I'm sorry, I just can't get past the Anakin and Padme **** in AOTC. You're definitely going to enjoy Revenge of the Sith more.
Well I always have enjoyed it more... So I am sure I still will
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I don't believe what i'm hearing...Khev was right you changed...weep weep...I don't know you anymore....
Jaws, you're breaking my heart....weep weep.
Hey like I said give those "Everything great about" videos, watch them from his point of view and force yourself to let go of your hate for the film and you might find some enjoyment
I really can't remember the last time I watched AOTC. It's been years. I never watched the Blu ray and that was released 6 years ago so I bet it's been at least 8 years since I watched it. So that without question helped me enjoy it more also... I mean it's Star Wars and like I said in another post... It turns out it's not the worst film ever

NOW I am just never going to watch it again so I can have these small warm and fuzzy feeling towards it
I also think knowing that the PT was the final stamp on the SW saga helps also... At the time those were the final SW films we were ever going to get but then along came Disney and we will get SW films until I die

So now I can be a bit more forgiving of a crappy SW film.
But make no mistake it's still not very good. If it was not a SW film I would have watched this movie once and never given it a second thought.
The film has a couple of highlights.
1. I love all the Monsters at the Gladiator arena. It's the Harryhausen fan in me

2. The Brief Anakin with two sabers duel... Then it turns to crap

3. I always enjoyed the chase through Coruscant.. But that is a visual thing. It's more ILM enjoyment then anything happening in the story.
4. Jango's Sonic Chargers in the asteroid chase... Great sound effect.
5. Some of the Clone battle looks cool.

6. Anakin killing Sandpeople and confessing his hate of them.
So out of a 2 hour and 20 min film that adds up to about 15 min of honest enjoyment