Idk if you posted it wrong but I don't see what I said that may have annoyed you? Could you please repost said statement that I made? I wasn't trying to annoy or continue this on in any hostile fashion.
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I actually meant to quote angelo there and then I went onto respond to him anyways. That's completely my bad. I was up for almost 24 hours, and then got a 4 hour nap this afternoon, so I'm just rushing around trying to get everything done so that I can get to sleep until Monday. I really do apologize, and you're fine. I appreciate you clarifying.
Deadpool SDCC trailer leaked:
Does Bandai only have license to the Marvel Studios franchises? Because a deadpool figuarts would really make my day.
- Already gave my points to where i feel Marvel Legends are of said quality fairly in depth. If you choose to, pages later ignore those points that's fine, but it doesn't mean that they weren't said. And in terms of "indisputable" it's all subjective, because there's nothing indisputable that you can give me arguing for the case of figuarts or let's be realistic in stating that you already would have rather than all of this extra-curricular bs that is still ongoing.
- I have to conscede on the implying that Hasbro is junk thing, because whether the post was deleted or I misread something, it ain't there now so it's irrelevant. No problem recanting that. But in fairness, why did you dodge where I asked you to quote me to turn around and ask the same of me?
- Why does the preference of reading a paragraph that doesn't look like it was typed by a 10 year old just who realized he can swear online and not get in trouble from his parents equate some sort of sensitivity to you? You don't even realize that that makes no sense. You can't say anything to insult me and in fact, the reason that you're in such a tizzy is because YOU were offended that you don't feel a line of TOYS you collect was given the respect you feel it deserves... and yes, I'm now laughing. To each their own, though. If your next response isn't something of substance, you can just have the last, asterisks ridden word.
Agreed, crisis, this whole argument is dumb as ****. Goodnight internet.
I actually meant to quote angelo there and then I went onto respond to him anyways. That's completely my bad. I was up for almost 24 hours, and then got a 4 hour nap this afternoon, so I'm just rushing around trying to get everything done so that I can get to sleep until Monday. I really do apologize, and you're fine. I appreciate you clarifying.
Deadpool SDCC trailer leaked:
Does Bandai only have license to the Marvel Studios franchises? Because a deadpool figuarts would really make my day.
I didn't ignore it, I actually responded to it awhile back. So your argument can't be indisputable because it's subjective? Damn opinions!
Of course you have to concede because I never said that and you just made **** up. I did appreciate the fact that you're trying to defend yourself on thinking that I deleted the comment. Quote me where I said that you're comparing "Tamashii to ****ing Hasbro?" Because I believe Hasbro is inferior to Tamashii. I've been open about that since the beginning of this ****ing argument. Was that not made clear to you?
Posting a comment that says "some responses are pretty mean" doesn't scream or equate sensitivity to you? The term "mean" establishes that somebody posted a comment that affected your feelings in a negative way. How am I offended that a line of action figures that I collect, which happens to be the exact same reason why all of us are here on this forum, aren't giving the respect they deserve when they have been throughout this entire argument?
Tonight's episode of Dragonball Super was awesomeVegeta's so cool in it and the situations were very funny. We get to see a bit more action as well. Next week , it seems like the rest of the cast will be re-introduced like Yamcha, Tien and gang
Anime4Fun if you wanna see it
Tonight's episode of Dragonball Super was awesomeVegeta's so cool in it and the situations were very funny. We get to see a bit more action as well. Next week , it seems like the rest of the cast will be re-introduced like Yamcha, Tien and gang
Anime4Fun if you wanna see it
Tonight's episode of Dragonball Super was awesomeVegeta's so cool in it and the situations were very funny. We get to see a bit more action as well. Next week , it seems like the rest of the cast will be re-introduced like Yamcha, Tien and gang
Anime4Fun if you wanna see it
Just finished watching it. I'm kinda confused.. are they gonna cut up Battle of Gods into individual DBS episodes? Because it sure seems that's where it's heading.