Resident Evil 6

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Maybe you guys aren't looking at it the right way. Why would Wesker changes so much? The simple answer is that RE5 Wesker wasn't really Wesker :monkey3
Wesker in RE 5 is totally fine. Im not sure given some of the comments that everybody read the files that was laying around and read all the articles and stuff in the game or if they just clicked skip on it all. It really tied well from everything he did from the start of the franchise all through the games and his master plan at the end which ultimately failed which is why he lost his cool after such the massive build up. I got the vibe from Wesker in the 5th game that he was still the exact same Wesker from the previous games but obviously he was more prominent and couldnt be in the shadows asmuch because this was his game. Where as in the other games he was given reasons to duck away because he was never the end boss. And in RE 5 his final act was the culmination of everything he had done in all prior games.

The way people treat him is that he should be an end boss you can never kill. And nobody should be able to complete the game and finish the end boss because its wesker.
I would love a return of Barry or Chambers. Also watching the trailer it looks like maybe they toned down Chris's roided muscled a little bit. Hard to tell though, so I'm probably wrong.

Muscles are fine, but I want the old Chris back. With RE5, they went overboard with his physique.
he had some above human speed, but not the stupidness from 5. it was too easy to beat and kill him. after all those years in the shadows, high intelligence, double agent, suddenly he becomes a completly different character.

In the same way an athlete can train to build more muscle/strength and increase running speed, Wesker increased his power potential. It's a very simple notion.

Wesker in RE 5 is totally fine. Im not sure given some of the comments that everybody read the files that was laying around and read all the articles and stuff in the game or if they just clicked skip on it all. It really tied well from everything he did from the start of the franchise all through the games and his master plan at the end which ultimately failed which is why he lost his cool after such the massive build up. I got the vibe from Wesker in the 5th game that he was still the exact same Wesker from the previous games but obviously he was more prominent and couldnt be in the shadows asmuch because this was his game. Where as in the other games he was given reasons to duck away because he was never the end boss. And in RE 5 his final act was the culmination of everything he had done in all prior games.

The way people treat him is that he should be an end boss you can never kill. And nobody should be able to complete the game and finish the end boss because its wesker.

I agree with a lot of what you say. They progressed the character in RE5. And I'm glad they did.

If you (not you bakurenoh) want to argue that he wasn't calm and collected in this one...well he was. He very much started out that way in the beginning of the game, and in his desperation he let his anger out and showed more emotions. Wesker was very much the same character he was in previous entries...they just progressed him, and I felt it worked incredibly well.
If you closely, it doesn't even look like Leon is the one that shoots him. It's looks like that chick shoots him.

It looks like they edited it to fool us for a moment.
I just watched the trailer again.... Lol I think I saw Jill in there. Not sure. I hope it was Jill!
Looks cool but I wish they'd bring the horror aspect back to these games. The focus on action is what has made me dislike many of the Resident Evil games over time.
I thought for a second that it was Jill falling though the train thing towards the end, but after rewinding, I realized that it wasn't...

We need some classic female RE characters in this game as well Capcom!
Looks cool but I wish they'd bring the horror aspect back to these games. The focus on action is what has made me dislike many of the Resident Evil games over time.

It could be that Leon's sections are more geared towards horror, and Chris's sections are more geared to towards fighting.

Those are some theories I've heard anyways.

Horror is a MUST though. :lecture
Hopefully this is not the case, but those two unnamed partners could have already been revealed to us.

The guy that says: I'm right there with you Captain,...blah blah blah" could be the partner for Chris.

And the girl with Leon could end up being his partner.

Still hoping that either that's not the case, or we still get to see Jill, Chambers, Claire, or Barry somehow before the adventure is over.
Is there any websites around with screen caps on this Trailer? Theres so much goodness that i dont want to keep going back on youtube when i want to check something
Just noticed in the trailer Hunnigan seems to be consulting Leon via radio just like RE 4.

And also Leon looks to be walking and shooting. Unless its the recoil on the gun making it look like hes in walking motion
Hopefully... Maybe it was someone else. It's still early and probably we'll get more info during E3 and stuff. :D at least we got updates on RE6. Wishes HT's gave us am update as well.