Well I watched the PT this weekend.
I can't believe i'm going to say this but I was actually entertained by the wackiness of ROTS just because McDiarmid elevates any scene he's in.
Ummm...what else what else....
Anakin's pre Vader costume and hair style are bad ass.
Yeah those 2 things. Also during the opera scene Palpatine looked right at Anakin when he said that Darth Plagueis figured out a way to create life, was he implying that Plagueis created Anakin?
AOTC Portman is smoking hot!
TPM....painful even with the Maul battle.
Maul's 10 second balcony scene with Palpatine is awesome.
At last we will reveal this crappy movie to the public.
Rewatched ROTJ this morning, few observations and questions.
Wonder why Luke never asked Obi-Wan about his mother, wasn't he the least bit interested? How about his grandmother or gasp his grandfather! Go ahead and try to explain that one Obi-Wan lol.
It's not like Obi-Wan was in a rush to leave that rock lol.
Leia and her BS that she remembered her mom being sad...unless Bail told her about her mom which is highly possible.
I can now comfortably say that the space battle in RO is better (honestly how could it not be) but the music during the ROTJ space battle is much greater and it goes along way in making it seem more epic than it really is.
So Vader holding back on Luke during their fight was because he was already conflicted?
If he was conflicted why didn't he just say "Now Luke, attack the Emperor with me!"
Because RO Vader is a beast next to ROTJ Vader.
Will the same rationale used for ANH also apply for ROTJ?
How can anyone like the Palpatine vs Jedi group fight?![]()
My fav moment -- its so brutal yet totally underplayed.
You're right, the underplayed part is what made it perfect.
Before TFA came out I said it was going to get great reviews and that people would call it the best SW film since ESB, but that in a few years, in retrospect, that opinion would change. I didn't anticipate for it to happen so fast to be honest![]()
PT bashing is a massive internet bandwagon that didn't exist ten years ago.
Should be no surprise, MM is a phenomenal actor, as are most of the main cast. Ben mendelsohn's been around mostly in Australia for years, and has an impressive body of work. I recommend him in Animal Kingdom.
Great point guys. The movie treated that move as neither the most brutal nor noteworthy thing that Vader was capable of, and that made it all the more gruesome.
TFA will always be a better made film than ROTJ, I don't see the critical consensus on that ever changing. ROTJ is saved by stellar production design and music, so in that regard it's similar to Batman 89. But pretty much all other aspects of filmmaking (script, acting, cinematography, visual effects) goes to TFA.
Not exactly true. I've been on Usenet since before the Special Editions, and I saw the pounding that the prequels took with each release. The difference was that there really wasn't a precedent for such bad SW films so many, myself included, were in a good deal of denial about just HOW bad they were. Even with TPM the consensus was that Jar Jar, Kid Anakin, midichlorians and Pod Racers like Ben Quadinaros outright sucked and collectively they were major elements of the narrative and new mythology.
I saw AOTC twice opening weekend and both times the audience was absolutely guffawing at many of Anakin and Padme's scenes together. Now there WERE also cheers when Yoda lit up his saber, that was a fun moment to experience for the first time. But after a few viewings the stupidity of even that scene reared its ugly head and never let go.
ROTS benefited *greatly* by comparison to the other two films and lifelong fans were so desperate to love SW again many clung to that film. Even now if you can force yourself to sit through TPM and AOTC then ROTS plays somewhat well. But watch ROTS in a vacuum or after a *good* movie? It's difficult to sit through. It does have a great opening scroll (love the "War! There are heroes on both sides, evil is everywhere" bits" and great music though and Hayden Christensen does look cool as a pre-Vader Jedi. Ewan carries every scene he's in (poor guy) but overall there's more bad then good.
I sometimes forget there's a generation already grown that doesn't know a world without the internet.... and likewise that group sometimes forgets there was a wide world long before the internet and somehow opinions formed even then.
In fact, 1999 and 2002 were still in that dark time before the entire world was plugged in the way we think today. I think the younger ones have no way to truly understand that world before, no record of it other than what people have planted about it in the last 20 years in things like Wikipedia. Now people get their 'world view' of something like Star Wars from Rotten Tomatoes and fan sites like this.
So jye if RO does Hunger Games numbers of $400+ mil domestic and $800+ mil worldwide (which it seems on pace with) will Disney be happy with their "experimental" SW film or consider it a financial failure? Is everything from here on out a billion or bust?
The "heroes on both sides" always made me laugh.
No there wasn't lol.
Yup, still can't get over how dumb Yoda fighting is though. I know Lucas can do better than Disney, but he also can do a lot worse![]()
How can anyone like the Palpatine vs Jedi group fight?![]()
That wasn't "denial" at the time. It was SW fans enjoying SW films without trying to impress one another online with crap like "There are only two SW movies: Star Wars (1977) & ESB."
1) Jar Jar Binks
2) No *everyman* to identify with, only Knights, Masters, and queens.
3) The two-headed podrace announcer.
4) Obi-Wan didn't reach Qui-Gonn in time when the opening battle
proved the Jedi could move lightning fast.
5) That high-decibel fart.
6) Almost a hundred dead Battle Droids onscreen but could only count 2
dead Gungans.
7) Over-reliance on special effects, CGI overkill.
8) Non-existent character development.
9) Laughable blooper when Trickster and Anakin's Rodian friend try to
high-five each other but get their cues wrong.
10) Jake Lloyd. "Mom, you say the biggest problem in this universe is
no one helps each other!" Hand me the barf bag.
11) Anakin destroying the Droid control ship merely by accident:
12) Samuel Jackson's embarrassingly obvious double in the scene where
Amidala greets Palpatine on Naboo.
13) Anakin/Shmi parting scene. What should have been the emotional high
point of the movie instead rings completely false.
14) The Viceroy and their Japanese accents straight from Toho Godzilla
15) May the Midichlorian Count Be With You.
16) Great actors {Terence Stamp, Liam Neeson, Pernilla August, Ewan
Mcgregor, Natalie Portman, Samuel Jackson} stuck with useless roles and
looking bored out of their minds.
17) No quiet character moments. An Obi-Wan/Anakin scene was sorely
18) The opening crawl states "....the Supreme Chancellor has dispatched
two Jedi Knights..." Obi-Wan is not yet a Jedi Knight, only a padawan.
19) One of Anakin's friends has braces.
20) Swoop riders, vehicles created for 'Shadows of the Empire,' were
inserted into the Mon Espa scene.
21) Empty soulless movie, made by machines for machines. Has none of
that Star Wars *magic*.
On the good side, the lightsabre duel was cool. That's enough for some
people. I expect more from Star Wars.
It's Official: Episode II Sucked
[email protected] (James) wrote in
news:[email protected]:
> Seriously...it is official.
He's right. I checked.
Kevbo wrote:
- show quoted text -
He's MOSTLY right. Better than 1, not as good as the others; and George
Lucas needs to hand over the dialog writing to someone who can do it. The
dialog was crap. Really awful.