No offense FE, but I think you're smart enough to figure out I was specifically asked if I had a background, and simply aswered the question. And I also think you're smart enough to know that an opinion based on knowledge, no matter what the subject, is more valuable than one based on ignorance.
Now you know full well I have always said art is subjective and based on personal preferences, which is why I never slam any forms of art, even those I do not particularly care for ie abstract art. I do not have the slightest problem with someone preferring the PF pose being different than Jerry's art, but when people start referring to aspects of Jerry's pose as being "weak and feminine" without stating why they feel that way, or without stating how that issue can be addressed....those comments have gone well beyond "constructive criticism" and they result in the poster appearing lazy and/or dumb.....sorry.It is one thing to say "there's something about the left leg I just don't like", it is quite another to say it looks "feminine and weak" because now you are making it personal. Just like when someone has the nerve to question Jerry's integrity by saying "you have to take everything he says with a grain of salt"........really? Is that anyone's ideal of 'constructive"? Is that the kind of "quality opinion" we really need around here?
Am I being combative?....absolutely! You've been around here longer than I tell me how the nonsense of the last 10-12 pages of this thread ends. If your answer is something along the lines that it results in yet another artist deciding it's no longer worth the effort of participating with forum members around would be CORRECT! No offense FE, but very few of the numerous artists that used to participate on this forum still do, and while you may not think as highly of Jerry's work [he didn't participate in the movies afterall] as some of us, I think everyone can agree on the fact this forum is a better place with him, than without.
And please, if someone was to levy these types of comments at a Weta artist on a certain other and a small army of other's would be all over the guy.....and my "combative comments" would look like a "stroll in the park" compared to what you and other's would be saying......just sayin'![]()
I think you're way over blowing this whole thing. But this part makes no sense (sorry I don't know how to quote properly):
"there's something about the left leg I just don't like", it is quite another to say it looks "feminine and weak" because now you are making it personal."
How is just declaring something you don't like MORE constructive than stating why? It isn't, you are wrong about this. And why is calling something feminine personal? It isn't. No one said Sauron's leg looks feminine so the artist is X, Y or Z. Now that would be personal.
And then this part:
"I do not have the slightest problem with someone preferring the PF pose being different than Jerry's art, but when people start referring to aspects of Jerry's pose as being "weak and feminine" without stating why they feel that way, or without stating how that issue can be addressed....those comments have gone well beyond "constructive criticism" and they result in the poster appearing lazy and/or dumb.....sorry."
People did state why they felt the post looked weak and feminine; it is the position of the left leg. Now I admit it is hard to define what feminine looks like. I used the example of the outstretched pinky while drinking tea (which you ignored). Its also hard to state what a power pose, hyper masculine appearance may be. You sort of know both when you see it don't you? How can it be addressed? Seriously you are criticizing people for not suggesting how it could addressed? The whole issue is about changing the pose in a way that evinces a more powerful, iconic pose. Above you even questioned the existence of an iconic pose didn't you, as if it one didn't exist? I can give you many examples of non-iconic poses for Sauron if you want them. One would be seated with his legs crossed.
Lazy and dumb, right. You've gone off the deep end.
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