RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

the chaser is better than "i saw the devil" 8/10
"i saw the devil" is more to the revenge genre type of movie, whereas "the chaser" is more in thriller serial killer type..

if you like korean revenge genre type.. u should try "OLD BOY" that is the ultimate korean revenge genre.. :)

Wow, and I thought ISTD's the best korean if not, one of the best movies I've seen. This Chaser is a must-see then. :monkey1 I haven't watched OldBoy but planning to. :wink1:

Thanks for the advice. :)
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

X-Men First Class 9/10

Absolutely superb!

McAvoy, Fassbender & Bacon are really outstanding!

A wonderful prequel to the trilogy and would be my favourite of the X-Men series quite easily :)
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

if you like korean revenge genre type.. u should try "OLD BOY" that is the ultimate korean revenge genre.. :)

Oldboy was pretty cool! Not really my type of movie, but still a good watch. Has been a couple of years since I've last seen it.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.



Loved it! A feel good movie that does just that.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

In Time 6/10

The premise excellent but the execution poor!

This had the hallmarks of a good movie but it just flat out failed imo

Having said that I really do think Timberlake can act! I really do like him as a actor, he definately has a pressence.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Rodrick rules... 7/10

Not bad for a kids movie, my young boys loved it due to enjoying the books... and i found myself enjoying it.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Paul: 8/10

Really great. Very fun the amount of "in" jokes and references throughout. And I was even surprised at how things developed. I guess I was expecting something much more predictable. I think it was even more fun since the memory of the NY Comic Con is so fresh in my mind!
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Drive: 10/10
It started a bit slow, but overall this has to be one of the best films I have seen this year. It has been a long while since I actually noticed myself holding my breath while watching a film. There were some very tense and awesome moments. Absolutely brilliant! :clap :bow
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Xmen first class. Found it really cheesy and I wasn't really gripped. Some decent effects. 6/10.