Really don't think he was brown nosing at all. Jerry is a great artist and woodsy was just stating that he hoped the piece would match the print. Also stating that he hoped SS would listen to him and stay near the print.
So are you not allowed to speak with praise towards an Artist then without fear of being called out?
Thanks Josh, you are 100% correct. I am a huge fan and supporter of Jerry's and I do think the LOTR collecting world is a much better place with the addition of his magnificent artwork. And yes, I do hope the PF is an accurate representation of Jerry's artwork. I love the
subtle approach Jerry has taken with Sauron and personally I see no need for alterations of any kind. I don't need to see Sauron swinging his mace at imaginary enemies, nor do I need to see him with arm extended displaying the ring with all it's power and might when there's no one within a hundred miles left to see it. And I don't need to be spoon-fed like those around here who seemingly don't have the ability to recognize you don't need an "in your face" pose in order to display all of Sauron's power, malice, and cruelty.
Well I don't like the way the left leg looks like in the print and hope the PF doesn't look that way... comes off very feminine & weak......
...and he is going to defend every aspect of his you have to take that with a grain of salt...
...meaning feminine....
Yes really......
The brown nosing that some do toward "artists" on here is just plain sickening....
Well, on the upside I finally know what "sacking" means.

I might have been familiar with the term if I was 12....but I'm not.

I do agree with you in that "brown nosing" is not something that is appealing, but I think even you should be able to figure out the difference between complimenting an artist for the sake of complimenting him, and doing so because you genuinely mean it. I think Jerry would be the first to tell you I have not agreed with everything he has done.....but I do not feel the need [as some apparently do] to openly critique his work. This might come as a shock to you but
no artist likes to be critiqued. Yes, they all realize this is "part of the game", but that doesn't mean they have to like it. Constructive criticism is one thing, but 10 pages of "Jerry, I like what you've done, but hopefully the PF will look better" comments including a few of the idiotic gem's you've posted are hardly what anyone would call constructive. If my reading enough of this garbage, and feeling the need to publically encourage Jerry "sickens" you, then the solution is simple....don't read my posts.
And while on the subject of things that "sicken" us, here's what sickens me. Guys who have a knowledge/understanding, and background in art you could fit in a thimble [with room to spare] insisting on dazzling the rest of us with their invaluable insights. Like I said before, everyone has the right to an opinion, but seriously, why would anyone want to share an opinion on a subject they know nothing about?

Those doing so come off as looking lazy, stupid, or both....and why would anyone want to confirm for the rest of us, that which we have only suspected previously?