I widened her face and color adjusted slightly. I think this helps fix the gaunt appearance. The lips still need work, esp. when she speaks.
wow, why the hell did they make it so narrow?
I widened her face and color adjusted slightly. I think this helps fix the gaunt appearance. The lips still need work, esp. when she speaks.
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I enjoyed the film. I got a big kick out of Red and Gold Leader. I appreciated how loaded the film was with fan service, without knocking you over the head with it, Evazan and Baba were a bit on the nose, it wouldn't have been so bad if they were on Tatooine when they ran into those two, but that was a bit more than coincidence, they ran into them on a completely different planet. . . that just so happened to be another desert planet.
Finally saw it.
I loved the texture and art direction.
The score was great at times while I was watching the film, but I can't seem to remember it so I wonder if that's telling.
The opening of the film surprised me; the way it just started and the tricky rings in shadow giving us that triangular silhouette.
Wasn't a fan of the title treatment.
Cassian's first act surprised me; I had no idea his character would be so hard. But his crisis of conscience after that was too convenient.
I heard a lot of commentary about the pacing in the first 2 acts, but honestly didn't notice it being slow or too unwieldy.
The combat sequences were some of the most visceral I've seen in any SW film.
I thought the humour was well-placed.
K2SO, while very entertaining, remains obviously *quite* problematic given that we never see that incredibly effective make and model again.
The Death Troopers were interesting but I'm still not sure how much they added other than being Krennic's vanity squad.
I'm of two minds regarding the realism and grim tone. A part of me found it immensely entertaining and satisfying; a part of me recoils a touch at the post-modern cynicism written into the film. It was pretty heavy at times.
I thought Tarkin was very well done.
Leia...I was fine with the look, but I thought the tonal shift from tragedy to "hope" was a little abrupt.
I liked how they handled Vader in his castle, which is a nod to an old Lucas treatment if I recall, but I don't recall his prosthetics being detachable.
The pitched space battle was epic.
The actor playing Vader is wrong. I could deal with the costume being a little different, but instead of striding or gliding, this Vader had a bounce in his step, and those shoulders looked way too broad.
Vader mauling fleet troopers was fan-service-y but it was effective. I just think I would have been more impressed if he moved more like Prowse.
I get that they're warriors, but having Jyn and Cassian staring down a supersonic blast wave was a little much.
The war film influences were obvious; also noted that it seemed to channel more Frank Herbert on the sci-fi side.
Saw's inexplicable suicide is right up there with Pa Kent's in Man Of Steel. Were his mecha-legs too slow??
Jyn's father -- I don't quite get how he assimilated himself into the Imperial war machine after they shot his wife in front of him, but okay. Not that he didn't have reason to infiltrate it, but they trusted him after that?
I *loved* seeing Red Leader and Gold Leader in battle.
Loved Evazan and Ponda.
The film is so tonally dissonant to other Star Wars films, I have difficulty comparing it to them.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, I'm just not sure where to put it yet. Will see it again on Wednesday.
The actor playing Vader is wrong. I could deal with the costume being a little different, but instead of striding or gliding, this Vader had a bounce in his step, and those shoulders looked way too broad..
Anyone see it in 3d? Worth it? I saw it in one of the Dolby Cinemas at AMC, it was supposed to be the best picture and sound but it was dark as hell even in the day time scenes. I wouldn't recommend it.
Anyone see it in 3d? Worth it? I saw it in one of the Dolby Cinemas at AMC, it was supposed to be the best picture and sound but it was dark as hell even in the day time scenes. I wouldn't recommend it.
Disney should have hired The Undertaker (wrestler) to play Vader. He's 6'8'' and he's spent the last 27 years playing a character that uses Vader like mannerisms and he can do the gliding walk.
Sith material for sure
star wars spin off movies should be the next level.
i vote they make a love story, chick flick bait set in Star Wars universe.
Alderaan: A Forbidden Love Story
it ends with the planet blowing up.
star wars spin off movies should be the next level.
i vote they make a love story, chick flick bait set in Star Wars universe.
Alderaan: A Forbidden Love Story
it ends with the planet blowing up.
star wars spin off movies should be the next level.
i vote they make a love story, chick flick bait set in Star Wars universe.
Alderaan: A Forbidden Love Story
it ends with the planet blowing up.