Which unfortunately conflicts with the "until this station is fully operational" line in ANH.
Maybe there was a break down like it happens with nuclear reactors.
Now Motti's line of "I suggest we use it" is one of the real glaring problems to RO.
Anyone who can look at these images.....and say this is a better overall film than TFA is obviously still mad that their surrogate daddy Han Solo was killed in it.......
And that a girl got the lead role......
I just cannot believe anyone can be serious about this , and that it is all not just a trolling attempt.
I can understand not liking elements of the new 1/3 of the story line.....but AOTC sucked when it was made, its sucks now, and it is totally superfluous to the PT story line.
You can watch TPM and ROTS and the arc still makes sense...
Silly boys....
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Nice try guys......but no ......these scenes are no where near as bad as AOTC.......Besides.....you have to find clips that will match the rest of AOTC that are as bad.....all the scenes from beginning to end, the entire film is a train wreck.
You know this in your heart of hearts.....
Let it go......you can hate on TFA all you want, but saying AoTC is a better film......well its just silly talk.....
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I could find 7 lame images from TFA and say the same thing. Here, I'll start.
"Aye bypahsted tha characta development, huehuehuehue"
View attachment 338958
Ok, someone else's turn.
You know I'm okay with the "until this station is fully operational" line because they still hadn't destroyed an entire planet as of that statement in ANH. For all they knew the reactor would overheat or something if they went full power and they needed one final field test to officially declare it as fully operational. Jedha and Scarif hadn't given them the full confirmation they needed.
Ha ha, yeah. You do kind of have to add some extra meaning to that line that we know wasn't there in 1977. "I suggest we use it..." as in "I suggest we use it against our foes in a way that is obvious and shocking, not as a private field test or to clean up one of our own messes."
Look, none of the stuff that happened in RO, actually happened before THE Star Wars. Know what I'm sayin'? It's not just the contradictions of what Tarkin and Motti say in regards to the Death Star, but everything really. Look at the technology, look at Yavin, look at all the rebels. It don't match up.
You just know that the Death Star plans in the 1977 universe were stolen by a buncha white guy rebels with 70s haircuts and maybe a couple of porn mustaches. If there was a K2SO, you better believe it was an all black, dingy protocol droid.
View attachment 338992
Here are the OG rebel spies that stole the Death Star plans. They're right here in the Throne room to Han's left.
View attachment 338991
They didn't get no stinkin' medals or recognition because they didn't blow it up.
He's so "Draco Malfoy" in that bottom pic.![]()
I've been looking in the throne room to see if I can find more mexicans, asians, arabs, blacks and women but still nothing...nope lol
Scarif took them all out I guess.
I must have hit pretty close to the mark to get you all riled up ...
Killing Han was the best thing they could do for him... Prevents him from anymore corny lines and actions.
I don't think anyone has said that AOTC is better then TFA.
Well except DiFabio... But he still loves 89 Batman![]()
Yeah, Leia is the only woman there.
Also, plot hole. Where is Mon Montha, hmmmm? She was on Yavin in Rogue One like hours before the events of Star Wars right? Why the **** wouldn't she be at the throne room celebration ceremony of all places?
It's like she didn't exist until ROTJ, and Leia was the female leader up until that point . . . thanks Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith!
Also that Clarence Boddicker looking General dude is absent as well.
Yes....I hate AOTC ...vowed never to watch it again last year..
Han should have died in ROTJ
DiFabio will troll SW until Batman is IN it, then its all rainbows and jelly beans.....
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What the heck....lol