Resident Evil 6

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I do. I'm not a big fan of the inventory system in Resident Evil 5. I thought it was done a lot better in 4 out of the two action style Resident Evil games. The inventory boxes and typewriter's are my personal favorite. I thought the inventory system in Resident Evil 0 was pretty interesting where you could just drop items in rooms and come back to them later.
Who else misses the type writers and item boxes?

Me...Though the item boxes sort of made a comeback in RE5, just at the end of levels etc. I hated not being able to store things in RE4.

Type writers though...I miss em. They actually helped increase the tense moments.

You step into a room, see a monster you don't have enough ammo to kill, and then there's the brief second where you think, "oh crap...when did I save last..." and the survival stakes go up a notch. I don't much care for checkpoints in survival horror games because it defeats that entirely.

I do. I'm not a big fan of the inventory system in Resident Evil 5. I thought it was done a lot better in 4 out of the two action style Resident Evil games. The inventory boxes and typewriter's are my personal favorite. I thought the inventory system in Resident Evil 0 was pretty interesting where you could just drop items in rooms and come back to them later.

Yeah, I really liked RE0's inventory system. It could do with some refining, but i liked it. Item boxes still my preference.
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In RE3 Nemesis I would hide in the safe rooms see if nemesis would go away. Lol it made it more scarier cause I didn't know which way he would come charging from. Plus, his theme music didn't help! Ah the suspense.
I found the RE5 inventory system to be There wasn't much detail put into it...I'd like to see a better system in RE6..and more melee options please :D
Classic Resident Evil controls are like second nature to me. I can pick it up and play it with no problem. Same goes for Resident Evil 4. The new setup they had for 5 messed with my mind, though. I had to set it up with the Resident Evil 4 style control scheme and then everything was fine again.

I tried playing Resident Evil 1 on my Game Cube a month ago and I find the Tank control system impossible now ! :gah:

I'm hoping Resi 6 is going to have various styles of gameplay, hopefully everyone will get something their happy with. 600 people in the developer team involved, hope it's got a good direction to it !
Same with a few others here, the tank controls are second nature to me. I can weave through zombies with no effort.
Doesn't COD get a new game every month? Why can't they just leave that crowd with their stupid game and $15.00 maps.
Because twelve year olds and gamers with no variety made it extremely popular. Cod is like the twilight of gaming it's nothing new but people go crazy for it
Yeah,trying to attract Call of Duty fans by changing the Resident Evil series even further is the exact opposite of what I want.
Yeah,trying to attract Call of Duty fans by changing the Resident Evil series even further is the exact opposite of what I want.
I've played COD a couple times and thought it was lame.
And it has by far the most ____ing annoying fan base of anything ever.
If you ever see somebody being a jackass about most any subject on youtube.
and you go to their profile...Almost without a doubt.
They have COD video's either favorited or uploaded.:rotfl

Wasn't there this same kind of talk with halo 4?
Trying to attract the COD crowd?
I thought COD games were for hardcore gamers or jocks or something. Lol I'm so confused... I seriously thought jerks only played those game to owned noobs or kids. I've been wrong all this time. :mad:
Because twelve year olds and gamers with no variety made it extremely popular. Cod is like the twilight of gaming it's nothing new but people go crazy for it

Hey Hey HEY! Calm down! You used to be twelve too. Imagine what senior citizens think of people our age :lol

Soon Activision is going to rule the world. And anybody who tries to create an individual identity for themselves will be squashed quickly and effortlessly. All Hail the king!
Soon Activision is going to rule the world. And anybody who tries to create an individual identity for themselves will be squashed quickly and effortlessly. All Hail the king!

Not if Electronic Arts and Rockstar games can beat them to it...