Resident Evil 6

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I still need to eventually get the Wesker, Chris, and Jill from RE5...then all these awesome ones from wallet's going to hate me
HT's hates RE fans.... Lol jk! Yeah hopefully soon!

Haha after the ____ ton of RE5 stuff they gave us im guessing RE is up there with batman and ironman in terms of HT's prioritys. No doubt that neca and Square enix will give us figures aswell. RE is always a heavy hitter in the figure market no doubt. I really am interest in that big guy who is chasing the mercenary aswell.
Wish Silent Hill got this much attention. Wish I 'got' the RE series....honestly, seems a little lame to me

New RE is lame by old RE's standards, though sadly, that applies to SH as well, though for entirely different reasons. The way I see it, both series as we knew them are no more, replaced by crude substitutes.

If SH turned into a third-person shooter with a cover system, sliding and explosions every 5 minutes, how would you feel about that compromise if it meant more attention?
I prefer classic style Resident Evil too, but I don't think we'll ever get a game like that in the series again. I don't hate these new games, though. It took some getting used to when Resident Evil 4 first came out, but I've come to enjoy them. From the trailer, this one looks to be the most action oriented one yet, though.
Yeah, as long as I keep my expectations in check, I like the "new" Resident Evil just fine.

At least Capcom seems to understand exactly what they want to do with the series. I can't say the same about Konami and Silent Hill.
My last Silent Hill game was 3, but those first three games were fantastic. I never played The Room or Homecoming.
in all honesty I thought it was better with RE4 gameplay. I always hated the controls of the old RE im sorry but they just where way to hard to control. I was 15 when i beat resident evil 4 and then found out how much I loved it compared to the older games. The real reason I despise RE5 is becuase it was beasically RE 4.5 but with chris and sheva. They change the atmosphere and tried to make it more action. This game from what I've seen has a mixture of both which I love. Chris has ORC style and Leon is RE4 style.

Ps never played silent hill but looking forward to that new game.
I love old Resident Evil gameplay. I played it so much I got to the point where I could kill the Tyrant in the lab with the knife. I think Code Veronica is still my personal favorite of all of them.
Both games just aren't what they used to be anymore. One seems to have found direction and one is struggling...that being SH.

I liked Homecoming and shattered memories, and I'm really looking forward to Downpour...I hope it does needs too. RPD Leon would be sold and that money would buy that bad boy


Definitely would be adding RE6 Leon to the collection...I could never get rid of my babies :lol
Still hoping they'll re-do RE2/RE4 Leon with a new head sculpt. That old one is going to look so outdated next to the new RE6 Leon.

That...and also because I sold off my Leon figures long ago. :(