Resident Evil: Retribution

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1 spiderman wasnt genetically altered in the movie its been debunked
2 spider mans parents were agents in the comics and left peter with his aunt and uncle the same way they did in the ultimate comics after somthing came up. they were killed in a conspiricy......

O yea saying "dur this movie is to dark to be a spiderman movie" Duh why are they trying to make it like batman" Dur the lizard why is peter parker an emo kid". OOOOO yea thats opnion alright. Yea I guess its ok to bash the dark knight and spiderman but when sombody says somthing about there distaste from Resident evil its going to far ? Posters came out with nazi zombies and I showed my distaste for them. You got a problem then by all means say im wrong I dont care but dont call me names over the internet it makes me listen to linkin park.
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1 spiderman wasnt genetically altered in the movie its been debunked
2 spider mans parents were agents in the comics and left peter with his aunt and uncle the same way they did in the ultimate comics after somthing came up. they were killed in a conspiricy......

O yea saying "dur this movie is to dark to be a spiderman movie" Duh why are they trying to make it like batman" Dur the lizard why is peter parker an emo kid". OOOOO yea thats opnion alright. Yea I guess its ok to bash the dark knight and spiderman but when sombody says somthing about there distaste from Resident evil its going to far ? Posters came out with nazi zombies and I showed my distaste for them. You got a problem then by all means say im wrong I dont care but dont call me names over the internet it makes me listen to linkin park.

I thought you were smart enough to see the point. You troll people for not liking aspects of Spider-Man (as you've done in the above paragraph) in the Spider-Man thread, yet have similar (what I'd consider petty) dislikes for the RE movies and are trolling them here. But I guess you're just too immature to understand (or too lowbrow to comprehend) that what you're doing here is exactly what you're ranting at others for doing in the Spider-Man thread. :huh
Wait hold on a sec. So what your saying is that when people come in the spidey thread and post how stupid and lame the movie is when the movie isnt even out is not considered trolling but when i say my opnion on what I dont like on a series thats been around for years and how I dont like the new posters without bashing anyone or calling out the people who like them its trolling. Yea real funny. I came here and saw people getting worked up at people who dislike the movies so I added my two cents. Lord have mercy dont talk bad about RE or else its trolling but we can make as much fun to nolan batman fans and spiderman reboot movie as much as we want right ? Yea ok. Never once did I say. ". THE FANS ARE STUPID< MILLA IS A TERRIBLE ACTOR , IHATE YOU ALL.
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^ He's saying you can't _____ about people _____ing about Spider-Man, if you come in here and _____ about Resident Evil movies.
Wait hold on a sec. So what your saying is that when people come in the spidey thread and post how stupid and lame the movie is when the movie isnt even out is not considered trolling but when i say my opnion on what I dont like on a series thats been around for years and how I dont like the new posters without bashing anyone or calling out the people who like them its trolling. Yea real funny. I came here and saw people getting worked up at people who dislike the movies so I added my two cents. Lord have mercy dont talk bad about RE or else its trolling but we can make as much fun to nolan batman fans and spiderman reboot movie as much as we want right ? Yea ok. Never once did I say. ". THE FANS ARE STUPID< MILLA IS A TERRIBLE ACTOR , IHATE YOU ALL.

Hmmmm... let's have a look at your post history here....
Enough with this . As a fan of the video games I think it's fair people should show concern for a franchise using its name. I don't care how many times or how you don't like to see negativity but when I see upcoming news for this movie it makes me sick. Dont take it seriously ? Well how can I ignore it. I don't care if the freaking games have cloning and motorcycles , they still managed to be exciting in the games. I was wrong bashing this before out of pure hatred but I'm seeing a lot of " do t take it seriously bro its just a movie" . Yea say the same thing to me when they give batman magical powers and a lasso. Or making an iron man movie about a guy who collects iron on a daily basis. / ok I'm done sorry

Hardly a rant about past movies. Wouldn't you say? And then there was this:
Oooooooo gosh if this is real then I'm laughing my ass off. Do people honestly think this is acceptable ? Zombies on motorcycles . Damn wtf is wrong with these movies.

Debunked or not, you were judging THIS movie off of posters. Not past movies. But wait, there's more:
Im just sick of the whole matrix card they keep playing aswell. They keep ripping it off with the leather suits and slow motion. I mean Paul W s should really extend his talent instead of focuses.
Referencing the outfits in this flick. And yet another diss:
Jeez does he have any other movies he wants to do. I mean seriously enough is enough. Soon this franchise will surpass the Jason franchise. Milla should seriously do other movies she has good talent.:slap
Dissing the size of the new Licker in this flick:
Lickers arent that big tho

And that's just going a couple pages into your 176 posts here in this thread. So yeah, I'd say based on what's above, you're trolling assumptions about the upcoming movie, not complaining about past movies. Which honestly, would be pretty irrelevant to this thread anyway. I fail to see how this is any different (other than being more petty) than the critique Celtic was giving in the Spider-Man thread. But yet you trolled him and others there for it, despite trolling similar critique here about a move that has yet to be released. So you gonna man up to this? Or just continue to troll? Because if it's the latter, I'll be more than happy to start reporting your posts given you've already gone on record as stating every movie has sucked since the second one, upto and including this film which has yet to even be released. :lol
Well, I'll see all of the movies :)

I see the changes/problems in each franchise (though RE would have the biggest since the main character isn't from the games i guess), but it won't make me not see them...not yet. Buying them again on blu ray is an entirely different scenario (I'm looking at you Ghost Rider:Spirit of Vengeance), but i'll still see them at the movies to see if they're any good.

Plus Wesker is my favorite RE character and i have to see what they do with him in the film. I wanna see what Leon, Jill, Ada, and Barry do too.
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Hmmmm... let's have a look at your post history here....

Hardly a rant about past movies. Wouldn't you say? And then there was this:

Debunked or not, you were judging THIS movie off of posters. Not past movies. But wait, there's more:

Referencing the outfits in this flick. And yet another diss:

Dissing the size of the new Licker in this flick:

And that's just going a couple pages into your 176 posts here in this thread. So yeah, I'd say based on what's above, you're trolling assumptions about the upcoming movie, not complaining about past movies. Which honestly, would be pretty irrelevant to this thread anyway. I fail to see how this is any different (other than being more petty) than the critique Celtic was giving in the Spider-Man thread. But yet you trolled him and others there for it, despite trolling similar critique here about a move that has yet to be released. So you gonna man up to this? Or just continue to troll? Because if it's the latter, I'll be more than happy to start reporting your posts given you've already gone on record as stating every movie has sucked since the second one, upto and including this film which has yet to even be released. :lol

:rotfl. man come on now. When i said a series thats been around for years I was comparing it to the ASM. Reboot vs frachise thats been out for years. Celtic and I have been head butting for years its nothing new. Ever since avatar he's been everywhere I have been stating on how he feels. We argue and go our seperate ways. I dont know what your definition of trolling is but its when people constanly bash on somthing without knowing about it or backing it up. Ala spiderman. Didnt troll RE at all. Gave my two cents. i've seen every movie. So what. report me. After all the ____ you do here I'm surprised nobody has reported you but since there your friends or whatever they let it go. I'll admit that the stuff I did in the past was unexceptable but I grew up and admited I was wrong and I even did that in the post you quoted.
Why dont you let it go:wave and forget about it.
All he's saying is, you can complain all you want about these flicks, as long as you stop bugging me whenever I call ASM a worthless, useless, pointless product, you can't give me any lip about that. :D
All he's saying is, you can complain all you want about these flicks, as long as you stop bugging me whenever I call ASM a worthless, useless, pointless product, you can't give me any lip about that. :D

I dont even remeber arguing with you to be honest. We argue all the time on here. mostly its just a back and forth traditional thing since 2009. Now you can can come back to me when you catch me saying crap like before but im trying to be subtle as possible. Spiderman is a new fresh reboot and this is a franchise thats been milking for years. So its ok for people to hate on everything but RE here I suppose. Since people give hell to the batman and ironman fans all the time.
You're still not understanding our point.

_____ about RE. But don't get mad at anyone for _____ing about Spider-Man,
You're still not understanding our point.

_____ about RE. But don't get mad at anyone for _____ing about Spider-Man,

No No I understand. Hey lets bash on spidey endlessly even though the movie isnt out yet.
Why dont you wait until the movie is out before you judge
OmG your trolling

(the spiderman reboot franchise unlike RE hasnt even started yet but its ok to bash and troll in the thread but with RE ooo boy thats a step to far.)

Even with batman. But i guess this isnt really trolling I guess right
"HAHA Bane looks like a midget, catwomen is ugly, batman is nothing compared the avengers"

Fake poster for RE movie come out with ridiculous looking settings and spoilers of whats to come. Showing how ridiculous its gone. (as a fan of RE I show my discomfort.)
"Damn why put chainsaw mortorcycle zombies in this movie what is wrong with Paul"
(People dont really like that)

"All you have to do is turn your brain off and it will all just be a silly movie "

"But it still looks stupid"

"D'oh Alright that does it mister YOUUU are tra oooo lin."

Spiderman comes out with good trailers and decent looking posters

"Omg his eyes are yellow" O knows he looks like a basketball" Why is this movie so dark" But that aint trollin. nah thats just showing opnion right ? Yea it is.

Yea I get you guys:wink1:
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the only reason i hate RE3 and RE4 is because they became too ridiculous, like, beyond regular ridiculous, thats the only the other problem i have, superman alice, nothing can beat her, she really is suerman ( i hate superman too because of this reason by the way) this movie sadly looks like is heading in that direction, i will watch it, i am curious what they do,
All he's saying is, you can complain all you want about these flicks, as long as you stop bugging me whenever I call ASM a worthless, useless, pointless product, you can't give me any lip about that. :D

:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly:

No No I understand. Hey lets bash on spidey endlessly even though the movie isnt out yet.
Why dont you wait until the movie is out before you judge
OmG your trolling

:nono No no, you clearly don't. Novel concept Mr. Hypocrite, but why don't you take your own ____ing advice and wait until the movie's out before you judge and "OmG" troll? Retribution isn't even out yet. :huh
the only reason i hate RE3 and RE4 is because they became too ridiculous, like, beyond regular ridiculous, thats the only the other problem i have, superman alice, nothing can beat her, she really is suerman ( i hate superman too because of this reason by the way) this movie sadly looks like is heading in that direction, i will watch it, i am curious what they do,

Yeah, Extinction was definitely a departure with the post-apocalyptic environment and Alice's ... ahem .... abilities. :lol Good news is they've toned them way down in the last one and likely this one too. There'll always be the silly, hyper-realistic stunts, but honestly, that's part of the appeal to me. As long as they keep making these, I'll definitely keep supporting them.
Just so everyone knows the posters aren't "fake" in the sense that they were fan created or something. The posters are concepts that were made by a design company to present to Sony for them to choose what type of theme they want for the official theater posters to be mass produced later.

Everything in the posters are from production stills from the new movie mixed with elements created by the company that made them.
:lecture:lecture:lecture :exactly:

:nono No no, you clearly don't. Novel concept Mr. Hypocrite, but why don't you take your own ____ing advice and wait until the movie's out before you judge and "OmG" troll? Retribution isn't even out yet. :huh

What part of franchise over a reboot movie that's taking a new direction don't you get? Why are you still replying? Why don't you follow your advice and shut up and deal with it.
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What part of franchise that's been out for Years don't you get? Novel concept my ass

What part of hypocrite don't you get? Just because there're 4 films prior to this one, doesn't change the fact that you're whining about aspects of a film that's not even out yet (refer back to my post quoting your trolling), but belittling everybody who's doing the same in the Spider-Man thread.
What part of hypocrite don't you get? Just because there're 4 films prior to this one, doesn't change the fact that you're whining about aspects of a film that's not even out yet (refer back to my post quoting your trolling), but belittling everybody who's doing the same in the Spider-Man thread.

O yea cuz tight leather in a post apocalyptic world is defiantly a step in a different direction right . Yea let's fill the spidey thread with negativity and lets give RE no complaints at all. With every new poster that's out lets all show our enjoyment. But wait what's that? Posters and trailers came out for tdkr and tasm? People show distaste for them, they are panned, they explain how the deviate from the source material and such. There not trolls nah there just angry people who can't wait to see the movie. But it's all good if nam approves of this. Get outta here wit all that. I've been here for along time and I know how biased people can be. If someone were to have a debate on how spiderman isn't good In there eyes then that's fine with me. Saying o it's complete garbage it's terrible is ____ing trolling.
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O yea cuz tight leather in a post apocalyptic world is defiantly a step in a different direction right . Yea let's fill the spidey thread with negativity and lets give RE no complaints at all. With every new poster that's out lets all show our enjoyment. But wait what's that? Posters and trailers came out for tdkr and tasm? People show distaste for them, they are panned, they explain how the deviate from the source material and such. There not trolls nah there just angry people who can't wait to see the movie. But it's all good if nam approves of this. Get outta here wit all that. I've been here for along time and I know how biased people can be. If someone were to have a debate on how spiderman isn't good In there eyes then that's fine with me. Saying o it's complete garbage it's terrible is ____ing trolling.

But that's exactly what you're saying about this movie. And it's not even out yet. So, by your own definition, trolling reported. :wave