Resident Evil: Retribution

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I personally dont mind that is not like the games that much, what bothers me is how much potential they have, and how boring they get, RE3 and 4 are snooze fests, there is action in 3, but it gets silly, 4 is just a mess all around, super boring

Re-read the post you quoted. I'm lookin' at you, blackmask! :nono :lol

TDK was convoluted as ____ almost to the point of being confusing and the main antagonist was an effort in schizophrenia (it was supposed to be Dent, but everything else tells you it's Joker - and for a Batman movie, Batman has almost no character development). TDKR looks to follow suit with too many baddies, a Bane that looks completely nonthreatening and couldn't be further from the source material and a fugly Catwoman with dogfaced Hathaway trying her damnedest to pull off a Julie Newmar look rather unsuccessfully.
Have you played these games before? Are you a fan of RE ?

I was a HUGE fan of the games until they ditched the zombies in RE4 (as I've already stated). I bought RE1 for the Sega Saturn when it was released, for Christ's sake, and have been a RE fan ever since. :lol I love RE enough to have commissioned Nemesis from Ski (which if you're on the list, you're welcome). Do you see me trolling the RE4 and RE5 threads with how much I hate the new, non-zombie games?
Paul Anderson has been on a suck streak for a while. I don't know why he can't go back to Event Horizon style stuff.
I was a HUGE fan of the games until they ditched the zombies in RE4 (as I've already stated). I bought RE1 for the Sega CD when it was released, for Christ's sake, and have been a RE fan ever since. :lol I love RE enough to have commissioned Nemesis from Ski (which if you're on the list, you're welcome). Do you see me trolling the RE4 and RE5 threads with how much I hate the new, non-zombie games?

Not trolling but giving criticism. 4and5 may have strayed far from what made re great but in the end they still kept creepy elements and kept gamers engaged. Things change over time. Re5 was panned by fans because it was more action than horror but still managed to sell slot of copy's . Even though it wasn't as good as the older ones it still tried to be re while adding new elements. With these movies we have matrix style fighting, nazi zombies on bikes, and a gigantic licker. Just like with spidey and batman I don't agree with most things. Some of my favorite characters are being portrayed in these movies so I feel I have every right to show concern. Say whatever you want but its hard seeing something you like handled improperly.
Re-read the post you quoted. I'm lookin' at you, blackmask! :nono :lol

TDK was convoluted as ____ almost to the point of being confusing and the main antagonist was an effort in schizophrenia (it was supposed to be Dent, but everything else tells you it's Joker - and for a Batman movie, Batman has almost no character development). TDKR looks to follow suit with too many baddies, a Bane that looks completely nonthreatening and couldn't be further from the source material and a fugly Catwoman with dogfaced Hathaway trying her damnedest to pull off a Julie Newmar look rather unsuccessfully.

how can you compare RE with dark knight? what is wrong with you? :stick
Not trolling but giving criticism. 4and5 may have strayed far from what made re great but in the end they still kept creepy elements and kept gamers engaged. Things change over time. Re5 was panned by fans because it was more action than horror but still managed to sell slot of copy's . Even though it wasn't as good as the older ones it still tried to be re while adding new elements. With these movies we have matrix style fighting, nazi zombies on bikes, and a gigantic licker. Just like with spidey and batman I don't agree with most things. Some of my favorite characters are being portrayed in these movies so I feel I have every right to show concern. Say whatever you want but its hard seeing something you like handled improperly.

So by your rational, you should now shut the ____ up in the Spider-Man thread then when people want to criticize what they've seen so far in the trailers, right? Otherwise, you're a total ____ing hypocrite since you get bent every time someone posts something negative in that thread.

how can you compare RE with dark knight? what is wrong with you? :stick

Merely pointing out your hypocrisy good sir. :nana: :lol
Merely pointing out your hypocrisy good sir. :nana: :lol

how? What hypocrisy? I said myself, I like AVP and AVPR and they are S__ movies, Im not going to sit here and pretend they are good movies, I like them, but I can be honest with myself,
The Dark Knight is a really good movie, almost everyone likes it, i still dont see what youre talking about Nam,
how? What hypocrisy? I said myself, I like AVP and AVPR and they are S__ movies, Im not going to sit here and pretend they are good movies, I like them, but I can be honest with myself,
The Dark Knight is a really good movie, almost everyone likes it, i still dont see what youre talking about Nam,

:lol Granted, like me, you've kept it on the playful side (unlike iwezmybed20), but you have a long winded rebuttle post for just about every negative post in the TDKR thread, upto and including the critique about the woof (Hathaway).

As far as TDK, I enjoyed it in the same light as I enjoyed these movies; as mindless self-indulgence (good band BTW). I hated the fact that Nolan killed off Dent and that the Joker was in it and despised even more how Nolan took away the white skin in favor of him looking like a homeless crack whore. Joker's presence in the movie as well as Scarecrow and all the press about Joker made the movie so ____ing thick it didn't flow consistently. Now you can choose to ignore all of that, and you probably will, but that's not the sign of a good movie.
I said this before and I say it again,
I LOVED Resident Evil1 and Resident Evil 2, I really loved those movies, I had a really good time in the theaters, they were great for me, the first one was great at building suspense and making the zombies a real threat.
the second one had Jill (which, OMG she was so hot) and Nemesis, it was really cool, then Alice became SUPERMAN, and then the clones, then nothing makes sense anymore,
I think my hatred for RE3 and 4 is so great is because I really enjoyed 1 and 2, and I wish they didn't crap on the franchise, I KNOW you are going to say TWO FACE is not realistic Nam LOL, but this is different, RE went from 2 to 3 in a total 180 degree turn, it became silly, I don't know, it was just not the same, it went too far with Alice Powers (I am aware she had powers in the second one, but they were not ridiculous like in 3 )
I liked the second one for the most part and I though Wesker was alright in the fourth one besides the monster mouth. I'm sure I'll see this one as well, but I never go into these movies expecting anything spectacular and amazing. It would be unwise to do so.

I wouldn't mind seeing the series rebooted some day with the whole mansion incident from the perspective of Chris/Jill with Wesker as the villain.
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you guys dont need to defend yourselves for liking a movie, comic, toys, etc others don't like. We all like different things. We all have our own tastes.

I enjoy RE movies a lot. I love Milla. The movies are fun for me. Does it matter what others on Freaks think? Not in the least....

You guys go on and on about nothing....who cares...Just enjoy what you like.


I'm interested in seeing this one. While I don't think the previous movies are awesome, I do find them enjoyable.

Plus the new actor they got for Leon :love
So by your rational, you should now shut the ____ up in the Spider-Man thread then when people want to criticize what they've seen so far in the trailers, right? Otherwise, you're a total ____ing hypocrite since you get bent every time someone posts something negative in that thread.

Merely pointing out your hypocrisy good sir. :nana: :lol

Lol whose mad ? Spiderman unlike resident evil is sticking to its source material. people were hating on it it for all the wrong reason's. they hated on it for being a reboot and hated on it for the actor even tho the movie never came out yet. And dont ____ing tell me to shut the ____ up I'll say what i want. Your not my real mom.:lecture. Dont get ________ just becuase I pointed out what I didnt like deal with it or gtfo. Isnt that what you said. I'm not gonna be the bad guy so Im done discussing this. The posters were fake anyway so it doesnt matter.
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For me, there is a marked difference between a good film and a good movie.
A film has got some greater meaning to it that raises it above most other movies ; it can be entertaining but often is more mentally stimulating than traditionally entertaining. Examples- City of Life and Death, The Tree of Life, There Will Be Blood, Depatures
A movie simply satisfies some basic need without needing a greater meaning to it. Examples - Transformers, Tremors, Resident Evil, Underworld, Taken, Marvel movies
A great film can be a bad movie as well as vice verses. Sometimes they cross and those are the timeless greats (Citizen Kane, Lawrence of Arabia, Blade Runner, etc).

I watch and buy movies according to what I feel best satisfies the motion picture need I am craving at the time. If I want to be mentally engaged, I'll pop in something like Apocalypse Now or The Fountain. If I want to watch a mindless action movie, I'll pop in The Rock or an Iron Man movie.

They are not typically held in accord with each other, but I do recognize the needs they fill and which ones are the best to fill my need. A comedy that doesn't make me laugh or a drama that does not elicit an emotional response from me are failures of a film/movie for me.

For me, the Resident Evil series are very entertaining movies but they are also extremely terrible films. As such, everyone defines what and why they enjoy things differently and there is no real reason to argue about it. I do not think an opinion should be formed from just a trailer though and judgement should be held until the person actually sees the movie.

In summary, people like what they like so don't argue about it and until you see the actual movie, either don't pass judgement on it or if you feel the need to express your opinion, just give it second and try thinking beforehand if it really needs to be shared or if you should just shut the **** up for everyone's sake.
WHOA O_O Lets be cool guys. Lets just be cool with each other and love life/figures/movies/games etc. :hi5: :)

....I hope this works :pray:
Lol whose mad ? Spiderman unlike resident evil is sticking to its source material. people were hating on it it for all the wrong reason's. they hated on it for being a reboot and hated on it for the actor even tho the movie never came out yet. And dont ____ing tell me to shut the ____ up I'll say what i want. Your not my real mom.:lecture. Dont get ________ just becuase I pointed out what I didnt like deal with it or gtfo. Isnt that what you said. I'm not gonna be the bad guy so Im done discussing this. The posters were fake anyway so it doesnt matter.

When was Spider-Man genetically engineered? Oh, that's right, NEVER! When did Peter parker's parents leave secrets for him? Oh, that's right, NEVER! People hate on Spider-Man 3 and 2 for Peter having his mask off for half the movie but from what we've seen, well, he has his mask off half the time in the previews for this new one. Don't even get me started on the basketball unitard. You don't have a right to say people were hating on it for "all the wrong reasons." To them, their reasons are just as right as your reasoning here. Just like you say you have a right to hate on RE, you should extend that same right to others in the Spider-Man thread. Yet, you cry here when challenged about your negativity and hate on people who post negativity in the Spider-Man thread. Yeah, there's a word for people like that, it's hypocrite.