Speaking of which, did you see Toei had the nerve to flag half their videos for copyright? To me they have no right in doing so; they make no money off it, it falls under fair use! Looks like someone needs to give Toei a kicking.
That's, perhaps unfortunately to some, not how copyright works. They distribute Toei's content with no other goal than the original content had (less goals, but not a different one). That is, to my knowledge, undeniable a violation of copyright law. I honestly do not understand how they managed to keep it up as long as they have.
Note though that this explanation does not particularly reflect my own opinion on the matter. Frankly, it sucks. But I see no legal ground for TFS to take here...
As for ssj4, overall, most people here probably have seen I'm not a GT fan, particularly also not the designs. However, I will say that I have always really liked ssj5 (oor ssj4?) Gogeta. On that note, I would've liked ssj4 a LOT more if the hair was entirely red like Gogetas. The red fur with the black hair is just weird and ugly to me.
I actually do not think as it is ssj4 looks better than ssb. I like the fact that essentially, the eye color becomes the entire color. I also liked ssj God because the hair resembled the color of planet Vegeta. (I do however, think it should've been called saiyan God, and than ssj God, which would validate the color structure more imo). I sortof like that from a gold hair with that spark of godly power in their eye color, completely evolving into their entire appearance. (Admitting that ssj eye color always seems a tad hint more greenish than ssb's color.) Also, I'm ot a fan of the fur idea in general, BUT if you were to implement it, than at least make it the same color as the head's hair.
What I would've liked most, probably, is if SSB simply had the ssj4 hair scheme. If any of the gifted animaters lurking here could perhaps fashion a picture of that (so ssb but with the hair shape of ssj4, instead of normal ssj), I'd love to see how that turns out.
But, I think we all know Toriyama is very busy with keeping things simple and brand recognition is a part of that. Hence we get blue ssj's...
To all those liking GT, designs, or plot, or both. Fair enough. I really dislike it. But DBS is reaching a point where I'd might even rather watch DBGT. And that's saying something. I won't be hating on GT anymore though. (I thik I've ignored the topic for a big while now if it ever came up iirc.) Aside from purely personal preferences. It's useless,e everyone's allowed to like what they like and hating on people for it is dumb (I do not exclude myself from past behavior like this).
And anyone who says anything sucks 'because it isn't canon' is an idiot.