I got dem Harmy's last year
What ya get, what ya get? 2.5s? Art case? What?
I got dem Harmy's last year
B&R easily > BF
Even if you disregard Vader killing children in Episode III and the prequels completely, it's still silly how Vader gets a Force ghost and is "redeemed" in the end. If you don't take into account ROTS and RO, he is still unredeemable.
- betrayed and hunted down the Jedi, killing them
- killed the Tantive IV captain
- tortured Prince Leia
- conspired with Tarkin and was an accomplice in the death of billions
- killed Obi-Wan Kenobi when he lowered his defenses
- shot X-Wing fighters in the back and killed the pilots, including Luke's best friend, Biggs
- trapped and imprisoned Luke's friends
- tortured Han Solo
- wounded his own son and cut off his hand
- killed his own officers
- sold his soul to the Emperor as his slave
- provoked his son to lash out at him so he'd kill him and take his place as the Emperor's new ***** boy
- stands by for almost a full minute as his own son is suffering and getting fried
Nobody should feel sorry for Vader and he definitely shouldn't have gotten that goofy smiling Force ghost. Vader took part in torture, murder and genocide. Killing a room of kids is just a cherry on top.
Well what would you like?
*said Solo*
Kidman was hot though.![]()
I did not appreciate that at the time. My favourite is when her hair is tied up and she's boxing.
Nicole Kidman > Kim Basinger > Michelle Pfeiffer > Marion Cotillard > Anne Hathaway > Katie Holmes > Elle Macpherson >Maggie Gylenhall
Just because the Geonocians had a design doesn't make them the architect. Right? So even then, I don't see it as having ever been canon that the Geonocians were the architects. Seems like they were Separatists go to factory workers. If that makes sense,
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Didn't the clones shoot down a DS in AOTC.![]()
RO says otherwise because it's a "replacement prequel." One of the reasons they didn't post a scroll was probably because they didn't want to call out that they were the "new" Episode III nor did they want to spell out in several paragraphs any mention of prequel events (since again, they weren't acknowledging them and were instead contradicting them.)