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The exclusive is cool because it's always been a memorable line to me. After seeing the pictures, I'm even more excited to order it now. It'll look great with my Les-painted dewback.
Does anyone else think the proportions on this (and obviously the Stormtrooper) are wonky? A really short torso and weird skinny legs. Don't get me wrong I'm still totally getting these, but I just wish the bodies were better proportioned. The Marmits still have the upper hand in that area, the armor looks more natural on them.

That's right - nice job.

After you posted that I remember thinking that would kind of suck for an exclusive, but after seeing the images Sideshow pulled it off well enough that it works. It's also kind of an iconic moment for the sandtroopers so it will be nice to have that option.

It's at least on par with Vader's force choke hand and better than the Kamino dart.
Does anyone else think the proportions on this (and obviously the Stormtrooper) are wonky? A really short torso and weird skinny legs. Don't get me wrong I'm still totally getting these, but I just wish the bodies were better proportioned. The Marmits still have the upper hand in that area, the armor looks more natural on them.

I do find the skinny legs a distraction for the overall appearance. The very well done armor just appears very ill fitted on the legs. I know it gets more articulation that way but it just doesn't look natural. And if the loose joints on clone obi is not fixed by now, the wider range articulation would be a moot point.
Yeah the legs are distracting. The short torso is more noticable on the Sandtrooper becase of all the added accessories. The armor isn't the issue, it's the body.
i'm going to get one of course and heck put it on flexpay...why not, it's available.
I don't see the problem with the legs you guys are bringing up. Looks great to me. I will be curious to see it in comparison to the Marmit though.

I know its the same helmet, but it looks much "meaner" on the Sandtrooper, in a good way. The 'mouth' seems wider too.
Does anyone else think the proportions on this (and obviously the Stormtrooper) are wonky? A really short torso and weird skinny legs. Don't get me wrong I'm still totally getting these, but I just wish the bodies were better proportioned. The Marmits still have the upper hand in that area, the armor looks more natural on them.

Yes. and kind of a fat wide helmet sculpt. Plus before the Special Edition all Sandtroopers had flat lenses not bubble. The other details match the pre-special edition troopers so I wonder why they neglected that.
I'm a little disappointed that there aren't pauldrons of many colors, but I also wouldn't want 3 troopers with different pauldrons but the exact same sand weathering patterns. So I'll just get the other 2 when they come along - they still need to do the other weapons anyway.
Not feeling the Sandtroopers to be honest. Think I'll just just buy another Stormie. Truth be told i have to cut down on SS SW anyway and once you've skipped a few, it gets easier to say "nah, I'll save the $$$". And I don't see why these are $20 more than Stormtroopers. Oh well, no big loss.
You don't see the $20 difference? Backpack, rifle, weathering, armor that does not reuse the stormtrooper molds? I don't get it.

I like the exclusive. Simple and meaningful. FlexPay sounds good too.
Makes sense, I guess I'm just not willing to spend the extra. I think it's a nice looking figure, but I would rather have another Stormtrooper. Personal preference, nothing more.
I definitely see where the extra cost comes from... but the $110 price is still a bit scary.

I'll definitely be choosy about which troopers I get at these prices. No way I can afford this and a black pauldron and an orange pauldron as well.

If these get parted out, might just get the different weapons and pauldrons to change my one Sandtrooper.

But saying 'no' to the orange pauldron with that big T-21 blaster canon will be really, really hard when he comes along.
I guess I'm just not willing to spend the extra. I think it's a nice looking figure, but I would rather have another Stormtrooper.

Fair enough. I think this is much more impressive than a stormtrooper. I just hope when they do Snowtroopers and Scouts that they're both weathered to a degree.