Premium Format Sauron Premium Format

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No offense fuzzy, but Josh and woods know their stuff with SS. U r the 1 that keeps up the arguments.

Just because a small group dislikes something, does not mean everyone hates it.

Great you have yer own idea about it, but either way, this piece will b good.

Good points Mithrandier. There's no doubt some people around here would prefer a different pose on both the artwork and eventual PF. It is also true that those displeased with a product are very often the most vocal when it comes to voicing their opinions. This often gives the appearance that more people are displeased than really exist, and I believe this to be the case here.

As to how well the artwork translates into statue form....I suspect it will look amazing, though no one around here is in any position to predict with certainty how good or bad it translates at the moment....with the exception of the one guy whose actually seen it. And given his track record where the LOTR licence is concerned....that's good enough for me.
That's great...let me know how that work out for you. :lol Mind you, by the time they recover after reading your "the better way to judge a statue's pose IMO is to look at it's 2d image" comment it might take awhile for them to get back to you. :monkey3

:lol woodsy, I'm not interested in sideshow reading my posts...i am merely trying to facilitate a discussion with regards to the pose. If enough people share my view, then hopefully they will come out and state it and get a discussion going and hopefully this issue might be brought to the attention of sideshow. Simple as that. I suggest you stop making it all about you.

You have already stated what you think, ad nauseam. Leave it at that. Time to get off your soap box and let other members speak.

Bye bye:wave
Guys, I think what I and some others have been trying to say is that IF the PF isn't too far along, we would just like to voice a suggestion that the leg not be positioned in a bent position.

We are not whining or putting down the piece, merely stating a preference.

Why is that whining? It's the only aspect about this statue that I would change.


For what it is worth, SS may not go verbatim by my painting, and if any slight adjustments are made, then everything else will follow accordingly, and perhaps those subtle adjustments will be to some folks liking : ) My input on the project has been listened to and noted by SS, and now we can only wait and see what they come up with.

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:lol woodsy, I'm not interested in sideshow reading my posts...i am merely trying to facilitate a discussion with regards to the pose. If enough people share my view, then hopefully they will come out and state it and get a discussion going and hopefully this issue might be brought to the attention of sideshow. Simple as that. I suggest you stop making it all about you.

Really? I don't know, that kind of contradicts your last post doesn't it. Well when you figure out who it is you are actually attempting to address do let us know. :lol And while you do seem to be in a bit of a confused state at the moment, I do hope you are still aware enough to realize I was merely responding to the post you directed at me.....and that hardly qualifies as me making this about me. :cuckoo:

Yep you do that.:wink1: My comments are for the ears of the sideshow artists how covertly grace these boards. My comments were never meant for you :lol

You have already stated what you think, ad nauseam. Leave it at that. Time to get off your soap box and let other members speak.

Bye bye:wave

You might be right as I have already stated it pointless discussing something none of us have ever seen. But seriously, after reading your recent "2D gives you a better perspective than 3D" nonsense [and other assorted gems] do you really think speaking is something you should be doing at the moment? :monkey3 :wink1:
For what it is worth, SS may not go verbatim by my painting, and if any slight adjustments are made, then everything else will follow accordingly, and perhaps those subtle adjustments will be to some folks liking : ) My input on the project has been listened to and noted by SS, and now we can only wait and see what they come up with.


It seems there are slight alterations between the conceptual art and finished product with all SS statues and while SS may decide to make some slight alterations I can't, and do not want, to see anything that is far removed from your artwork. And I'm sure your input will go along way to ensuring the statue remains as true as possible to the artwork it is based on. :lecture
For what it is worth, SS may not go verbatim by my painting, and if any slight adjustments are made, then everything else will follow accordingly, and perhaps those subtle adjustments will be to some folks liking : ) My input on the project has been listened to and noted by SS, and now we can only wait and see what they come up with.


I think most people are in agreement that the pose works for your painting due to the surrounding lowlands that helps create the sense that Sauron is gazing ominously at all the destruction before him while perched on a promontory with leg up.

But with the PF the left leg might not work as well due to the absence of the background scenery. And i think therein lies the reason why some of us are taking issue with the pose.

Having said that, While i would personally prefer an alteration done to the leg, i probably wouldn't mind too much if sideshow chose to adopt the artistic interpretation used in your painting for the PF because i suppose one could always say it'll match the art print/canvas and would make a nice display combination.

But at the end of the day, this is merely one fan's opinion. It all depends on how the other fans feel about this.
For what it is worth, SS may not go verbatim by my painting, and if any slight adjustments are made, then everything else will follow accordingly, and perhaps those subtle adjustments will be to some folks liking : ) My input on the project has been listened to and noted by SS, and now we can only wait and see what they come up with.


Thank you JV. I really appreciate it.

I love your concept drawing and the level of detail you put in it.

It seems there are slight alterations between the conceptual art and finished product with all SS statues and while SS may decide to make some slight alterations I can't, and do not want, to see anything that is far removed from your artwork. And I'm sure your input will go along way to ensuring the statue remains as true as possible to the artwork it is based on. :lecture

Really don't think he was brown nosing at all. Jerry is a great artist and woodsy was just stating that he hoped the piece would match the print. Also stating that he hoped SS would listen to him and stay near the print.

So are you not allowed to speak with praise towards an Artist then without fear of being called out?
Praise is one thing ... but when you take the stand to shoot down any and all opinions that don't go along with the "artists" take, then it become brown with a touch of sack.....:wink1:
He's giving his two cents on why the artists take is the best approach. Nothing wrong with that or using that as to why someone might feel another is wrong. That's not sucking up that's just one opinion vs another.

Guess people doing that doesn't bother me. Defeninetly doesn't bother me enough to have to resort to using terms a 12 year old might use. Maybe I'm getting old before my time. :lol
For what it is worth, SS may not go verbatim by my painting, and if any slight adjustments are made, then everything else will follow accordingly, and perhaps those subtle adjustments will be to some folks liking : ) My input on the project has been listened to and noted by SS, and now we can only wait and see what they come up with.


Thanks for chiming in Jerry. It's good to know the progress of the piece and that changes can still be made. :clap
Sideshow stated in a Q&A that Sauron and Saruman are in the forecast for 2012 as Premium Format figures. I don't think it has been suggested as to which might come first though. They have also hinted at an oversized figure around this time frame, and a lot of that speculation has been for a Ringwraith on steed, but Sauron may be considered oversized as well, so it could all just be speculation on my part. I know with both Gollum and the Gandalf maquette shipping soon, it will be nice to see the next offering in both lines, Sauron or not!
I really love the Sauron from SS/WETA and they made 9500 of them. I wonder how many they'll make of the PF and how big it will be compared to the rest of the line?
Sideshow stated in a Q&A that Sauron and Saruman are in the forecast for 2012 as Premium Format figures. I don't think it has been suggested as to which might come first though. They have also hinted at an oversized figure around this time frame, and a lot of that speculation has been for a Ringwraith on steed, but Sauron may be considered oversized as well, so it could all just be speculation on my part. I know with both Gollum and the Gandalf maquette shipping soon, it will be nice to see the next offering in both lines, Sauron or not!
OK thanks. I thought I read that somewhere and '2012' stuck out.
Really don't think he was brown nosing at all. Jerry is a great artist and woodsy was just stating that he hoped the piece would match the print. Also stating that he hoped SS would listen to him and stay near the print.

So are you not allowed to speak with praise towards an Artist then without fear of being called out?

Thanks Josh, you are 100% correct. I am a huge fan and supporter of Jerry's and I do think the LOTR collecting world is a much better place with the addition of his magnificent artwork. And yes, I do hope the PF is an accurate representation of Jerry's artwork. I love the subtle approach Jerry has taken with Sauron and personally I see no need for alterations of any kind. I don't need to see Sauron swinging his mace at imaginary enemies, nor do I need to see him with arm extended displaying the ring with all it's power and might when there's no one within a hundred miles left to see it. And I don't need to be spoon-fed like those around here who seemingly don't have the ability to recognize you don't need an "in your face" pose in order to display all of Sauron's power, malice, and cruelty.

Well I don't like the way the left leg looks like in the print and hope the PF doesn't look that way... comes off very feminine & weak......:lecture

...and he is going to defend every aspect of his you have to take that with a grain of salt...

...meaning feminine....:nana:

Yes really......:hi5:

The brown nosing that some do toward "artists" on here is just plain sickening....:monkey4

Well, on the upside I finally know what "sacking" means. :lol I might have been familiar with the term if I was 12....but I'm not. :wink1: I do agree with you in that "brown nosing" is not something that is appealing, but I think even you should be able to figure out the difference between complimenting an artist for the sake of complimenting him, and doing so because you genuinely mean it. I think Jerry would be the first to tell you I have not agreed with everything he has done.....but I do not feel the need [as some apparently do] to openly critique his work. This might come as a shock to you but no artist likes to be critiqued. Yes, they all realize this is "part of the game", but that doesn't mean they have to like it. Constructive criticism is one thing, but 10 pages of "Jerry, I like what you've done, but hopefully the PF will look better" comments including a few of the idiotic gem's you've posted are hardly what anyone would call constructive. If my reading enough of this garbage, and feeling the need to publically encourage Jerry "sickens" you, then the solution is simple....don't read my posts. :huh

And while on the subject of things that "sicken" us, here's what sickens me. Guys who have a knowledge/understanding, and background in art you could fit in a thimble [with room to spare] insisting on dazzling the rest of us with their invaluable insights. Like I said before, everyone has the right to an opinion, but seriously, why would anyone want to share an opinion on a subject they know nothing about? :confused: Those doing so come off as looking lazy, stupid, or both....and why would anyone want to confirm for the rest of us, that which we have only suspected previously? :cuckoo: