Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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OMG STICKMAN! Those ape dwellings are absolutely unbelievable! I can’t believe you made them in less than one day. What a great job! I understand you still need to tweak some things, but I’m standing and applauding you! (It’s a one man standing ovation.) There’s only one bad thing that immediately caught my eye, and that was the square door. I don’t recall ever seeing a square door on Planet of the Apes. Sure it’s possible, but then again it’s a very easy fix.

What did you use cardboard and papier-mâché?

Honestly, you don’t need me buddy. You could make those ape chairs yourself if you really wanted. I know you could!
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STICKS - I just put your new custom ape dwellings picture my desktop as "wallpaper". Very cool! It looks great on my PC!

Upon closer inspection it appears that you made one ape dwelling, but shot it from different camera angles. How many estimated hours did it take you? It seems that you stayed up very late. I'm looking forward to seeing more of these, they're incredibly cool!:cool:
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I just checked eBay and found out that I won another item (Or should I say two?) There was one auction for two nude Sideshow General Ursus’. I already have clothes for both of them, but I’ll need two more pairs of boots. (Poop.) Does anyone know where I can buy some? Is anyone willing to work out a trade of some sort for any extra boots they may have?

PLMK (Jess that means “Please let me know”.) :rotfl

I plan on removing both Ursus helmets and giving them both new hair styles. As you might guess, I'm going to open the mouth on one of them...eventually. Again , that's more variety for the gorillas.
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That Ape dwelling looks killer Stickman! What a cool setup. I like how you have the Gorilla guard on top of the building. The very beginning of Ape city and next Urkos headquarters maybe?:monkey5.
O.K. Please know that I have a long way to go. This is just the skeleton of house one. I need to polish it up a bit, add some flora, a ladder, animal skin, and extend the left side of the house down to the ground. I might need a week. :rotfl

There is only one source of light so it looks very flat, and the color is way off.

Time for bed. I'm not tired. Will check in probably late tomorrow so please leave some feedback on suggestions. :sleep

OMG Sticks! You rock! This is a great ape structure! I am loving it! I'm dying to know what you made it with...It's frickin' great!!! I would love to play with my figures in there!!! Angel is right...there are no square windows or doors, but that should be an easy fix...and could make a door like Dr. Zaius' door for that structure! I know a quick trick for making it look like real wood when you get to that point. Also, if you notice, Dr. Zaius' door does not open from a door hinge as we now it, but from some kind of pole offset from the edge. I'm sure you already knew that, but I can't wait to see this done! Wow.
Angel, yes, this hobby is expensive, isn't it? The materials to make the props/costumes do add up. I am not counting the labor, because for me it's a labor of love.
Jess - Mine is also a labor of love, but I do count the labor in order to help support this expensive hobby. My time and efforts are worth something to me. On occasion, I do like giving things away to help others out. However, that simply cannot be done on all occasions. Sorry we are dissimilar on that subject.
Oh My GOD... IT'S a city of APES!

All I can say is WOW!

When you said you were going to build some ape dwellings out of boxes I didn't have much hope. You really proved my thinking wrong. You say you did this all in one day, just fantastic work.

As with Angel I always like to make suggestions, like the time I told him his open mouthed gorillas should have teeth, to which he responded:

"Damn it Jim! I'm a Bricklayer not a Doctor" [or did I get that backward]
(Star Trek humor for those of you confused)

I think you should build a lip around the interior of the doorway and windows to give the illusion of thickness to the structure. It's a little thing, but I have found these little things count in this hobby to sell the object you are making.

Again, unbelievable work. I can't wait for the ladder and 1/6th plants!
And speaking of getting the little things right...

Great job Angel, The table looks nice. It seems to me all you have to do now is paint it up like you did your chair to give it the rock like look. I guess you are not going to make the base of the table. I don't think it necessary either.

Any chance of seeing a close up of the little sculptures sitting on the table. We never got to see a close up, in the movie, of that ape head that sits in the center. I wonder what you made the face look like?

Things are really happening here now. I wish I-man would start on that Icarus already.
Jess... You are exactly right about how that door opens. In fact all the doors in the ape world open in that way even the cages where Taylor was kept.

I think it is a real neat design choice!
Angel... I just noticed that sewing machine, and the color of the thread...

Is someone's wife making Albina and Caspy robes?
Good morning all. I swear, I started this yesterday. My eyes can prove it. :lol

Sometimes being an insomniac has its advantages. Everyone's input is very much appreciated. Thank you. When I posted those photos at 2:?? AM the house was still wet. Now that it's dried some it looks better, but still needs a lot of work. Which I'll do so today. :monkey5

It is one house just different angles because it it quite big, and my computer camera couldn't get the whole thing. I can't wait to light it and snap off some good shots.

I was thinking of hanging the Red ape flag off of it and it could be be an HQ.

I know what you mean about the door, and I will work on it. This is the one photo I used the most for reference. I'm thinking of adding some twigs and putting them in the crevices like in some of the other pictures you posted for me guys.


My door does slant at an angle like this but seeing that the computer camera was at a high angle it eliminated the angle. I can't wait to take batter photos for you. Tonight, tonight. I just woke up, so you know what time it is...

Coffee time! :monkey5:lol

Will keep you all posted.
I can't beleive you were checking out the thread on the sewing machine JJ. Your eyes really search out the details!

Yes, Denise made me the actual robe for Caspy this morning. The turquoise robe you saw many weeks ago was actually the very first prototype she ever made. The prototype was a little short in length and she made a black lining as she experimented. I'll throw the prototype in the box and mail it to you, as I won't need it. If you don't want it toss it out.
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Jess - Mine is also a labor of love, but I do count the labor in order to help support this expensive hobby. My time and efforts are worth something to me. On occasion, I do like giving things away to help others out. However, that simply cannot be done on all occasions. Sorry we are dissimilar on that subject.

Well, you're way ahead of me, Angel. I have never done a custom for anybody but anything for me I discount.
And speaking of getting the little things right...

Great job Angel, The table looks nice. It seems to me all you have to do now is paint it up like you did your chair to give it the rock like look. I guess you are not going to make the base of the table. I don't think it necessary either.

Any chance of seeing a close up of the little sculptures sitting on the table. We never got to see a close up, in the movie, of that ape head that sits in the center. I wonder what you made the face look like?

Things are really happening here now. I wish I-man would start on that Icarus already.

Jungle - Actually, I was planning on making the base of the table to give it more strength. Other than that, it's probably not really required as you stated. Unless, I simply want it movie accurate.

I have to disappear for a little bit. I’ll talk you all soon. I’m going to pull out my mini-potters wheel and make those “coffee mugs” of the tribunal table. I’ll post some pictures within 24 hours of the items on the tribunal table… gotta run.
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This thread is getting way too exciting! I love seeing everybody work on their projects. Everyone makes such awesome contributions. Sticks, I think I went to bed around 2AM, too but the kids woke me up at 8:30. :monkey2

At least I took the day off tomorrow.
And speaking of getting the little things right...

Great job Angel, The table looks nice. It seems to me all you have to do now is paint it up like you did your chair to give it the rock like look. I guess you are not going to make the base of the table. I don't think it necessary either.

Any chance of seeing a close up of the little sculptures sitting on the table. We never got to see a close up, in the movie, of that ape head that sits in the center. I wonder what you made the face look like?

Things are really happening here now. I wish I-man would start on that Icarus already.

C'mon I-Man start on that Icarrus already. Fan the flames buddy, fan the flames!