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I don't agree with your numbers but I agree that they progressively get less enjoyable as the series progresses. Ranking RotK highest was a trend I noticed until finding this community. My opinion of FotR being best seems to be the prevailing opinion around these parts.
No doubt. The first is the best then it goes down from there. That's how I feel about the movies. On the other hand, the books I rank as equal. Not one better than the other. All three are outstanding.
Sicario wish could rate propper but didnt understand spanish parts no subtitles but still understood it good action n messed up start. It felt like Del toro's version of sabotage movie that Arnold kicked ass in. I give it a 7.

The way way back movie Steve Carell it was weird seeing Steve as a A-hole but still not bad family vacay at lake house comedy / drama give a 5.
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THE MARTIAN. This one make's up for that GRAVITY TRAINWRECK movie a very , very fun ride all the way to the end give it a 10 . A lot of heart and crazyness into a fubared space situation.
Saw a few movies from the last few days:

From Russia With Love - 93/100

Second favorite Connery film after Dr. No. So I continue with the Bond October marathon...

Connery was great in this one, but to me this film has a lot of moments that just really don't do it for me; so I'll just list it so. The very first scene bothers me a lot. It really has no purpose. Using a Bond dummy to have Grant kill him. Also I mean they are part of your recruits, why kill him? Also it would have shown Grant's skills much better if he had been on some mission and completed it with utter brutality. The gypsy camp is a fun scene, but once more I saw no purpose in it. Especially since I don't see why they didn't just kill off Kirilincu after the attempted bomb. Got a few others, but those are my biggest.

Tatiana Romanova is up there on my favorite Bond girls (Vesper, Honey, and Tatiana are in my top 3). I like her playful style as a Bond girl, but she can be irritating like during the train portion of the film. She's especially annoying after Kerim Bey's downfall. But it is subjective, as one could say Connery was a complete pus.

Donald Grant was a very solid henchman. Some parts just seem like they try and build him up like when he took out Yugo agent, or when he is trailing Bond; and even during the killing of the Russian spy trying to steal Russian prints. The fight in the train was pretty great though, up there for sure.

Kerim Bey is one person I always get a kick from. Very funny and suave man; compliments well to Bond.

Overall plan of SPECTRE and Bond was not bad, but I feel they made Kronsteen some superior being; and he just gets swept away like nothing. Klebb is an annoying *******. Never liked the character, even though I know she isn't meant to be liked.

Connery did a solid job here, still think Dr. No was much better.

Goldfinger - 90/100

First off, DB5. I think that is one thing that I enjoyed the **** out of this film for. That car is just too ****ing gorgeous.

Now with the bad: I absolutely hate some of the cheesy fight sequence, and incredibly unrealistic parts (I know Bond films shouldn't be taken for realism, but these parts just pushed it). Such an example; when Ramirez goes after Bond when he's macking with the belly dancer chick. How in ****'s **** are you going to see a man coming at you from the reflection of a women's cornea. Why this bothers me isn't just about the reflection, but it contradicts these "super human" abilities like at the hotel with Jill Masterson. Oddjob is a big man, and from what I see as an America, heavy people don't breathe quietly. How do you not see him in the reflection of the Dom Perignon '53? I suppose this is a similar rant to what Horror film fans do, "How the **** do you not shoot the gun? Why use a ****ing bending straw!?".

Second thing that really pushes me is the women; first I think Jill Masterson is a well deserved Bond girl. Very gorgeous and sexy, but her sister is a complete ****. I find the acting is terrible, such as Bond sneaking up on Tilly when she's sniping Goldfinger's factory. What really pushes my **** was how useless she was made to be in its entirety. She was killed in like half a second. What good was she to the film? Should have just made Tilly and Jill paid women to Goldfinger and have em killed in the same style. Also the skin suffocation was terribly done as Jill had no speck of paint on her hair (again, I know it isn't meant for realism). Lastly, how P. Galore switched sides with almost no persuasion. However, ***** is a great character. Talented and sexy, Honor Blackman was just a beauty. So I let it slide with her and Jill.

Now the good, love how we see the first banter between Llewelyn's "Q" and Bond. Always fun to see these parts done. What bums me on the note of allies to Bond was also the switch from Jack Lord's to Cec Linder's Felix Leiter [to Rik Van Nutter's in "Thunderball"]. I think Lord did a great job and has that Leiter charisma, Linder's isn't bad but he seems out of his time IMO. However, all have their pros and cons.

The fight between Oddjob and Bond is up there, but as henchmen go as of this moment, Grant tops Oddjob. The fight at Ft. Knox seems too much like a frisbee match, and quite honestly I think it's ridiculous how these men are impervious to pain such as Grant get jabbed with brass knuckles, or Oddjob having gold bounce off his ****ing chest.

Music is good in this, and in FRWL, and is quite expected. Opening sequences are also great for both films.

Next to hit up Thunderball.

An American Werewolf in London - 84/100

First time viewing this film, and I gotta say it kicks some serious ass. Never seen a lot of werewolf films, though I did see Wolfman (2009) last year; I think this film was just great.

I had never understood where they got horror "comedy", but I can gather how this is such a cheesy and fun film.

Not much I can go against it, the werewolf make up is amazing, music is ****ing amazing (maybe I'm just bias as "Bad Moon Rising" is a personal favorite song of mine). Acting is all about, and despite some heavy gore (which doesn't bother me personally), I like how they mixed the humor in as such as the pornography theatre and people suggesting methods of suicide.

A favorite scene is when David is ranting and trying to get arrested, and everyone was letting it go.

Just an overall great film, and I'll probably be trying to hunt down a blu ray copy. Nice break from 3 Bond films in a row. :lol
Saw a few movies from the last few days:

From Russia With Love - 93/100

Second favorite Connery film after Dr. No. So I continue with the Bond October marathon...

Connery was great in this one, but to me this film has a lot of moments that just really don't do it for me; so I'll just list it so. The very first scene bothers me a lot. It really has no purpose. Using a Bond dummy to have Grant kill him. Also I mean they are part of your recruits, why kill him? Also it would have shown Grant's skills much better if he had been on some mission and completed it with utter brutality. The gypsy camp is a fun scene, but once more I saw no purpose in it. Especially since I don't see why they didn't just kill off Kirilincu after the attempted bomb. Got a few others, but those are my biggest.

Tatiana Romanova is up there on my favorite Bond girls (Vesper, Honey, and Tatiana are in my top 3). I like her playful style as a Bond girl, but she can be irritating like during the train portion of the film. She's especially annoying after Kerim Bey's downfall. But it is subjective, as one could say Connery was a complete pus.

Donald Grant was a very solid henchman. Some parts just seem like they try and build him up like when he took out Yugo agent, or when he is trailing Bond; and even during the killing of the Russian spy trying to steal Russian prints. The fight in the train was pretty great though, up there for sure.

Kerim Bey is one person I always get a kick from. Very funny and suave man; compliments well to Bond.

Overall plan of SPECTRE and Bond was not bad, but I feel they made Kronsteen some superior being; and he just gets swept away like nothing. Klebb is an annoying *******. Never liked the character, even though I know she isn't meant to be liked.

Connery did a solid job here, still think Dr. No was much better.

Goldfinger - 90/100

First off, DB5. I think that is one thing that I enjoyed the **** out of this film for. That car is just too ****ing gorgeous.

Now with the bad: I absolutely hate some of the cheesy fight sequence, and incredibly unrealistic parts (I know Bond films shouldn't be taken for realism, but these parts just pushed it). Such an example; when Ramirez goes after Bond when he's macking with the belly dancer chick. How in ****'s **** are you going to see a man coming at you from the reflection of a women's cornea. Why this bothers me isn't just about the reflection, but it contradicts these "super human" abilities like at the hotel with Jill Masterson. Oddjob is a big man, and from what I see as an America, heavy people don't breathe quietly. How do you not see him in the reflection of the Dom Perignon '53? I suppose this is a similar rant to what Horror film fans do, "How the **** do you not shoot the gun? Why use a ****ing bending straw!?".

Second thing that really pushes me is the women; first I think Jill Masterson is a well deserved Bond girl. Very gorgeous and sexy, but her sister is a complete ****. I find the acting is terrible, such as Bond sneaking up on Tilly when she's sniping Goldfinger's factory. What really pushes my **** was how useless she was made to be in its entirety. She was killed in like half a second. What good was she to the film? Should have just made Tilly and Jill paid women to Goldfinger and have em killed in the same style. Also the skin suffocation was terribly done as Jill had no speck of paint on her hair (again, I know it isn't meant for realism). Lastly, how P. Galore switched sides with almost no persuasion. However, ***** is a great character. Talented and sexy, Honor Blackman was just a beauty. So I let it slide with her and Jill.

Now the good, love how we see the first banter between Llewelyn's "Q" and Bond. Always fun to see these parts done. What bums me on the note of allies to Bond was also the switch from Jack Lord's to Cec Linder's Felix Leiter [to Rik Van Nutter's in "Thunderball"]. I think Lord did a great job and has that Leiter charisma, Linder's isn't bad but he seems out of his time IMO. However, all have their pros and cons.

The fight between Oddjob and Bond is up there, but as henchmen go as of this moment, Grant tops Oddjob. The fight at Ft. Knox seems too much like a frisbee match, and quite honestly I think it's ridiculous how these men are impervious to pain such as Grant get jabbed with brass knuckles, or Oddjob having gold bounce off his ****ing chest.

Music is good in this, and in FRWL, and is quite expected. Opening sequences are also great for both films.

Next to hit up Thunderball.

An American Werewolf in London - 84/100

First time viewing this film, and I gotta say it kicks some serious ass. Never seen a lot of werewolf films, though I did see Wolfman (2009) last year; I think this film was just great.

I had never understood where they got horror "comedy", but I can gather how this is such a cheesy and fun film.

Not much I can go against it, the werewolf make up is amazing, music is ****ing amazing (maybe I'm just bias as "Bad Moon Rising" is a personal favorite song of mine). Acting is all about, and despite some heavy gore (which doesn't bother me personally), I like how they mixed the humor in as such as the pornography theatre and people suggesting methods of suicide.

A favorite scene is when David is ranting and trying to get arrested, and everyone was letting it go.

Just an overall great film, and I'll probably be trying to hunt down a blu ray copy. Nice break from 3 Bond films in a row. :lol

I bought the Blu steel book of American Werewolf at Best Buy for $10.
Burying the Ex - 0/10

There was nothing remotely enjoyable about this movie. It wasn't funny or clever and was overall a waste of time. Haven't rated a movie so poorly since Cameron's "Avatar."