Super Freak
There is one in the commerce section for $300, not sure if he ships international though.
Thanks for the heads up! I'll look around locally first.
There is one in the commerce section for $300, not sure if he ships international though.
Thanks for the heads up! I'll look around locally first.
Hey Stephen ............Sideshow statue wise my LOTR collection has not grown, but I added the blu rays of the hobbit and LOTR over October time, and got a TT film slide, may add the ROTK slide to finish the spot off. But overall with my limited space in my collection room, this came out awesome. These 3 just look perfect together
He is a beast for a "pf".
He looks almost as big as a 1:2 scale statue.
Thought he was closer to 12 feet.
12 feet, 1/4, 3 feet - base
Or is that just the "full strength" you are referring to?
If we measure say what the heights of both characters, vader about 6 ft 5, or 6 ft 8, Sauron is about 9 ft 2, his helmet probably gets him to say 9 ft 8. In a way the Sauron PF could have been about 45 inches tall, it just shows the mass this character is at full strength
Beautiful repaint. I had to pass on this piece when it was available from SSC. With Prime 1 announcing they have the license I'll see what they attempt.
I know Slideshows was $1k, roughly.
RWOS was that out the door with California sales tax and shipping.
Is there a big enough market for Sauron at that $2k price?
Beautiful repaint. I had to pass on this piece when it was available from SSC. With Prime 1 announcing they have the license I'll see what they attempt.