Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Just got back from watching it with the kids.

First impression: way better than The Farce Awakens.
In a way, it's the Star Wars movie I always wanted to see after TESB, a serious action/war movie set in the Star Wars universe. And that's exactly what this is, for better or worse.
For better because it feels like a "serious" action movie.
For worse because "serious" isn't really Star Wars, is it? Star Wars is more fun and lighthearted and optimistic, even in the dark movies. The jokes were few and slightly in a dark vein, and the action and drama were quite relentless. There was no real levity or romance either. Take away the Star Wars label, place it in a historical setting, and this is a grim war movie. Which is right up my alley. :yess:

So, I loved the action, the characters are great (very grey, no white knights in shining armour), the story is good. The cinematography is beautiful, unfortunately somewhat let down by the score, which didn't really have any highlights IMO.
Krennic was serviceable, and it was great to see he didn't overshadow Tarkin in ruthlessness. It was also great to see how feared Vader was. His first introduction is chilling. Jyn and Cassian were a lot more likeable and relatable than Rey and Finn.
K-2 (Kato? funny) was great! Sometimes reminded me of TARS and CASE from Interstellar with his dry wit and barely contained disdain for humans.

What I didn't like was Vader.
He looked like crap. The suit was just so ill-fitting on whoever was playing him it wasn't funny. The way the neck stuck out from the armour, there was even a visible gap from the edge of the neck to the chest armour, it was terrible and the shoulders sloped way too much. If this guy is going to play Vader again in some future movie they really have to make him study how Prowse moved. Even lanky Hayden Christensen managed to nail Vader's way of moving.
Of course, none of this takes away from Vader's final sequence, from the moment his Star Destroyer emerges from hyperspace to the final moments. That was all just pure geek heaven.

Lastly, the CGI still needs some work. We're really not that far from Beowulf yet...

As I said, it's miles better than TFA, and it manages to capture a lot of the Star Wars spirit even while it steers away from it.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Also, forget about the Troopers. Where are all the K2 units in the OT?

And the brightness/contrast was ****ed up in a lot of the shots. Like that rain planet you couldn't really make out the character's faces. I thought it was just my theater until my friend said he experienced the same thing in LA at the IMAX and regular theater. Makes me wonder how dim the 3D version would look, maybe I'll try that out (I saw Doctor Strange in it recently).
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Also, forget about the Troopers. Where are all the K2 units in the OT?

I'm sure some new EU will explain that. Perhaps they get retired specifically as a result of this incident - too easily 'corrupted'?

A question I have is why didn't the rebels use X-wings to take down the AT-AT's in Empire Strikes Back? Based on this movie they're obviously better suited to the task than the snowspeeders were.

Oooohh, also - where the hell was the rebel fleet at the battle of Yavin? Have I forgotten some OT explanation for its absence?
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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Movie times here are all sold out (except for the crappy seats) so it looks like I won't be seeing this until Thursday. :rip:
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

What I didn't like was Vader.
He looked like crap. The suit was just so ill-fitting on whoever was playing him it wasn't funny. The way the neck stuck out from the armour, there was even a visible gap from the edge of the neck to the chest armour, it was terrible and the shoulders sloped way too much. If this guy is going to play Vader again in some future movie they really have to make him study how Prowse moved. Even lanky Hayden Christensen managed to nail Vader's way of moving.
Of course, none of this takes away from Vader's final sequence, from the moment his Star Destroyer emerges from hyperspace to the final moments. That was all just pure geek heaven.

The headphone alien from GOTG is playing Vader in RO.

Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I didn't really care about the music. I heard certain familiar things right when I wanted to.

I will say that they should have put an opening crawl title sequence with the main Star Wars theme in there. Not having ''Episode ___'' is enough of a distinguishing point from the saga movies. And since the film ended with usual end credits thing I don't see why it should have been a problem starting the movie like a normal Star Wars movie. All I can think of as to why they didn't have one is because they didn't know what they would say in the opening crawl that wasn't already in the ANH crawl. And certain backstory to the events of this film are actually shown in the movie

It felt like the music only had half or 1/4 queues of their full themes, like Vader's or the Empire's theme.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I'm sure some new EU will explain that. Perhaps they get retired specifically as a result of this incident - too easily 'corrupted'?

A question I have is why didn't the rebels use X-wings to take down the AT-AT's in Empire Strikes Back?

I think they were all too busy escorting the larger ships.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I'm sure some new EU will explain that. Perhaps they get retired specifically as a result of this incident - too easily 'corrupted'?

A question I have is why didn't the rebels use X-wings to take down the AT-AT's in Empire Strikes Back? Based on this movie they're obviously better suited to the task than the snowspeeders were.

Oooohh, also - where the hell was the rebel fleet at the battle of Yavin? Have I forgotten some OT explanation?

X-Wing's suck in cold weather.

No really, true story.

I thought the same thing while watching lol.

X-Wings were like Captain America in this, why have Y-Wings that are bombers when an XW can do the same thing.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I'm sure some new EU will explain that. Perhaps they get retired specifically as a result of this incident - too easily 'corrupted'?

A question I have is why didn't the rebels use X-wings to take down the AT-AT's in Empire Strikes Back? Based on this movie they're obviously better suited to the task than the snowspeeders were.

I thought it would be cool if K2 could somehow clone himself onto other K2 units. There was one scene in particular where I thought they were going to go that route, like he was going to implant his memory or something into another K2.

And yeah "their armor is too strong for blasters"! Hell, all they needed was that nifty blue laser plasma gun that furry rocket raccoon looking alien had to take out legs. Don't even need harpoons!

That's something the Prequels, Force Awakens and Rogue One have done for the OT. It's made them more grounded and quaint. The film limitations have made them feel more real. If they came out today, they'd be so different.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I wasn't expecting that emoji.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

OT but ok.

It was fun. The characters were great. Loved the contrast between the UK magical world and the American version. I thought somethings were weirdly confusing. But all in all, I suspect it was a great big exposition for a new HP universe movie franchise likely focusing on Dumbledore and his krout boyfriend. :lecture
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Hey man, I'm just showing who's in the suit. :D It's not my fault he walks funny :lol


It's just really odd to me that they would pay so little attention to Vader, or be so misguided.
The suit really looks bad, and the man just moved so poorly...
I mean, even the guy who played Scar in AvP studied KPH's movements to get it right!
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Ok, so I don't have time to catch up on this thread so I'll just post my thoughts/review.

I loved it! It wasn't perfect, but it's the closest we've gotten in over 35 years.

Disney really hit this one out of the park.

What I didn't like...

Forest Whitaker felt unnecessary to me, there was probably more to his story in the original film that ended up a victim of editing. They probably should have just excised his character since they couldn't really bring any point to him being in it in the first place.

Vader's wonky costume just irritated me, I don't understand why they didn't do a better job with it. He doesn't look that way in Star Wars (ANH) as far as I can remember.

While the characters were all good, I felt like I really would have liked more time with them. I would have loved to have known more about the blind guy and his friend with the leaf blower/shopvac on his back.

I want that Tie Fighter/Jyn scene!

Diplomatic Mission?? Ummmm.... I think he might not buy that one Princess, considering you just attacked his base.

2 planets destroyed!? Guess there really wasn't a need for a test, and I didn't like how the planet destruction did not match the destruction in the original.

The good stuff....

Everything else, seriously, everything!

From the beginning it's obvious Disney isn't afraid of a Han shoots first moral dilemma with Caspian, who can obviously be very cold-blooded when it comes to doing what is necessary. Big points for that!

The visuals! What a beautiful movie!

The Creatures/costumes felt right in line with what feels Star Warsy, or Star Warsesque? Something that at times didn't feel right about TFA.

Tarkin! For a dead guy, Tarkin was amazing! I didn't feel like he was fake, not for a moment. Gave me shivers seeing him on screen again.

K-2SO - knew I was going to love this character since seeing him for the first time, I wasn't disappointed!

I was surprised by how much I liked Blind Guy and Leafblower Man! His intro was fantastic, just wish I could have gotten more of him!

Jyn was fine, everybody who wasn't great was fine, and that's fine. ;)

Space Battles - More Please!

Vader letting loose - Soooooooo Awesome!

My little one was letdown by the depressing ending (the good guys all died Daddy) and while I would have enjoyed at least one character not meeting their end, kudos to Disney for having the guts to go there.

I really would have loved more time spent with the characters fleshing them out, probably needed another 15 to 20 minutes added minus the removal of Forest Whitakers scenes. I like Forest W, but he just wasn't necessary.

Great movie, and for the most part, my criticisms are about minor things.

I doubt they will release an extended cut, but I want them to. Disney, I will triple dip if you release an exhaustive extended edition. I want a Gareth Edwards Directors cut in the set too, before the reshoots.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

But think about it for a second, all of his height, vocal, maneurism and costume discrepancies were quickly made irrelevant as soon as his lightsaber was ignited.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I liked the Vader scene at the end, it's something the fanboy/kid in me has always wanted to see, but it didn't seem like something the OT Vader would do. He was may more reserved. In ANH, he doesn't get ahead of his troops and cut through all the rebels he comes across when he gets through the door. In Empire, he doesn't start cutting through rebels ahead of his men on the Hoth Rebel base. It was like a Battlefront game when you get the a special hero character, ya know? When you like select a Jedi hero and start hammering down on the force and lightsaber strike buttons. Still, it was something I always wanted to see and it was a quick sequence. I liked it.

Wasn't expecting Red leader and Gold leader. I thought it was neat how they inserted them in, but it was pretty jarring. The footage clearly looked different and it looked like they were from a different time (because duh, it was).

I can't argue with any of that, especially Vader, but it sure was fun to see.
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