being the best, it gets 4.5/5