Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16)
Guess the Death Star blew itself up.
Okay. Luke is useless and inadequate in ANH
Guess the Death Star blew itself up.
Okay. Luke is useless and inadequate in ANH
Okay. Luke is useless and inadequate in ANH, that automatically makes him the farthest thing from a Gary Stu.
In short (because I can quote paragraphs and paragraphs explaining countless Mary Sue traits that Rey will fit into like a glove)... Rey is liked by everyone, can do everything required by the plot without effort, her abilities are far too exceptional even for Star Wars, has no notable weaknesses, physical, emotional or mental or traits that work against her, etc etc, that is a Mary Sue even by definition.
Exactly, hell, a major reason why TFA happens is because Luke ****ed up![]()
Rogue One will get a 110% approval rating on RT for the first time ever![]()
Compare that to Rey who would have beaten up the Sandpeople and cantina patrons single-handedly with her staff. Knows the Millennium Falcon better than Han and Chewie. Can use the force and wield a lightsaber with ease by just thinking hardabout it. Expert pilot, expert marksman. Can communicate with all droids and aliens. Gets a job offer from Han and knows pretty much everything but why she was abandoned.
Guess the Death Star blew itself up.
Luke is a **** up throughout the original movies.
- Sandpeople beat him up and knock him out (Obi-Wan saves him)
- Cantina patrons rough him up (Obi-Wan saves him)
- he almost gets blown up by Vader (until Han Solo shows up and saves him)
- Han mocks him because Luke thinks he's a hotshot pilot when he's really not
- can't deflect remote bolts, gets shot in the leg/ass which Han also mocks
- he can't communicate with R2 without a translator
- Leia saves him in a rescue mission for HER, even makes fun of him
He's whiny, vulnerable, impatient, can't lift X-Wings, gets his hand chopped off, etc. etc. In original treatments and deleted scenes he was known as "wormy" and Biggs is the only one that liked him.
Compare that to Rey who would have beaten up the Sandpeople and cantina patrons single-handedly with her staff (like she did with the Jakku thugs). Knows the Millennium Falcon better than Han and Chewie (much to Han's own surprise). Quips that she doen't need no blaster. Can use the force and wield a lightsaber with ease by just thinking hard about it. Expert pilot, expert marksman (the Troopers right before the Kylo Ren scene). Can communicate with all droids and aliens. Gets a job offer from Han and knows pretty much everything but why she was abandoned and how/why she has all these new found powers (da force is calling to her).
Guess the Death Star blew itself up.
Why so low.![]()
One great feat in the only thing he's exceptionally good at does not make a Gary Stu, when he's been ****ing up all the time before that point.
There were plenty of screw ups that happened prior to reaching some potential. He still made poor choices in ESB. Rey was perfect from the start. She knows the Falcon better than Han, is great with he lightsaber, speaks to droids, knows several languages, etc., etc., etc.,
One great feat in the only thing he's exceptionally good at does not make a Gary Stu, when he's been ****ing up all the time before that point.
Now Rey pulls off great feats in everything she does because she's exceptionally good at everything.
She is a Mary Sue.
Please explain further. I'm truly interested on your viewpoint on this. Mary Sue's (and Marty Stu's) are typically portrayed as overly perfect/idealistic characters within fan fiction. In my many watching's of any Star Wars movies there's not any characters (male or female) that struck me as Mary Sue or Marty Stu's. Especially since it's a movie universe set-up where people have special abilities (the force), can make weapons that will destroy planets, can exist as Force ghosts and so on.
Rogue One will get a 110% approval rating on RT for the first time ever
And he was still guided by Obi Wan. It's not like he was so great and confident that he just went in there like a bad ass and did it by himself.
There you go.Even with being guided Luke would've failed at Death Star had Han not saved his punk ass.
If they make her flawed and vulnerable in the sequels, she'll stop being a MS, but that won't change the fact that she's on in TFA.Yes, yes, and Rey makes poor choices in Ep 8 and 9. No one gives her credit for that.![]()
Luke is a **** up throughout the original movies.
- Sandpeople beat him up and knock him out (Obi-Wan saves him)
- Cantina patrons rough him up (Obi-Wan saves him)
- he almost gets blown up by Vader (until Han Solo shows up and saves him)
- Han mocks him because Luke thinks he's a hotshot pilot when he's really not
- can't deflect remote bolts, gets shot in the leg/ass which Han also mocks
- he can't communicate with R2 without a translator
- Leia saves him in a rescue mission for HER, even makes fun of him
He's whiny, vulnerable, impatient, can't lift X-Wings, gets his hand chopped off, etc. etc. In original treatments and deleted scenes he was known as "wormy" and Biggs is the only one that liked him.
Compare that to Rey who would have beaten up the Sandpeople and cantina patrons single-handedly with her staff (like she did with the Jakku thugs). Knows the Millennium Falcon better than Han and Chewie (much to Han's own surprise). Quips that she doen't need no blaster. Can use the force and wield a lightsaber with ease by just thinking hard about it. Expert pilot, expert marksman (the Troopers right before the Kylo Ren scene). Can communicate with all droids and aliens. Gets a job offer from Han and knows pretty much everything but why she was abandoned and how/why she has all these new found powers (da force is calling to her).
It took Luke 3 movies to go from this,
View attachment 257325
To this,
View attachment 257324
And even then he gets wrecked by the Emperor and only survives because of the love of his father . . . or something.
I'm happy Star Wars is giving us lead, strong female characters.
It's not as if you guys don't have lead male characters who are good at everything and stronger/more powerful than you'd imagine either.
strong Womyn characters is cool but not when they are becoming clones of each other...
Luke is a **** up throughout the original movies.
- Sandpeople beat him up and knock him out (Obi-Wan saves him)
- Cantina patrons rough him up (Obi-Wan saves him)
- he almost gets blown up by Vader (until Han Solo shows up and saves him)
- Han mocks him because Luke thinks he's a hotshot pilot when he's really not
- can't deflect remote bolts, gets shot in the leg/ass which Han also mocks
- he can't communicate with R2 without a translator
- Leia saves him in a rescue mission for HER, even makes fun of him
He's whiny, vulnerable, impatient, can't lift X-Wings, gets his hand chopped off, etc. etc. In original treatments and deleted scenes he was known as "wormy" and Biggs is the only one that liked him.
Compare that to Rey who would have beaten up the Sandpeople and cantina patrons single-handedly with her staff (like she did with the Jakku thugs). Knows the Millennium Falcon better than Han and Chewie (much to Han's own surprise). Quips that she doen't need no blaster. Can use the force and wield a lightsaber with ease by just thinking hard about it. Expert pilot, expert marksman (the Troopers right before the Kylo Ren scene). Can communicate with all droids and aliens. Gets a job offer from Han and knows pretty much everything but why she was abandoned and how/why she has all these new found powers (da force is calling to her).
It took Luke 3 movies to go from this,
View attachment 257325
To this,
View attachment 257324
And even then he gets wrecked by the Emperor and only survives because of the love of his father . . . or something.