Khev will need a moment alone boys.
JAWS we're in complete agreement on the top three. After that, yikes.
This is me reading his TFA ranking:
Is it that crazy that I like ROTJ and TPM better then TFA
Here is my issue that I have always had with TFA... It does not feel like a SW movie. It lacks the imagination and wonder of the OT and yes even the PT... I have always said since seeing the film that it felt small and looked like it was filmed in someone's back yard. It's a better acted and all around film then TPM but not as good of a SW film... I said this before... The PT needed a lot more Kasdan and TFA needed more Lucas (imagination wise). TFA really lacked some imagination IMO
Jye used the Lightsaber battle (from TFM) and the Falcon escape (from TFA) as the highlights of the two films... I would throw the Pod race in there also.... Just for pure Sound and visual Effects fun... Plus Sand people shooting at the pods was great... It just felt more SW to me... I would say that scene and the final Saber fight were better then anything that TFA had to offer. I also Like Qui Gon, Darth Maul, and the Emperor (only PT film he was good in) more then just about anything in TFA.
Again TFA was small the planets never felt like a Galaxy far far away... I was worried about that for Rouge one with the beaches and palm trees... but it felt like a different planet. The final lightsaber battle in TFA was on a damn set.. So they could have tried to make I look more "alien" but they went for the back yard look... So what I ended up feeling like I was watching was cosplay SW
Add to that I was not thrilled with the plot or blown away by the action.
I do enjoy the first hour of TFA but find it really falls apart when they land on the green planet and go into the cantina from Star Trek tv show.... Um I mean the original Star Wars. But that is also when the average action kicks in and the really boring set pieces.
Having said all of this.. TPM has more of a nostalgia feel for me. When I watch it I am reminded of the excitement of a new SW film and even though I was let down I still am reminded of that excitement. If it were not for that I might put TFA higher but still find it to be a very average film with very average unexciting action.