Resident Evil 6

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I'm just not keen on the approach they seemed to start to use with Resident Evil. Watching the trailer again , towards the start you do see a sense of horror but looking back the original game and even a few after that there is a huge difference between those and the new trailer here where people are doing flying kick and hand slams. :lol
Still , I'll play this and most likely love it. I'd just love to see capcom go all out horror again one day with RE.

If this happened in real life, people would punch/kick and slam everything they can to stay alive. Why make them into idots who can only aim at the chest again unless enemies are right in front or below them (Resident evil 0-veronica/outbreak) again? Unless your talking about a Dead Space 1 and 2 approach to horror.
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Kotaku thinks that the bald guy could be HUNK:

The biggest clues, Chalice says, are in the dialogue. At 2:11 in the video, the character says "I was better off as a mercenary". That fits. It's even a rather witty little nod to Hunk's appearances as a playable character in the Resident Evil Mercenaries game and game modes. And at 2:25 in the video he says "No no. Not me. Just my blood. All the world can have it… ‘long as someone ponies up the dough."

Alex Wesker?:dunno

All I know is I cant wait!!!!:blissy
I think they should of held off the trailer until ORC's release. Maybe even make the trailer an unlockable in ORC. At the moment ORC is getting a bit overlooked. its like people are looking ahead to the next game before the new one is even out

im more excited about ORC at the moment believe it or not!
Kotaku thinks that the bald guy could be HUNK:

Alex Wesker?:dunno

All I know is I cant wait!!!!:blissy

He does kinda look a tad like unmasked HUNK in his Epilogue from RE3.


I don't know why but the way Alex Wesker was described in LIN in Spencer's letters, I got the feeling he is more a mad scientist behind the scenes kinda guy but thats just me.
He does kinda look a tad like unmasked HUNK in his Epilogue from RE3.


I don't know why but the way Alex Wesker was described in LIN in Spencer's letters, I got the feeling he is more a mad scientist behind the scenes kinda guy but thats just me.

Thats my thinking too. I didn't really figure Alex would be a mercenary gung ho type. And thats the vibe I get from baldy in this trailer. I figure Alex is either around Weskers age or older. This guy seems to young. Though if he did discover the key to immortality that Spencer was after, it's possible it affected his looks.
Thats my thinking too. I didn't really figure Alex would be a mercenary gung ho type. And thats the vibe I get from baldy in this trailer. I figure Alex is either around Weskers age or older. This guy seems to young. Though if he did discover the key to immortality that Spencer was after, it's possible it affected his looks.

Indeed. I just get the feeling that the new guy from the trailer is a Professional Mercenary, not a scientist. That being said I won't be surprised if Alex Wesker makes some kind of appearence in the game.
Big screencap info dump. All due credit to a dude on the GAF forums:

Leon's new partner is named Helena Harper.

Stagla Logo in the background.

Zombies carrying and throwing weapons

The other guy is definitely Chris' co-op partner, every other grunt in his sequences is wearing a mask.

The eyes along with Chris' quote about it regenerating makes me think of the G-virus

Three things

1. Baldy does have a pistol equipped.

2. The overall design here looks like a cross between a bandersnatch and a leech zombie.

3. The enemy is wearing a mask.

That palm strike is totally one of Weskers old moves.

Looks just like Alexia/Nosferatu, probably the T-Veronica virus.

New guy in the same environment that Chris goes to later in the trailer. I'm guessing Russia.

More masks.

Suspicious virus lines on new guys neck.

Masked bad guys injecting some virus into them, probably creating the bandersnatch looking guys.

One of Chris' buddies spontaneously bursts into flames, which reminds me of T-Veronica.

Chris clearly in the same area as new guy.

Even more masks.

New guy in China, catches Ashley on the motorcycle.

No clue here, just thought it was cool and wanted a better look. Leons inside the church that he was facing the naked zombies outside though, in the earlier shot where he kicks some.

Zombie dogs are back!

Again, no idea what this is, but wanted a better look. Maybe a mutation of that large, mutated Gigante looking thing?

Translation of a Japanese RE6 interview stream has some info:

cvxfreak is translating
No prob.

Also, if anybody's wondering why Capcom insisted on keeping RE6 in the vein of the action-oriented RE5, that's because it was the highest and fastest selling RE game in the franchise (@ roughly 5.7 million units), not to mention Capcom's 2nd best-selling game overall.

Thats because it was on the 360 and PS3. The others were PS2 exclusive, Gamecube exclusive, aside from RE4. No game was ever on xbox.

And seeing as RE4 inspired gears of war, Gears of war inspired RE5, it would sell tons being multi-plat.
But, the baldish guy... Could it be HUNK and Sherry? Remember, sherry was infected with the G-virus. HUNK worked for umbrella, but with Umbrella disbanded, he obviously became a mercenary.

His infection couldve been from the G-virus also?
Yeah, there's no denying RE4's influence and success, but that financial success came over a big span of time, after having been ported numerous times (Gc, PS2, PC, Wii) and price cut.

From a business perspective, RE5 was an immediate and gargantuan success for Capcom right out of the gate.

However, I'm willing to bet a lot of those sales were from thoe residual good-will fans had for RE4.
But, the baldish guy... Could it be HUNK and Sherry? Remember, sherry was infected with the G-virus. HUNK worked for umbrella, but with Umbrella disbanded, he obviously became a mercenary.

His infection couldve been from the G-virus also?

Definitely not HUNK. HUNK looks nothing like that guy (HUNK has platinum blonde hair, more older too).

I say it's Alex Wesker, final answer :lecture