Broke and happy
Take a pillow man, that first hour is boooorrrring.
What's boring for you is unicorn rainbow dust for Riddick lol.
Take a pillow man, that first hour is boooorrrring.
Let's not forget that the pining farmboy killed over 2 million with shot.
A lot of good janitors and cleaning ladies died that day...
"I'm going to help the Nazis complete an operational nuclear super-bomb, BUT I'll send a message to my daughter about the failsafe I ingeniously built in whilst COMPLETING the project for said Nazis. It didn't occur to me that if I didn't help them in the first place there'd be no need to blow it up."![]()
I was wondering this aspect after roominating on the movie after I saw it. I'll encase it in spoiler tags just in case.
Since we now know thatthe death star was intentionally made with a specific weakness, one which was pretty much un noticed by the Empire during its construction. And in ANH the Rebels attack the DS and find the thermal exhaust port along the trench which we all know blows it up. But we know the exhaust port wasn't the weakness per se, just the means to the end.
Now even then the Empire didn't know that the exhaust port was the critical link to the inherent design weakness. What I wonder is, they had to have been building the second DS, (the one we see in ROTJ) around the time of the first one, the Emprire would still be oblivious to the DESIGN FLAW. I would think that by the time ROTJ rolled around they knew to protect the exhaust port. However, I wonder if by learning to protect the exhaust port, would have had them stumble onto the design weakness? Doesn't seem as if they figured it out because while they didn't use the exhaust port to destroy the second DS, they still blew up the reactor which causes the chain reaction. They just got to in from a different way. Seems like they didn't get the memo, and even in TFA Starkiller base still had some weakness point, as when something got taken out, a cascading chain reaction destroyed it.
I was wondering this aspect after roominating on the movie after I saw it. I'll encase it in spoiler tags just in case.
Since we now know thatthe death star was intentionally made with a specific weakness, one which was pretty much un noticed by the Empire during its construction. And in ANH the Rebels attack the DS and find the thermal exhaust port along the trench which we all know blows it up. But we know the exhaust port wasn't the weakness per se, just the means to the end.
Now even then the Empire didn't know that the exhaust port was the critical link to the inherent design weakness. What I wonder is, they had to have been building the second DS, (the one we see in ROTJ) around the time of the first one, the Emprire would still be oblivious to the DESIGN FLAW. I would think that by the time ROTJ rolled around they knew to protect the exhaust port. However, I wonder if by learning to protect the exhaust port, would have had them stumble onto the design weakness? Doesn't seem as if they figured it out because while they didn't use the exhaust port to destroy the second DS, they still blew up the reactor which causes the chain reaction. They just got to in from a different way. Seems like they didn't get the memo, and even in TFA Starkiller base still had some weakness point, as when something got taken out, a cascading chain reaction destroyed it.
Darth Vader was the only one to survive the original DS's destruction. He was busy trying to reestablish control of his fighter when Luke was firing at the exhaust port, so did he even know that was the ultimate target? Regardless, DS#2's superstructure was incomplete during ROTJ so getting to the main reactor, while still difficult, wasn't as challenging as with the original.
Prolly already posted but RLM's take is dead on.
1. The title of the thread has "*SPOILERS*" in it (hint: no spoiler tags needed in here.)
2. You're discussing plot points of two movies that are over 30 years old.
They make some valid points; but ummm....smug much?
As they touched upon, Star Wars is nothing but tropes all strung together. It's a Catch-22. Fans want Star Wars, but if you replicate it too faithfully, they're pissed. If you deviate, they're pissed. Make new things?
The public keep paying for old things.
The '80s are gone, and ain't none of us going back.
IMO they're overly critical of the action and pacing, and overly focused-on and critical of Tarkin. They occasionally somehow miss their own point when they talk about how the OT is more memorable. Of course it's more memorable.
The best points they make IMO, are those regarding using fewer characters and fleshing them out.
I predict I'm going to get Star Wars fatigue and stop caring as Disney cranks them out. Not enough not to see the films, but you can't sustain romance and anticipation like this.
***I will say this, I agree that the post-modern darkness and ambiguity they injected into the film, was a bold move and I applaud the risk, but my personal inability to place the film due to that darkness and disconnect, aligns with their comment that they could have been more true to the spirit of the originals by creating a caper flick instead of Zero Dark Thirty.
how come the guy only had 4 weeks to make the music? what happened?
Those 3 wanna be smart ***** ripping things apart that do not need to get ripped apart. Guess, what.. every movie can get ripped apart. If you are a hater you can have your joy with everything. They have some points.. but most of it is just BS from them...
No doubt. In the timeline, it should be after his father's death. Maybe the intro can show a little of his childhood, leading up to his father's death, because we need to see what fuels his hatred towards Jedis. Then the bulk of the movie takes place after. I'm with you Zach. Boba needs a movie.
I didn't think the day would come where someone would make a Star Wars film that I immediately, without reservations, consider a true part of the canon. TFA had its moments but, really, nothing like this.
Final thoughts on the cognitive dissonance I'm experiencing:
So I don't have kids....but if I did, I couldn't share this with them. I wouldn't want to show them something this dark; I think that's where the film misses.
ANH had a couple of dark moments, notably Owen and Beru's corpses and the destruction of Alderaan, although I don't even remember Alderaan from when I was a little kid in the theatre. ANH was pretty much Flash Gordon.
ESB is commonly seen as super-dark, but it was more like a fairy-tale.
ROTJ was straight-up kid's fare.
The PT are cartoons except for the last act of ROTS when Anakin batters his wife and burns alive (WTF?).
TFA veered into po-mo darkness with Han's death and villagers getting executed, plus genocide(again).
But RO is *bleak*. It's just got a nasty edge.
The heroes eat a blast wave. No one gets out.
As an adult I enjoyed it immensely. Someone here said it was a great sci-fi film. Yes, in the tradition of Frank Herbert. But it's not quite a Star Wars film, no matter how many familiar things are in it.
That's why I don't know where to put it. Great film, wrong tradition.
That's awesome. My daughter and I watched the first 35 minutes of ANH last night and what struck me is that I literally felt like I was watching the continuing story of Rogue One. Everything just fit in to place but with a more somber cloud over the proceedings. I totally could buy that Leia's ship had just left Scarif and that the Vader we had just seen was bearing down on her with relentless ferocity.
His anger at just losing them moments before came across in his tone and violent snapping of Antilles' neck. And after everything that had just happened in RO R2's cargo seemed much, much more precious. When R5 heads toward Luke and R2 is just sitting there I couldn't help but think "nooo, not after all that was done to get those plans, they can't rot on a Sandcrawler!" Gave a whole new dimension to many familiar scenes.
And I found a new tension over Luke being so casual with the droids at his homestead, knowing what the Empire was capable of in their search for the plans. Hell you know that if Tarkin caught word of where they were he would have shown up with the DS and would have just started obliterating all settlements within walking distance of the escape pod crash site, which, the ST's basically did. Every line of dialogue about the plans, spies, etc., just fit totally seamlessly with what Jyn and her team had done just moments before. Really amazing how they managed that.
But your points are still valid, RO *does* fell different, but to me it feels different in a way that I've wanted to see for many, many years. It sounds like it won't always be that way for all films thought. The "Art of Rogue One" book states at the beginning that the "Star Wars Story" films are going to allow various directors to breathe a bit and try new things while the "Saga" films will be more traditional SW. And I love that they're doing that.
That's awesome. My daughter and I watched the first 35 minutes of ANH last night and what struck me is that I literally felt like I was watching the continuing story of Rogue One. Everything just fit in to place but with a more somber cloud over the proceedings. I totally could buy that Leia's ship had just left Scarif and that the Vader we had just seen was bearing down on her with relentless ferocity.
His anger at just losing them moments before came across in his tone and violent snapping of Antilles' neck. And after everything that had just happened in RO R2's cargo seemed much, much more precious. When R5 heads toward Luke and R2 is just sitting there I couldn't help but think "nooo, not after all that was done to get those plans, they can't rot on a Sandcrawler!" Gave a whole new dimension to many familiar scenes.
And I found a new tension over Luke being so casual with the droids at his homestead, knowing what the Empire was capable of in their search for the plans. Hell you know that if Tarkin caught word of where they were he would have shown up with the DS and would have just started obliterating all settlements within walking distance of the escape pod crash site, which, the ST's basically did. Every line of dialogue about the plans, spies, etc., just fit totally seamlessly with what Jyn and her team had done just moments before. Really amazing how they managed that.