RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Apocalypse Now - 10/10

I finally got around to buying the Blu-ray box set, and it looks and sounds amazing. It's still one of my top 10 favorite movies of all-time.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

X-Men: First Class: 8/10

Absolutely top marks for Xavier and Erik. I loved how they portrayed their friendship. And I loved Xavier's young personality (although I don't feel it's entirely accurate to what I remember was implied from the comics). I didn't love the young kids. I thought they didn't really do their characters justice. Very thinly written. I didn't like Hank's portrayal either. Mystique's origin tied into Xavier's was a bit of a stretch, too. And although January Jones LOOKED spectacular, she was terrible!

But LOVED Erik and Charles.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

the thing - 6.5/10

too big of shoes to fill but pretty cool nods to the john carpenter one & several nice tie ins.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

X-Men: First Class: 8/10

Absolutely top marks for Xavier and Erik. I loved how they portrayed their friendship. And I loved Xavier's young personality (although I don't feel it's entirely accurate to what I remember was implied from the comics). I didn't love the young kids. I thought they didn't really do their characters justice. Very thinly written. I didn't like Hank's portrayal either. Mystique's origin tied into Xavier's was a bit of a stretch, too. And although January Jones LOOKED spectacular, she was terrible!

But LOVED Erik and Charles.

Erik the Nazi hunter kicked ass. I could have watched more of that. Very cool.

Xavier and Eric's friendship was very well done, and I also liked Mystique and Xavier. It was a bit left field in continuity, but it worked for this film. His attitude towards her being blue also showed he wasn't perfect. Erik actually comes off as the 'better' man through most of this film.

Emma Frost was completely wasted as a character.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Dark Night of the Scarecrow - 5/10

A cool movie for something made in 81'. I had heard so much about this flick and finally decided to throw it on the netflix lineup. Well needless to say in my eyes it was more hype than anything and again I know its old. I mean it started off interesting, but being that apparently it was a made for tv movie...there were no on screen kills and you never actually see the scarecrow til the end and even that was pretty lame.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Hellraiser Revelations 0/10

one of the worst movies ever made. Doesnt deserve to be called a Hellraiser movie