all the movies break cannon according to their technology
So there IS consistency.
all the movies break cannon according to their technology
I'm just as harsh on ...Suicide Squad as I am the new Star Wars movies, if not more so.
Surely it's the same fan boy mental gymnastics that even the most ardent Prequel fan uses to tie the prequels to the original films.
Why didn't Vader get some of that advanced robotic good good? ****ing Palps dressed that poor ****** in some gay Sith looking black outfit with a huge pointless diaper codpiece, black clunky space boots, a chain around his neck, an exposed life support box on his chest and a ****ing mask that's hard to see and talk out of. Grievous? He had CLAWS for feet so he could climbs walls. CLAWS FOR FEET.
What kind of sick, morbid, joke is this,
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RO is Prequel **** too. K-2SO bro. Jimmy Smitts. BRO.
Why doesn't such a magnificent Droid ever pop back up in the OT? There should be several aboard the Death Star, instead there are some clunky ass mouse droids guarding the halls, afraid of Wookies.
2 K-2SO droids would be far superior guards for the Emperor than a bunch of guards in red KKK dresses with little sticks.
Grievous as a species? Sure, I think he was the last of his kind.
But that slick mechanical "suit"? Shiieeeet, Dooku and Palpy built that for him and they're probably the wealthiest dudes in the Galaxy. He was like a proto-Vader basically who only had a brain, half of a face and some lungs.
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Why didn't Vader get some of that advanced robotic good good? ****ing Palps dressed that poor ****** in some gay Sith looking black outfit with a huge pointless diaper codpiece, black clunky space boots, a chain around his neck, an exposed life support box on his chest and a ****ing mask that's hard to see and talk out of. Grievous? He had CLAWS for feet so he could climbs walls. CLAWS FOR FEET.
What kind of sick, morbid, joke is this,
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You have to do better than this. We're talking about the story, not obvious technology and time differences in the filmmaking process. Of course you can make a more advanced Star Wars movie today. That doesn't change the world that was established in the OT, which was quite literally a run down, used universe full of junk that didn't work properly.
Your homework for tonight is to make some better rebuttals. You have 10 hours my boy.
RO is Prequel **** too. K-2SO bro. Jimmy Smitts. BRO.
Why doesn't such a magnificent Droid ever pop back up in the OT? There should be several aboard the Death Star, instead there are some clunky ass mouse droids guarding the halls, afraid of Wookies.
2 K-2SO droids would be far superior guards for the Emperor than a bunch of guards in red KKK dresses with little sticks.
Get outta here Khev, your canon is dead. Bury it.
Then the DiFabio has already won. You were our last hope.
A-dev please, don't insult me! I already had a built in, irrefutable argument against Khev,
This is what Khev is doing. He loves RO. He's professed this love saying it's one of the great Star Wars movies. Of course he's going to jump around frantically, trying to plug in the holes and tie his movies together. Many years have I wandered these discussion boards, seeing prequel lovers try and connect their beloved episodes I-III to the OT, but to no avail. It didn't work then, and it doesn't work now.
Khev's arguments in the case of RO are Wookipedia tier. No doubt about it. Deep down he knows it, I know it, you know it too. "The K-2SO droid is suddenly decommissioned because there was one bad egg!" LOL What a coincidence! Did a compromised weapon in the Empire's arsenal stop them from continued use? No. The Emperor commissioned a second Death Star for Christ's sake, with the same kind of flaws! You're telling me that they're going to stop using such handy K-2SO droids because one got reprogrammed and killed a couple of Stormtroopers? GET OUTTA HERE. It'd be like Skynet halting Terminator production because the first one failed and John Connor reprogrammed one.
It doesn't help that the events of RO take place within minutes of what happens in Star Wars. Atleast the prequels bois have the argument that there's a 19 year gap between ROTS and Star Wars. You could make the claim that the tech wasn't as good and everything got run down in those two decades because the Empire ruined everything. But RO? It's literal minutes before Star Wars. You're telling me that suddenly Mon Mothma and Clarence Boddicker leave Yavin? Suddenly, all the black, asian, mexican, Alien and female rebels we saw in RO couldn't make it to the Yavin celebration? Vader can't force hold Obi-Wan to the ceiling and slash him to death (or stop the hangar doors from closing instead). You're telling me all the droids have regressed to midgets and mime actors in clunky suits? That Princess Leia goes from looking like a soulless monkey to a living breathing person? Did Tarkin suddenly stop wearing his anti-aging, skin smoothing cream and boots and put on slippers or something? Because he's noticeably smoother and shorter than his original counterpart. Why didn't they use that cool ass shield generator that surrounded Scarif on the Death Star!? Imagine that thing orbiting it, Luke, Wedge and Co. would never get past it. Where are my highly efficient Deathtroopers at, why is the Death Star filled with only one kind of trooper class? Why does everything in RO look newer, like a sterile Episode III but with some dirt thrown in/ Okay, so Khev is right, the Empire ceased use of the K-2SO because of what happened with that one anomaly, THEN WHERE THE HELL ARE THEIR DEACTIVATED BODIES IN THE TRASH COMPACTOR?? Oh, there weren't on the Death Star? So wait, the Empire doesn't have their best troopers and droids with their best leaders on their best battle station? Why the hell not??
Khev has no argument. Star Wars is a different (and arguably better) universe than the one featured in RO. Now, I could deflate this amusing discussion and just fall back on the tired and true argument of, "well, t-they're just movies. All of 8 of them are of their time and are fictional, having no bearing on any kind of reality. It's just a movie guy!". But that's boring.
The real answer is, there is no canon where RO connects to Star Wars. In fact, there's no canon at all. These movies take place in different universes with different laws applied to their realities. Hell, here's an example. The Phantom Menace universe doesn't even have Jimmy Smitts as Bail Organa. Leia's father was this dude circa 1999.
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Not just that, but Yoda was also looked like a puppet (not unlike how he would look decades later in ESB and ROTJ), droids were droids and R2 didn't have no stinkin' rocket boosters.
So now in his folly, Khev realizes we actually live in a world where TPM is closer to SW, ESB, ROTJ while RO is closer to AOTC and ROTS in terms of any notion of "canon". Sad!
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Maybe Disney will pull a Lucas and go back into the OT, yank out all of Lucas' changes, and start putting K2SO droids in the background instead. I'd prefer to see that to Rontos.
Of course, this retcon would have to take place after just about every prequel film.
I want to see a K2SO droid rip a Wookie's arms out of it's sockets.
Alien vs Terminator, Star Wars style.
Right about what? That the Star Wars films released in 2027 won't fit in logically with the OT because it won't have any white people? Yes, I agree.
A-dev please, don't insult me! I already had a built in, irrefutable argument against Khev,
This is what Khev is doing. He loves RO. He has professed this love saying it's one of the great Star Wars movies. Of course he's going to jump around frantically, trying to plug in the holes and tie his movies together. Many years have I wandered these discussion boards, seeing prequel lovers try and connect their beloved episodes I-III to the OT, but to no avail. It didn't work then, and it doesn't work now.
Khev's arguments in the case of RO are Wookipedia tier. No doubt about it. Deep down he knows it, I know it, you know it too. "The K-2SO droid is suddenly decommissioned because there was one bad egg!" LOL What a coincidence! Did a compromised weapon in the Empire's arsenal stop them from continued use? No. The Emperor commissioned a second Death Star for Christ's sake, with the same kind of flaws! You're telling me that they're going to stop using such handy K-2SO droids because one got reprogrammed and killed a couple of Stormtroopers? GET OUTTA HERE. It'd be like Skynet halting Terminator production because the first one failed and John Connor reprogrammed one.
It doesn't help that the events of RO take place within minutes of what happens in Star Wars. Atleast the prequel bois have the argument that there's a 19 year gap between ROTS and Star Wars. You could make the claim that the tech wasn't as good and everything got run down in those two decades because the Empire ruined everything. But RO? It's literal minutes before Star Wars. You're telling me that suddenly Mon Mothma and Clarence Boddicker leave Yavin? Suddenly, all the black, asian, mexican, Alien and female rebels we saw in RO couldn't make it to the Yavin celebration? Vader can't force hold Obi-Wan to the ceiling and slash him to death (or stop the hangar doors from closing instead). You're telling me all the droids have regressed to midgets and mime actors in clunky suits? That Princess Leia goes from looking like a soulless monkey to a living breathing person? Did Tarkin suddenly stop wearing his anti-aging, skin smoothing cream and boots and put on slippers or something? Because he's noticeably smoother and shorter than his original counterpart. Why didn't they use that cool ass shield generator that surrounded Scarif on the Death Star!? Imagine that thing orbiting it, Luke, Wedge and Co. would never get past it. Where are my highly efficient Deathtroopers at, why is the Death Star filled with only one kind of trooper class? Why does everything in RO look newer, like a sterile Episode III but with some dirt thrown in/ Okay, so Khev is right, the Empire ceased use of the K-2SO because of what happened with that one anomaly, THEN WHERE THE HELL ARE THEIR DEACTIVATED BODIES IN THE TRASH COMPACTOR?? Oh, there weren't on the Death Star? So wait, the Empire doesn't have their best troopers and droids with their best leaders on their best battle station? Why the hell not??
Khev has no argument. Star Wars is a different (and arguably better) universe than the one featured in RO. Now, I could deflate this amusing discussion and just fall back on the tired and true argument of, "well, t-they're just movies. All of 8 of them are of their time and are fictional, having no bearing on any kind of reality. It's just a movie guy!". But that's boring.
The real answer is, there is no canon where RO connects to Star Wars. In fact, there's no canon at all. These movies take place in different universes with different laws applied to their realities. Hell, here's an example. The Phantom Menace universe doesn't even have Jimmy Smitts as Bail Organa. Leia's father was this dude circa 1999.
View attachment 339074
Not just that, but Yoda was also looked like a puppet (not unlike how he would look decades later in ESB and ROTJ), droids were droids and R2 didn't have no stinkin' rocket boosters.
So now in his folly, Khev realizes we actually live in a world where TPM is closer to SW, ESB, ROTJ while RO is closer to AOTC and ROTS in terms of any notion of "canon". Sad!
Only every Saturday.![]()
*shocked gasp*
A popcorn gif....? I thought those were illegal and garnered an immediate suspension?
difabio made khev log off.
i bet he's crying while watching RO to recoup.![]()