Surely it's the same fan boy mental gymnastics that even the most ardent Prequel fan uses to tie the prequels to the original films.
This is what Khev is doing. *snip DiFabio's rant to one of his OWN posts*
But dang it I hate when I miss pages of comedic posts. Good stuff. What am I to do at this point? Go line by line to debunk those criticisms?
The nice thing about Star Wars is that you can never "lose" a debate like this. I'll either come up with a perfectly sound in-world explanation on any given topic or I get to write off some discrepancy as just another one of those lovable SW absurdities that we all willingly accept. My line in the sand is usually "is this plot hole or continuity error any worse than ones I've already accepted in the OT, especially SW and ESB?" If the answer is no then I don't worry about it.
I mean none of these movies are The Imitation Game (except maybe TFA. Get it? Guffaw!) and therefore their primary reason for existing isn't to artistically convey real world events that can all be fact checked and substantiated.
AT-ACT's are lightly armed and armored. AT-AT's have armor so thick that direct hits from vehicular weapons and land based artillery don't take them down, even when hitting a knee joint.
Alliance Base personnel never continue from one film to the next. Dodonna wasn't at Echo Base, General Rieekan wasn't on Home One, Mothma and Madine weren't at the Resistance Base. "But ANH was minutes after RO!" Well the opening of the movie was. But by the time everyone got back to Yavin obviously more time had passed. And RO even gave an out for such questions. When the one communications officer overheard talk of a Rebel incursion on Scarif did he turn to Draven and say "Rebels on Scarif!" That's what they had been doing all throughout the movie until that time. But no instead he sprinted *outside* to find Mon Mothma. Implication? General Draven had already left. And Mothma was standing out on the starship launch pads, so apparently she was about to leave too.
All easy stuff for a fan to hand wave away.
If you don't like K-2's being decommissioned (which makes the most sense to me. Who says that K2-SO was the first to be used against the Empire? He could have been the last straw for all we know) then just pretend they're off screen in the OT. "But Khev! That's preposterous! We would have seen them!" Really? Did we see *every single* K-2 droid on Jedha or Scarif? Highly doubtful. But there were others around and we just accept it.
Why did Tarkin and Leia go from CG characters to real people? Really? Am I supposed to take that seriously? I'm guessing that you're *hoping* I will, but I'm not taking the bait.
Rogue One fits with the OT just as well as Vader becoming Luke's dad (when he clearly wasn't in ANH) and Leia conveniently becoming his sister. Lots of "close, but not quite" fits in continuity that are either done well (Vader as Luke's father and all of RO) or not so much (twin Leia.)
You can try and take down RO, but it ain't happening. You'll never win. You think the destructive power of your posts has unlimited potential but in the end you'll just be nuked by your own points.