Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Great read last few pages, comic gold.

Look I really enjoyed RO but i'm sorry, I just don't buy it in ANH.

When the pilots are getting their briefing in ANH what General Madonna describes just doesn't match this whole new Erso subplot.

He says that an analysis of the plans is how they figured out the location of the exhaust port, not that they were given this great gift by the engineer behind the project.

Urso mentioned a weakness in the station not the location....after Madonna had the plans analyzed and found the port location he took credit. Rogue One crew wasn't around to dispute how much effort he really had to put into it. In Ep IV Madonna made it sound bigger taking advantage of a career opportunity as any good leader would. :rotfl
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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

But Leia even tells Han that she hopes when the data is analyzed that a weakness could be found. She said it with a 100% uncertain demeanor.

Why "hope"?

Rebel leaders were well aware of the vent shaft back door, wouldn't Leia of all people know.

Wouldn't she instead say to Han that the plans have a back door that she hopes the rebellion can take advantage of?

I don't know, sure it can be twisted to fit by saying that Leia or Dodonna acted on a need to know basis but I don't just doesn't feel as natural as it should.

I say alter A New Hope to make Erso's subplot more seamless lol.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

But Leia even tells Han that she hopes when the data is analyzed that a weakness could be found. She said it with a 100% uncertain demeanor.

Why "hope"?

Rebel leaders were well aware of the vent shaft back door, wouldn't Leia of all people know.

Wouldn't she instead say to Han that the plans have a back door that she hopes the rebellion can take advantage of?

I don't know, sure it can be twisted to fit by saying that Leia or Dodonna acted on a need to know basis but I don't just doesn't feel as natural as it should.

I say alter A New Hope to make Erso's subplot more seamless lol.

Jyn was stealing the plans because she was the only one to see the message from her Father. Even his message to her didn't give clear instructions on how to go about it, he only identified the weakness. Was the exhaust port back door mentioned in RO? If not then in ANH they still needed to find a way via the stolen plans.
Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

The reactor weakness was mentioned, but the port was found when the analyzed the data in ANH.

I assumed Galen meant for it to be sabotaged from the inside(by himself maybe), and the way they do it in ANH is a alternate option since they can't get on the Death Star.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

The reactor weakness was mentioned, but the port was found when the analyzed the data in ANH.

I assumed Galen meant for it to be sabotaged from the inside(by himself maybe), and the way they do it in ANH is a alternate option since they can't get on the Death Star.

Yep, that's my take on it.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

It was mentioned a port existed but no one knew it was port 150 on the North East corner of the Death Star so they'd still have to analyze which port had the trigger. Soooooooo analysis had to happen maybe not to the extent one could take away from ANH.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

But why wouldn't Erso just mention which exact port so that analysis wouldn't be needed.

He's babbling about parenting but i'm not going to take the 3 seconds to tell you the port number.

Maybe the analysis wasn't a big deal but the way Leia described it to Han she was stressing about it lol.

In other words Erso's actions made no sense, if you're going to give a gift to the rebellion then make the location of that gift your primary message.

But no, here's your gift but i'm keeping the most important element of that gift a secret...but hey lets talk about your upbringing in this limited holo message wut.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

It is a real Star Wars movie force awakens was great and I enjoyed it and life kind of wanted to enjoy it more than I did enjoy it

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Rogue one captured the tone the cinematography the acting and yes Darth Vader has the single best seem to have any Star Wars film.
This is the Star Wars movie for the real fans of Star Wars the ones that saw the originals in the theatres this is it

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

This is the Star Wars movie for the real fans of Star Wars the ones that saw the originals in the theatres this is it

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I guess us guys born after the OT don't count then.

Screw all you OT old dudes! :wave :lol

Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

But why wouldn't Erso just mention which exact port so that analysis wouldn't be needed.

He's babbling about parenting but i'm not going to take the 3 seconds to tell you the port number.

Maybe the analysis wasn't a big deal but the way Leia described it to Han she was stressing about it lol.

In other words Erso's actions made no sense, if you're going to give a gift to the rebellion then make the location of that gift your primary message.

But no, here's your gift but i'm keeping the most important element of that gift a secret...but hey lets talk about your upbringing in this limited holo message wut.

If the message was intercepted the Empire would instantly know where the trap was and be able to fix it. Whereas by leaving the location out and making the rebels go get the plans, the Empire would still have to search for the trap even if they intercepted the message, earning more time for the rebels to retaliate/escape while the Death Star is under repair.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

To me the story begins with ROTS....I am taking great pains to wipe all memory or PT an AOTC from my memory. I watched hem a few month back and told myself never again.

The flaw was built into the system, so it could be exploited. I believe the exhaust port was also there to be exploited but Erso left it up to the finder of the plans to make the connection, thereby keeping the flaw hidden from the general plan unless you were looking for it.

The part I cannot reconcile is in ANH during the meeting of the Imperials, one of them says, that although unlikely a weakness could be found and exploited.

Erso's flaw must have been well hidden if no one in the entire project noticed it. If its that well hidden how can anyone find it?

I think the fact they killed all the lead scientists might be a nod to this. They built the weapon and anyone capable of really understanding it, would have seen the flaw.....and fixed it. Too bad they are all dead?

and the dumb military is left with a kick ass weapon, they can shoot, but not find the flaw in.

I dunno, just speculating...

Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

this movie has propaganda written all over it.

never forget.

Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

If the message was intercepted the Empire would instantly know where the trap was and be able to fix it. Whereas by leaving the location out and making the rebels go get the plans, the Empire would still have to search for the trap even if they intercepted the message, earning more time for the rebels to retaliate/escape while the Death Star is under repair.

Yeah well there should at least be a picture of Krennic in that death star meeting room for his sacrifice for the Empire because you know that's just how Tarkin is going to paint it lol.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I think the fact they killed all the lead scientists might be a nod to this. They built the weapon and anyone capable of really understanding it, would have seen the flaw.....and fixed it. Too bad they are all dead?

and the dumb military is left with a kick ass weapon, they can shoot, but not find the flaw in]

Krennic left the main architect (Erso) alive but then the rebels killed him. Krennic tried leaving someone alive to handle maintenance at least. He didn't suspect sabotage until Vader's meeting which both Vader and Tarkin pointed out his flaws as was a military tactition. Krennic's one of those guys at work who spends too much time kissing the bosses ass versuses learning the job. Poor sap....:lol
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Urso mentioned a weakness in the station not the location....after Madonna had the plans analyzed and found the port location he took credit. Rogue One crew wasn't around to dispute how much effort he really had to put into it. In Ep IV Madonna made it sound bigger taking advantage of a career opportunity as any good leader would. :rotfl


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