Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I guess the big splash Angel is talking about is the crash of the Icarus, I-man.

I'm waiting to see that project also!
Server is slow again..:monkey4

jessica, you're very welcome regarding the rifle, I'm glad you like it.

Insomniac Sneak Peak
Well, I guess I can give a sneak peek to everyone as I am taking a break for a day of two. I wish I could give close up but the set is near completion and I already have too much added. After I apply a coat it will be great to get these guys back into Ape City.




STICKS!!!!! You are becoming a Master of Ape exteriors! That is a great start on the Ape Amphitheater. It is really taken shape. I also can't figure out why Proto and I-man did not make note of it.

Taylor and Nova's cage came out real well too. You really captured the misshapen bars. I await your projects completion and am looking forward to the stop motion work to animate your figures!
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I'm confused. Why didn't Ironman and PZ say anything about this project STICKS? Surely they saw your version of Ape City?

The actual qualities of the photos are awful STICKS, but that setup you're building is really fabulously unbelievable! I take it you're going to inject that expandable foam in it to firm up the cardboard? Maybe, it is not necessary? What are you putting over the cardboard other than the paint?

The amphitheatre, the lock up cage, the desk you’re building, your new SS apes. It’s all falling into place for a great movie! Seeing a crap load of gorillas shaking their clubs in stop motion is going to be awesome. “We Will Rock you!” (Queen) I can’t wait… ~Angel~ :angelsmil

Wow...that's a great idea about expandable foam. Last night I was trying to sculpt using an airdry clay, but the package warned that it shrank as it dried, so the operating tables I had smoothed out nice and proper last night look like a dried up lake bed full of cracks this morning. I was going to make up a permanent mini ape city up on my hillside garden out of this material, but I'm reconsidering now. I will try and smooth out tonight and see if there is any improvement.

I smoothed out a thin layer of the clay over some blocks of green flower foam. Maybe I should just roll out a slab and cut it...but it's quite hard to manipulate from straight out of the box. You really need to work at it to make it pliable.

Sticks, I am totally in awe of your ampitheater. It is looking so fabulous. I am jealous and want to come over and play. How did you get the bars of the cage to look rough like that?
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I'm confused. Why didn't Ironman and PZ say anything about this project STICKS? Surely they saw your version of Ape City?

Sticks knows how I feel about his pix, Angel. He never stops impressing me with his stuff.

But Ironman was the only one on this thread that responded to my post about Jeff Yagher's scuplting. I thought it was only courteous to respond back. :D

And Ironman... sorry... "V" will NEVER be as cool as the last season of Angel. NEVER! :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
STICKS!!!!! You are becoming a Master of Ape exteriors! That is a great start on the Ape Amphitheater. It is really taken shape. I also can't figure out why Proto and I-man did not make note of it.

Boy... my response omission was in no way meant as a slight, guys (and gals). I'm sorry it was viewed that way. :confused:

For I, too, have had my share of no responses to certain "labored" posts in my time here. :rolleyes:

Perhaps it was just jealousy... Sticks has way, WAY more Sideshow gorillas in his garrison collection than me. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
Sticks know I love his creations. Apologies for not voicing them more. And yes Angel was a great show, but Jane Badler beats demons hands down.
Angel, why so much "V" ? Well its twofold. I also enjoy "V" very much and I'm practicing my painting skills on some Visitors before trying anything on any of my apes.
Nice job on Brent's loincloth, Angel...

Remind me why I'm making you the Nova costume?

I did a little more work on it today, I've begun on the loin cloth and have attached it to the underwear. It still needs to be shortened, and weathered and distressed. I also have to add some snaps.

I advise you to have your wife remove the snaps and sew it on the figure for a better fit... Those snaps do cause unsightly lumps and with their removal you can get a better fit!

Here is a shot before I attached the loincloth.

Jungle, I missed this post. I like how you added underwear to the loincloth. I made one too for Brent but it does not have the underwear like yours and I did not weather it like you did. I only added wrinkles to it and did not dry-brush although I tried to sand some of the edges but it was taking too long. It was a present for somebody. Here's a photo of it before I added the wrinkles. It has one of your snaps that you sent me.
Sticks knows how I feel about his pix, Angel. He never stops impressing me with his stuff.

But Ironman was the only one on this thread that responded to my post about Jeff Yagher's scuplting. I thought it was only courteous to respond back. :D

And Ironman... sorry... "V" will NEVER be as cool as the last season of Angel. NEVER! :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

PZ, I saw your post and was duly impressed by the apemania bust of Dr. Milo. It is amazingly lifelike and captures Dr. Milo to a T. I had never seen it before. Also, I had seen some of Jeff Yagher's sculpts but never knew who it was attributed to. I was wondering why your posts have been few and far between as of late but didn't quite know how to ask where you have been. And a belated congratulations on passing the 2000 post mark.

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Jungle, I missed this post. I like how you added underwear to the loincloth. I made one too for Brent but it does not have the underwear like yours and I did not weather it like you did. I only added wrinkles to it and did not dry-brush although I tried to sand some of the edges but it was taking too long. It was a present for somebody. Here's a photo of it before I added the wrinkles. It has one of your snaps that you sent me.

Jess... You did a great job on the loincloth. If I may make a suggestion. Take a razor blade or exacto and make little cuts on an angle to the edges to make them look a little more worn and tattered.
Jess... You did a great job on the loincloth. If I may make a suggestion. Take a razor blade or exacto and make little cuts on an angle to the edges to make them look a little more worn and tattered.

Thanks, Jungle. I didn't think of that! I will do so next time I make one. I just thought of another idea just now. Next time I will see if I take two pairs of pliers and rip off some of the edges of the leather in addition to the exacto cuts. When I get home I'm going to try this out to see if it makes a good edge for tattered leather.

Sticks knows how I feel about his pix, Angel. He never stops impressing me with his stuff.

But Ironman was the only one on this thread that responded to my post about Jeff Yagher's scuplting. I thought it was only courteous to respond back.

Proto – Surely Stickman knows how we ALL feel about his pix, not just you.

However, I recognize all the time, labor and the commitment that he has spent on this masterful construction of Ape City! That can't even begin to compare that to a simple post that merely sites the work of another artist. (I don’t even know who this guy is; does he visit the SSF board?) I’m sorry buddy, but I’d rather show my support to a friend like Sticks who just worked his butt off on a very complex project.

Customized scenery, accessories and figures are three things that always catch my interest. His wonderful work has energized me!
For I, too, have had my share of no responses to certain "labored" posts in my time here.

Hey! Kfog and I understand what you mean about “no responses" PZ. You’re not alone there… we've actually talked about that.

Sometimes people respond, and other times they just don’t. Why is that?
I sure do! Many of my posts with asked questions have gone unanswered, even a most recent one about two other people going in on a Gorilla sculpt with me to save costs. Oh well, I just brush it off. I will have to say that Sticks and Angel have been inspiring. I really love the pictures that he has presented of the steps, jail, and Gorilla hoard. I also have to thank Chris (Snickertown) for getting me some Cornelius Glyphs and handmade Gorilla club. I am ready to crack some human skulls with that club. I need to have a picture posted of it. Thankyou all and let the March of the Apes continue! Urrrrrrr(Apes Horn Noise):monkey5
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Hell, I've posted queries two years ago that haven't been answered or replied to yet.
I pretty much assume [I know, I know] that by this point just about everyone here should know that I'm in for just about any new sculpts as long as they aren't too cost prohibitive.
I apologize for not being able to post more or reply more. And, just to stay on top of things, I am still interested in
- ape heads
- mendez busts
- Nova clothes
- uniforms
- any useful patterns
and pretty much anything I may have overlooked
Wow, :lecture:archer:lsvader:fireworks

:lol I don't know where to start. Thank you everyone.

Now back to what we do best..:fest:family:chase:mexwave

I was going to take the night off, but I've been out all day and picked up some supplies. I might put on some coffee, the radio and build away. I can't wait for the whole thing to be completed. More pics to come.

I must apologize to anyone I didn't respond to. If there is ever a question you have for me, please don't hesitate to ask twice.

till then ... GO APES

Also Jessica, The wires still have the papier mâché residue on them. A natural distressing.

Also to anyone interested Diamond Select is releasing the Gorilla Soldier and Cornelius in their Retro Mego 8" format.
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Hell, I've posted queries two years ago that haven't been answered or replied to yet.
I pretty much assume [I know, I know] that by this point just about everyone here should know that I'm in for just about any new sculpts as long as they aren't too cost prohibitive.
I apologize for not being able to post more or reply more. And, just to stay on top of things, I am still interested in
- ape heads
- mendez busts
- Nova clothes
- uniforms
- any useful patterns
and pretty much anything I may have overlooked

Ironman, if Jungle is too busy with the Nova clothes, I would like to try my hand at it. Do you want to try me?

Many thanks to you Jess for shouldering some of the Nova costume work load.

I would love to be able to make Nova outfits for everyone but with my work schedule, I have so little free time now a days. I have projects of my own that I can't even start. I still haven't replaced those inner sleeves on Cornelius and Zira yet, and that's a quick and easy job.

I shouldn't complain, at least I have a job that I enjoy and that's not too taxing, with a lot of down time while at work.

Here is the process I have used to make the Nova clothes:

First I make the leather underwear that I pictured in an earlier post. One snap on the side behind the hip.

Next the loin cloth, which is sewn to the waist of the underwear. Three snaps in the back.

Next the bra, one snap behind the neck. (Halter style) One snap on the strap in back.

Next I sew thin, thin leather strips between the bra and loin cloth to tie the two pieces together.

If you have any questions... Just ask me! With your skills with a needle and thread your work will be better than mine. Your first attempt at a mute human loin cloth turned out great. I never thought of using the plier technique, I bet it will work just great!
Many thanks to you Jess for shouldering some of the Nova costume work load.

I would love to be able to make Nova outfits for everyone but with my work schedule, I have so little free time now a days. I have projects of my own that I can't even start. I still haven't replaced those inner sleeves on Cornelius and Zira yet, and that's a quick and easy job.

I shouldn't complain, at least I have a job that I enjoy and that's not too taxing, with a lot of down time while at work.

Here is the process I have used to make the Nova clothes:

First I make the leather underwear that I pictured in an earlier post. One snap on the side behind the hip.

Next the loin cloth, which is sewn to the waist of the underwear. Three snaps in the back.

Next the bra, one snap behind the neck. (Halter style) One snap on the strap in back.

Next I sew thin, thin leather strips between the bra and loin cloth to tie the two pieces together.

If you have any questions... Just ask me! With your skills with a needle and thread your work will be better than mine. Your first attempt at a mute human loin cloth turned out great. I never thought of using the plier technique, I bet it will work just great!

I sure am going to miss your craftsmanship on the outfits there Jom. You really did a great job. I understand how things get mundane. This diorama is taking so long already. :lol I only wanted one house.
Ironman, if Jungle is too busy with the Nova clothes, I would like to try my hand at it. Do you want to try me?


I would happily accept any help that made Nova look more accurate. My meager attempts at sewing are nowhere near ready to attempt something like her outfit, that's why i expressed interest in one of Jom's waaay back when there were but a few of here in Central City. Thanks!!:D