Resident Evil 6

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Other than Sheva havibg stupid AI at times shes very cool.

The first empowering black Female playable character in games according to my memory
Oh gawd Sheva pissed me off!!! :rotfl All she would ever do is run off to die. Then I'd have to start the hole damn sequence over and over again. :gah:

She is the reason RE5 sucks,...or one of them...
Same here. If you yell "Come on" she's a bit more passive with her attacks whereas if you yell "Go" she goes in thinking she has infinite ammo. As others have stated, give her a machine gun and she actually conserves ammo really well.
I like Sheva better. She was easier to move while chris was so slow and bulky
What difficulty did you guys play on? I played on hard and she would constantly run into enemies, get stuck, and die. I't been a while since I played but whatever that red circle thing is that pops up and tells you your partner is in danger would pop up all the time.

She was RETARDED! :slap

Graphics were great though! :lol
The only problem i had with sheva is that she always shot me in the back instead of shooting at the enemies.
What difficulty did you guys play on? I played on hard and she would constantly run into enemies, get stuck, and die. I't been a while since I played but whatever that red circle thing is that pops up and tells you your partner is in danger would pop up all the time.

She was RETARDED! :slap

Graphics were great though! :lol

AI controlled partners are clunky at times but it was never un-playable. I played on all difficulties and only Pro gave me problems cause Sheva (or Chris if I was playing as Sheva) would be put in a dying state in one hit and you only have an instant to heal your partner. I expirenced the same problems with Josh in the last part of Desperate Escape on Pro as well. On all other difficulties, I never had much problems with the AI even without the use of fully upgraded weapons or infinite ammo.
I know a lot of people had problems with her, but I'm glad to hear that you guys handled it okay. It wasn't unplayable by any means. Just somewhat frustrating. Specially the further I got in the campaign.
What difficulty did you guys play on? I played on hard and she would constantly run into enemies, get stuck, and die. I't been a while since I played but whatever that red circle thing is that pops up and tells you your partner is in danger would pop up all the time.

She was RETARDED! :slap

Graphics were great though! :lol

Better question:

Which version did you played RE5, PS3 or 360??

I heard in many forums that the PS3 version had serious problems with sheva's AI.. I have beaten RE5 on hard mode (3 times I think) and never had a single AI problem you mentioned with her (360 version) :dunno

In fact, she saved me many times of an imminent death and the only problem I had is that she spent many bullets, but otherwise...
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Better question:

Which version did you played RE5, PS3 or 360??

I heard in many forums that the PS3 version had serious problems with sheva's AI.. I have beaten RE5 on hard mode (3 times I think) and never had a single AI problem you mentioned with her (360 version) :dunno

In fact, she saved me many times of an imminent death :lecture

Played on the 360. Watch this awesome RE5 review by Acorn Cinema

Basically agree with everything he says. Sentence that sums it up "Sheva will actively run into the enemy..."
But what I really HATE is the boss fight with Ndesu on Pro mode while playing with the AI! :gah:
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After I got the platinum trophy I don't ever play SL anymore. LMAO I only play the extras. :lol I hate the levels starting at the mines all the way through ancient ruins[Leave the tombs to Tomb Raider and Uncharted]. Those levels are BORING!!! I like the town at the beginning of the game and the lab areas.
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The beginning in the town was cool. I think it would have been better, and a whole lot scarier at night though. Actually some daylight gameplay doesn't bug me as long as they include the night portions as well. Unfortunately daylight made up 98% of the outdoor gameplay.

The lab areas towards the end were some of my favorite backdrops. I think because it actually started to remind me of the old RE games. It felt familiar. You know?

I honestly have the highest of hopes for RE6. I know we'll have partners but I'm thinking positively until Capcom proves me wrong.

Why can't they do what RE2 did, and just have us play as the partners seperately. I wouldn't even mind switching characters a couple of times through the campaign. Another thing they did in RE2.

If that would mean not dealing with broken AI.