Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Well look what the cat dragged in... our friend Stickman! Welcome back buddy! Hey! I just thought of something cool. Maybe the apes could travel back in time to the 1870's and hunt some humans! :rotfl

Jungle, You never said anything about the decals for your coffin. Did you get them? If so, how did your crest come out?

I just won an Astronaut Taylor on eBay! He's going to get a face lift when he arrives and become an ape. A chimp? A gorilla? A orangutan? I like the fact that he's a bit taller than the apes. He would've worked well for the John Huston Lawgiver.
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Hey Sticks... Welcome home! And Congratulations on the fourth place finish for your great stop motion film!! So sorry to hear about your ankle.

Your 1870's project sounds great and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Angel... I haven't bothered with researching the decal for the coffin, I'm still trying to find yhe right material to line it with. It's getting frustrating!!!!
Thanks a bunch for the concern Jom, and Angel. I've been away for a while. I ended up severely spraining my left ankle while in CT and had to stay off of it for three weeks, nice way to spend a vacation huh? I'm now just starting an 8 hour pain managment program for the next several weeks regarding my back so I'll be away for a bit more. Anyways, I won fourth place in the GI Joe Film Festival. It was a good time in Denver, My next stop motion piece is going to be set in the 1870's and I'm looking for a Crazy Horse sculpt and a few other native american figures. I know Dog Soldiers make the best out there but I wanted some variety amongst my Cheyenne and Sioux Indians. I hope everyone is well, and long live the apes! I'll try to check in in a couple of days, I have to go lay down now.

Glad to have you back!! Was it you I was talking to about the Crazy Horse head? Email me. I found it this past weekend and couldn't remember who was looking for it.
Talk to you soon!!
I'm not a big fan of the Sausville book. I guess I was hoping for something more... definitive. The shoddy layout and poor photography used really lowers the quality of the book tremendously. And why in the heck did the author include trivia questions (some with questionable answers) anyway? In an effort to pad out the book, no doubt. Just plain lame.

Overall, the book stands more like one Ape fan scrapbook of this own collection... a quick knock-off that pay lip service to a collecting phenomenon. And since this one is on the market, you can be sure that there won't be another more superior book published for a long, long time, if ever. It's too bad because we Ape fans deserve better. :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

If there IS to be another tome in the future, I would like to see more organization in the layout, more attention to the layout's overall attractiveness, better photography and a much more expansive look at the collecting world of POTA fans... including all of products featured at Apemania... as well as cover their restoration process of many original Ape props and artifacts.

And of course a glorious chapter devoted to all of Sideshow's offerings. :monkey3:monkey3:monkey3
Thanks Jungle, It was a lot of work to get the size "just right". To be honest, I could see myself building the Icarus about a year down the road. In the meantime, I'll have lots of time to think about the finer details of creating it.

Last night, I was watching the intro to POTA (in slow motion on my DVD player) looking at the finer details in the spaceship. I saw something last night I never noticed before. As soon as the water starts coming into the spacecraft, the camera pans away and flys around above the spaceship from the outside. It is at this time, I noticed the door to the Icarus is already missing. That's really odd because a few minutes later in the movie, they actually blow the door off... I guess they screwed that part up while filming.

By the way, it's good to have you back again Jungle. You've been MIA for a few days now.

I had a feeling that those blueprints would peak your interest in making an Icarus of your own. I just knew you couldn't resist once you saw it all layed out before you. Those blueprints take most of the guess work out of the project.

I too have noticed the missing hatch, not so much an editing blunder but one of those things where they wanted to use quite a dramatic shot to fit in with the crash sequence. They just figured no one would notice and they would sneek a hatch blown shot in before the hatch was actually blown!
not so much an editing blunder but one of those things where they wanted to use quite a dramatic shot to fit in with the crash sequence. They just figured no one would notice and they would sneek a hatch blown shot in before the hatch was actually blown!

I do it all the time. In my short when the apes grab Uhura, they all actually fell. I never thought I would use that shot but do to time restraints I had nothing else.

JJ did you ever paint that coffin, or line it? I know you said you never got the crest decals for it. It would be great to get that in a film.

Angel, I think I speak for all of us when I say, WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THOSE PHOTOS!

With all my Civil War and American Indians out I sure do miss the Apes. Another cool mention is that so many people were able to pick the mutant out of my film as being from Beneath the PLanet of the Apes.
Yeah - those are some cool blueprints JJ. I should buy a real set and frame them... they're very inexpensive. The frames would cost more than the prints.

I'm nearly done building my 1/6 scale "old fashioned camera" on a tripod for my gorillas. (It's similar to the one seen after the hunt.) I should be done with it really soon. I'll post pictures within a couple days to show you guys.

To hell with the camera... What about the wagon????

I just think, that is your masterpiece thus far.

Please more shots of your progress!!!!!!
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Sticks... The coffin is painted, but I'm not happy with the color... a little too red. I need to paint a translucent coat of an earthy brown on the existing color.

I am still searching for the proper material to line it. I've gotten close to what I want but thus far haven't nailed it down.

The Crest and decals will have to wait until the lining problem is solved... I'm kind of single minded.
Angel you need to get creative and finish that wagon!

so you can give it to me for my BD present:monkey3:monkey5
Nothing to talk about but you're wonderful work on the Ape props...

I do think you could have done a better job on the camera, however. It looks like it might have been made only a few years ago. You need to make a camera with bellows and it must be quite a bit larger! The tripod came out just fine.

I can't wait to see your Victor Buono mutant all painted up it looks just great also your President of the Assembly is equally as good just needs some paint! you are also going to have to change the lapels on his jacket. They are much more elaborate than the good Doctors. I still love those chairs they are sitting in. Will there be a coat of paint applied to them?

Now all you need to do is create some stone tables and add an orang to create the famous See no... Hear no... Speak no... Shot that Heston thought up and believed would never be used!
Funny how you remember things...

I've seen the original sooooo many times I couldn't count. I could swear that that camera had bellows! And you say it was yellow! I would have sworn it was black. Granted it only appears on screen for a few seconds. I guess our mind fills in the details of things that go by so quickly.

For anyone about to serve jury duty, take note: Eyewitness testimony isn't all that reliable!
Here is a website listed elsewhere on that has pictures of 1/6th scale figures that look in some cases just like famous actors. In other cases they look nothing at all like them.

I thought I-man would like to take a look. I think you were looking for some Dirty Dozen characters. There is a really great Lee Marvin in here. Also a great Yul Brenner for a Westworld custon. A Roddy McDowell is also shown...but in my opinion it looks nothing like him. Here is a link:

Check it out it is kind of neat!
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Here is a website listed elsewhere on that has pictures of 1/6th scale figures that look in some cases just like famous actors and actors. In other cases they look nothing at all like them.

I thought I-man would like to take a look. I think you were looking for some Dirty Dozen characters. There is a really great Lee Marvin in here. Also a great Yul Brenner for a Westworld custon. A Roddy McDowell is also shown...but in my opinion it looks nothing like him. Here is a link:

Check it out it is kind of neat!

Thanks Jungle. Thats a great older link. I've used it often in the early days. Unfortunately, it hasn't been updated in quite some time.
I just had an eBay buying binge and completed my collection of figures from the original film, plus Caesar.

Funnily enough, I saw the Burton version first, and liked it, but then realized how lame it was after seeing the original.

Dare I say it, from a non-fanatic's point of view I think Sideshow's Apes line is quite extensive - especially for a franchise that hasn't been active in decades!
Hey Outlander...

Glad you came to realize the Burton film was sub-par. Also glad you have embraced the original.

Thanks for your purchase and support of the Sideshow line.

Please join us to "Save The Planet of the Apes"