Resident Evil: Retribution

Collector Freaks Forum

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Again you replyed towards me. I don't want an argument. They reply to me and say I'm wrong when I voice things out. Those post were along time ago and if you read them than you know I was wrong. I see people complain (mainly you) about how much certain movies are bad but yet it's wrong when I do it right. Just because you like it it's wrong. I like re so I have a right to voice my opinion on things. People hate that. It's not trolling. Most of those post are arguments.

My point is your hypocrisy though. You justify doing it here, yet troll those who do EXACTLY what you're doing here, in the Spider-Man thread. You're just too narrow minded to understand that their thoughts on Spider-Man are just as important and justified to them as your trolling here about RE: Retribution is to you. :huh
Yea I get it buddy. Saying how Andrew Garfield sucks as an actor and saying how the movie is bad and won't compare to avengers is justified right. Maybe your just to blind to see that that's trolling! It's not option it's bashing. Something I didn't do in here for awhile.
Yea I get it buddy. Saying how Andrew Garfield sucks as an actor and saying how the movie is bad and won't compare to avengers is justified right. Maybe your just to blind to see that that's trolling! It's not option it's bashing. Something I didn't do in here for awhile.

If that's someone's opinion of the actor, what right do you have to tell them otherwise? You might be totally gay for Garfield and ready to bear his children, completely disagreeing with them, but that would only make your opinion just as subjective as theirs and no less/more important. And again, you've been trolling this thread since July 28th, 2011, with your disdain for the film franchise to the tune of 190 posts and 2nd highest ranking in post counts in this thread. Proof is right here!

:mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha
Ok so what right do you have to tell me I'm wrong and that I'm trolling then. Maybe you got some hard on for batman since your constantly in that thread bashing at every little thing that comes out. That's ok tho because it's cool to be biased toward stuff. I don't give a damn if I'm second or whatever . Who cares lol.
Ok so what right do you have to tell me I'm wrong and that I'm trolling then. Maybe you got some hard on for batman since your constantly in that thread bashing at every little thing that comes out. That's ok tho because it's cool to be biased toward stuff. I don't give a damn if I'm second or whatever . Who cares lol.

Once again, the very essence of my posting is over your head. Must be the aerodynamics off of that thick brow.

how did you see that? how can you see who posted? :monkey1 that is news to me

Mad Ninja Skills, brah! :naughty
Whatever you say buddy. I won't comment on this thread anymore and if I ever do then call me out as much as you want.

Anybody see the news about the guy eating the dudes face off? Pcp ? I think not.
how did you see that? how can you see who posted? :monkey1 that is news to me

Mad Ninja Skills, brah! :naughty


blackmask - if you look at the index page for the section, in the Replies column, click the number and it will give you a list of everyone who posted and how many posts they have in descending order.

It's very helpful. I usually check HT threads to see how much Nova is crying in them before I enter.
LOL Stop lying to yourself Iron. You'll be back when either the full trailer is released or pictures.

Just have restraint from posting in here. We won't miss you. :)
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Whatever you say buddy. I won't comment on this thread anymore and if I ever do then call me out as much as you want.

Anybody see the news about the guy eating the dudes face off? Pcp ? I think not.

You can.





It can.



Negative, if you want.




Tell me.

To stop.

Being negative.



Spider-Man thread.



Like it.

Good lord. Why is this concept so hard to get. :lol

blackmask - if you look at the index page for the section, in the Replies column, click the number and it will give you a list of everyone who posted and how many posts they have in descending order.

It's very helpful. I usually check HT threads to see how much Nova is crying in them before I enter.

wow, mind exploded

thanks :hi5:
LOL Stop lying to yourself Iron. You'll be back when either the full trailer is released or pictures.

Juts have restraint from posting in here. We won't miss you. :)

Glad cuz the feelings mutual .and ok Celtic I'll do my best to go in the Prometheus thread and show how much I dislike the movie.
YOU CAN DO THAT IF YOU WANT TOO. BUt you can't tell me to go away if I bash Spider-Man for being lame. :lol

It's a simple, simple, simple concept.

I can go into the Spider-Man thread and say "What a pointless film".

But I can't tell someone, and wont, who comes into the Transformers thread and calls it the worst thing ever made by a human, to leave.

Now, i'll argue with him. Which is fine. That's how it works. But he's just as entitled to stay there as I am.
FYI you can join a RE forum there's tons of them that hate the films. You can post all you want in those.
Ok so I have every right to do the same thing here then. Since its ok for you to do it in other threads.
YES. You just can't be a hypocrite about it like Nam said. :lol

Well, that took 12 hours.

*packs bags, hitches a taxi, flies to spain*