Resident Evil 6

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what ? dragons dogma ? as if im buying that game. Why cant we download the demo like everthing else.
Just completed RE-0. Pretty weak in my opinion. Marcus was fairly un-interesting. Controls were very slow and everything was like, green/grey for some reason. Billy is crap and the AI was terrible " i miss sheva! " yet again.

And the game overall felt very short too. Or small. With the over the top back tracking between partners and item dropping trying to fill it out. I did enjoy the cut scenes though and the Birkin/Wesker stuff was great. But there should of been a bit more Wesker considering he is a big player for the very next game. Was nice to see him put on his STARS outfit though and tell Birkin his RE-1 plan. And i didnt die once!

Ah Well, i might start on remake shortly!
I hope so. Its got some pretty big expectations to live up to after all the praise i have been reading!

I did enjoy RE-0. Its just not in the top bunch of RE games.
I will say that while Remake is great, and from what I've heard it is the definitive version that Capcom imagined for the original game, in a few ways, I enjoyed the PS1 original over the remake.

I never did beat RE-0
Just completed RE-0. Pretty weak in my opinion. Marcus was fairly un-interesting. Controls were very slow and everything was like, green/grey for some reason. Billy is crap and the AI was terrible " i miss sheva! " yet again.

And the game overall felt very short too. Or small. With the over the top back tracking between partners and item dropping trying to fill it out. I did enjoy the cut scenes though and the Birkin/Wesker stuff was great. But there should of been a bit more Wesker considering he is a big player for the very next game. Was nice to see him put on his STARS outfit though and tell Birkin his RE-1 plan. And i didnt die once!

Ah Well, i might start on remake shortly!

I quite enjoyed Zero, but that was because I played REmake first.

Zero I thought, gave a brilliant display of what would've been happening at the Spencer Mansion. I mean, you see more areas, more chaos which ensued. I felt the training facility was a much darker place, the torture area, the teaching area. You could imagine the teaching room on the first floor for example housing umbrella scientists, the ones who created the virus in the first place, who researched it. it was like going to one of the origins of the outbreak. I loved the atmosphere of the game.

I love seeing what happened to Bravo team, all the S.T.A.R.S members I liked, even if they died straight away. I loved the lab facility being THE facility that you goto in RE2 (the cable car on the lift, where you fight birkin and leave Sherry in the safe room). I like taking on the failed Tyrant experiment.

I liked the AI too, I thought it was better than RE5. I mean, it was more responsive, and the character never died once on me, chose the right weapon, didnt waste Ammunition and backed me up spot on.

And lets not forget some of the best music tracks in Resident Evil like this one;

The AI for me was tripe. He/She hardly EVER shot at the bad guys. But i did like the overall feel of the game. And the back ground.

ive played about a hour of Remake. its good. The only thing im missing is the original score for it.

But damn its scary. After you have played the original like, 10+ times start to end. You walk into a room and you are comfortable then something pops up and takes you by surprise. Then theres new areas. I think its more scary playing this after the original rather than nothing at all. Because i was comfortable pulling the plug on a bath because nothing happened... then a zombie came out.
The AI for me was tripe. He/She hardly EVER shot at the bad guys. But i did like the overall feel of the game. And the back ground.

ive played about a hour of Remake. its good. The only thing im missing is the original score for it.

But damn its scary. After you have played the original like, 10+ times start to end. You walk into a room and you are comfortable then something pops up and takes you by surprise. Then theres new areas. I think its more scary playing this after the original rather than nothing at all. Because i was comfortable pulling the plug on a bath because nothing happened... then a zombie came out.

It does have the original score for the most part, but remixed to sound even more creepy. Unless by "original" you mean the Director's Cut, which had horrible music in comparison.
The AI for me was tripe. He/She hardly EVER shot at the bad guys. But i did like the overall feel of the game. And the back ground.

ive played about a hour of Remake. its good. The only thing im missing is the original score for it.

But damn its scary. After you have played the original like, 10+ times start to end. You walk into a room and you are comfortable then something pops up and takes you by surprise. Then theres new areas. I think its more scary playing this after the original rather than nothing at all. Because i was comfortable pulling the plug on a bath because nothing happened... then a zombie came out.

For me, REmake is the pinnacle. I mean, Crimson heads were terrifying.

So why dont they take the RE4 over the shoulder style and apply it to REmake. That would be perfect in my eyes to bring the game forward, faster, say umbrella figured out how to skip to the V-ACT stage of mutation. Would be immense.

And I love the enemies in REmake. Yawn, Black Tiger, Plant 42 and Fi-03 Neptune are awsome.

And this is my favourite track from all the RE soundtracks (aside from Outbreaks rendition of 'into the unknown'


The music alone, scares the ____e out of me.
And, I remember on the Bravo tv channel they used to have a videogame television programme, and they showed this trailer.

it scarred me for life. It really did scare me to death. I was only like, 10 when the trailer was released, and I played the original when I was 6 and that scared me....

It does have the original score for the most part, but remixed to sound even more creepy. Unless by "original" you mean the Director's Cut, which had horrible music in comparison.

The initial Directors Cut release had the same music. It was the dual shock version of the directors cut that had the horrible music.
The initial Directors Cut release had the same music. It was the dual shock version of the directors cut that had the horrible music.

Yeah that's right, glad you were here to correct me. Couldn't remember if it was just the Dual Shock Version or not :slap
And, I remember on the Bravo tv channel they used to have a videogame television programme, and they showed this trailer.

it scarred me for life. It really did scare me to death. I was only like, 10 when the trailer was released, and I played the original when I was 6 and that scared me....

Ahh, bittersweet memories. Makes me sad. Forlorn.
