Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Take care Kfog, and try to enjoy the BIG football weekend. I too, have to turn in. Like Angel, I also must make the doughnuts in the morning.

I don't know whats happening with all the posts and replies but, Angel, I'm leaning towards gorilla head #5 and/or #6 as my first faves. Still in on Armando and don't mind waiting for others to be able to get in on it. I'll also try and get those boots out to you this weekend. To be honest, they had slipped my mind. Sorry. :monkey3
The Ursus helmet looks excellent. My only question: will it only fit the Sideshow Ursus head?
STICKS - See that Hasbro boot in the 2nd picture??? That's the boot you just sent me! Thanks for taking care of me and sending those boots! Once I get another set I'll be ready to dress my two newest augmentated gorillas! ~Angel~ :angelsmil

I sure did, I laughed when I saw it. :lol

Great Job on the Helmet.
I had to go back a few pages and am still trying to catch up. I'm hoping that I can start taking photos of the city over the weekend. I can't wait to share.

Gorillas making donuts? lol. funny skit.
Angel, I really like #5 gorilla, although #4 is great too. I like them all but if I had to choose only one I would go with #5 as my favorite. They all look fantabulous--it was a tough decision. But as I said before, I will go with the majority vote.

The General's helmet is looking great. I want to do the same thing to my General if only I can work enough nerve to take him out of his box.

Kfog, good luck on your job situation.

Ironman, I wanted you to know that I am strategizing the Nova costume in my head at this moment and will start on it tomorrow evening/night.

Not even sure if this will stay posted but....
I started a thread on my old board:
If anyone wants to post their Ape [or anything else] stuff over there at least until all the recent problems work themselves out here I'm glad to be of service.
Sticks, it would also be great if your photostories could find a home there!
And all of your guys' custom work! :monkey5
Anyway the offer is out there.
We'll all know whats being talked about without much loss in the transfer being as no one else pops in much anyway anymore.
So how are we looking on the open mouth gorilla that I'm going to make for you guys?

KFog wants #4 or #5
Jess likes #4 or #5
Ironman likes #5 or #6
Sticks like #6
PZ likes #4 (But I don't know that he wants to buy one.)

So which head(s) shall I make? Should I make 2 different heads? Should we just start with 1 head? Input please from each of you...

Angel, if I am only getting 1 head I would vote for 5.

Too many ape ideas running through my head last night. :monkey1 I woke up with a start at 12:30 AM because I had a dream about the Ursus helmet and Qin warriors...then I couldn't sleep. I got up and worked on the Nova costume a bit, and probably went to bed at 2 AM. With the excitement I am feeling I might be able to finish it tonight and post photos this weekend.

It's going to suck at work today. :monkey2 I thought I would jumpstart my day with a large cup of latte but it's not helping.

If you want more than 1 head Jess you can get another. Are you only getting 1 head? If you want 2, tell the guys you want 2, maybe some of them will want 2 also.
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I must be honest, Angel. I want them all. I can't afford all of them at the same time though. If i had to choose a head to have first from the gorillas then I choose #5 or #6. Then of course there's still Galen, Lucius, Honorius .....
Hi Angel! I will send you $80.00 plus shipping for two heads painted if you decide to do #4 or #6 also. Thanks, Kent.:monkey5
Lets get together and get this Gorilla March going my :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5Brother Apes. Let do iiiiiiiiiiit!

I think this is going to be a long testing phase. My project is going along very slowly. These are two different shots, both in auto with flash...:monkey4:monkey2.


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More test shots.

I need to get some real lights. Some Mole Richardson lights. :monkey5

Test shot 3 and 4.


Lets get together and get this Gorilla March going my :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5Brother Apes. Let do iiiiiiiiiiit!

STICKS! What can I say about this amphitheatre? How about HOLY CRAP! It looks soooo damn good! I'm in awe and can't stop looking at it! What a great piece to own! It'll look so incredible in your movie, and it’s a great piece just to display that hoard of apes! You did a great job!

Next stop, the land bridge. heh, heh, heh

P.S. You just gave me another cool picture for my desktop! I'm really looking forward to seeing more on this. Oh, I almost forgot... I really like all the poses you gave all the chimps and the gorillas as well.
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I'm definitely in for whatever head you're making first. I am still payong off some medical bills so I can't go full tilt all at once. However, if it halps get the 2nd head made, and its ok with you, go ahead and make them if you don't mind waiting a bit for the 2nd head $. Bottom line, it won't go to waste, I WILL take it.
Sticks, AWESOME ampitheatre!!! Exactly how much room do you have for all these projects? LOL

I think this is going to be a long testing phase. My project is going along very slowly. These are two different shots, both in auto with flash...:monkey4:monkey2.



Sticks... When are you sending the amphitheater off to Angel so he can cast it for everyone? (Rolling smiles)
With that joke out of the way...

Seriously it looks awesome! The scale is unbelievable. You really have to think of the size and weight if that lawgiver statue to really appreciate this work of art. Yes! Work of art. It just goes to prove that with enough time, dedication, and talent, anything is possible. Anything!

Sticks, you are truly a craftsman of great proportions! I would suggest a little greenery, some vines and ivy just don't overdo it.

It is a shame that few outsiders from the other threads on this board visit Central City. The work going on here, both large scale and small, is inspiring. Nothing I've seen on other threads... (I think Luke's hands are too big)(I hope Indy comes with an idol)(My Zombie just shipped) compares. To quote Shatner, "Get a life people".

This thread is about doing things, making things, creativity, moving an all but dead line forwards. If you want something done sometimes you must do it yourself. I think people here, have. My hat is off to you, Sticks! and to all the rest of you simians. Stunning work all!!!!!!
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