What sucks about "Special Editions" is that no one will ever agree on what makes a film better and what tarnishes it.
If LFL said they'd bow to my wishes and mine alone I'd ask them to do this:
1. Restore the original theatrical cuts and make them always available. Forever. Then no one would have to freak about my changes.
2. Do new "Special Editions" of the OT but starting from scratch again (the theatrical cuts.) Change NONE of the character dialogue or actions (no redubbing Vader, Fett, Greedo getting a shot off, etc.) Change *only* the VFX shots and have them all done by the team that did the Scarif space battle and AT-ACT beach battle. Maybe have a K-2 droid pass Luke and Han in ST disguise on their way to the elevator just to show they still exist. And that's it.
Anyone who doesn't like the upgrades would have permanent access to the originals and I'd have my "Rogue One-ized" OT. (Though I'd still go back to the originals semi-regularly regardless.)