RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Well a lot of people hated it at Cannes. :lol

Well it did win the Palme d'Or.

I'm not saying everyone will love this movie, because they won't. I just think it's one of more thought provoking movies I've seen in a long time.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.


Oh, and this is :lol btw!
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I just think it's one of more thought provoking movies I've seen in a long time.

And I guess that is one of the main problems. It is a movie to make you think and/or reflect. And I am not sure that is what people seek when going to the cinema.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Not all the time...but sometimes, it's great.

Just like something totally mindless isn't fun all the time.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Scream 4 - 4/10

Barely watchable in my opinion. Basically a remake of the first film without officially calling it a remake. Everything about it just seemed like it was made for teens...even down to the soundtrack and making fun of the genre itself. I got thru it bored out of my mind and then when it all ended I was just happy it was over.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

He peed on my ____ing Cheerioes man! They really tied the meal together!

I don't hate all that is fun. I just don't find fun pretending to be retarded. Stay tuned. This weekend is my first viewing of Thor. What's the over under I'll like it?

ps. Love the cheerio pisser pic devil.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Thor: 10/10
Probably my favourite superhero movie. Definitely the best of the Marvel films IMO. The story, characters, humor, action and music are all top notch. Great pacing as well IMO, with not just all the action in the end! A great watch! :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I don't hate all that is fun. I just don't find fun pretending to be retarded. Stay tuned. This weekend is my first viewing of Thor. What's the over under I'll like it?

ps. Love the cheerio pisser pic devil.

I say you'll loath it. Loath loath loath.


It's not deep in anyway. Just cool, and entertaining.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I LOVED Tree of Life! It is also a 10/10 for me. Awesome experience.

I just think it's one of more thought provoking movies I've seen in a long time.

And I guess that is one of the main problems. It is a movie to make you think and/or reflect. And I am not sure that is what people seek when going to the cinema.

I haven't seen it yet. I just think it's hilarious that it's so thought provoking... and/or confusing, that Sean Penn himself said he didn't even understand it.

Curious to see it though. It really should go on the queue...
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

SPIDERMAN Trilogy on Blu-Ray.
Watched SPIDERMAN 2.1 instead of 2, along with the others
I give the whole trilogy a 9/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Scre4m 3/10

Omg what a pile of ____. People actually liked this thing? Wes Craven after ANOES is the biggest hack in Hollywood.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Scre4m 3/10

Omg what a pile of ____. People actually liked this thing? Wes Craven after ANOES is the biggest hack in Hollywood.

Haven't seen Scream 4, but I can't argue with that. One of the most overrated directors around.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Scre4m 3/10

Omg what a pile of ____. People actually liked this thing? Wes Craven after ANOES is the biggest hack in Hollywood.

Holy ____ no.

Now, I saw Scream 4 once, I enjoyed it...but who's to say it'll hold up? I can't tell ya... however, Wes Craven as a hack? I can't agree with that in any way.

Serpent And the Rainbow is a FANTASTIC film, so is New Nightmare. I love Red Eye, But that's just me.

And all the Scream's are harmless spoofs, that are pretty well made. At least the first 2 are.

So yeah....I think you're going too far calling Craven a hack. Maybe he's a hack NOW...after years of not doing really anything, but he made some great films. Not a lot...but he's left his mark on horror films.
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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Sorry little buddy but I can't agree with any of that. ANOES was spectacular, don't get me wrong, he does have some talent. Its just that everything else after was subpar at best. The Scream movies required no creativity, they catered to an ADHD audience. They're lame. Yet somehow he's become a (horror) household name. John Carpenter, now theres a true legend of horror movies.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Watching GL with 9yr daughter she is laughing, giggling and enjoying every minute of it. Rating is priceless....:1-1: