Broke and happy
And yes, quite possibly
At the risk of dredging up the big debate again - there's some points to be made about Kylo himself not being fully trained and his being injured - fair enough about the latter but the former point is undermined by the fact we saw this guy do things we'd never seen a jedi do before - stopping a blaster bolt and holding it stationary in the air while he went about his business, reading people's minds (Vader had to use an interrogation droid, there was no mention of him trying to force-read Leia's mind) - it seems unlikely this guy could be beaten by someone who has no training. His injury is the only valid component to the argument IMO.
I get that we can only go by the facts given to us....but I keep going back to this:
Why did Disney decide to expedite her strength and expertise in just one movie.
Why were they in such rush with her arc?
I'm placing foolish trust in Disney that Rey was by design for the greater 3 part story they already have written out instead of just girl power.
I hope one day we all can look back at TFA Rey and go: