I finally got to see this tonight. I thought that overall it was well done. I grew up watching MMPR, it was a part of my Saturday mornings. I was obsessed with it. I was surprised at the respect that this movie had for the original. It didn't feel like it ever forgot about the core values of MMPR. For the most part, everything made sense in the movie, apart from some nitpicks. I thought that the cast was great. The standouts were Jason, Kim, and Billy. I actually really liked the direction that they took Billy in. The actor did a great job. Trini (Becky G) was the weakest link, in my opinion. Speaking of Trini, however, I thought that the way her sexual orientation was handled was quite good. The change didn't feel forced. Well done with that Hollywood. That being said, I think she had some cringe worthy lines. I took some time to warm up to Zordon. I thought he came across as a pompous @$$hole for the first bit, but when he came around I enjoyed it. Alpha 5 was great I thought in keeping the humor that I remember the character having. His design also grew a lot on me. Same can be said for the design of the suits and the zords individually. I still don't care for the megazord look whatsoever. Same goes for Goldar. What a terrible concept. Now for Rita. She was creepy. Banks went over the top. I thought it worked. In the original MMPR, Rita was always over the top IMO, so this was very much in character. Can tell that she had fun playing the role, and it showed. I thought that with the death of Billy being the catalyst so to speak for the team learning how to morph was a nice touch that added some depth to the story. The teaser with Tommy was good. Can't wait to see where they go with it. The biggest geek moment for me was the scene with the zords all running together, with the Go Go Power Rangers tune going. Man, that took me back to my childhood. This movie did what it needed to, for me at least.