Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Where the heck is EVERYONE??? Jungle, Sticks, Proto, Snick, KFog. :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

I've been checking in but haven't had much to say... I don't know why I haven't chimed in for a while. I've been busy with my taxes, and problems with mishandled funds by my bank. I've also had to dump DirecTV for cable. The picture is better and I now get high-def. Wow!!!! What a picture, I hope someone broadcasts the Ape saga in HD!

Of course my workload is the same so time is very scarce. I admire Jess's work on the Zira Escape outfit. I know you will reward her with something special for her hard work. You are that type of guy.

Anyway greetings to all. I hope to be back in force to this thread in the near future.

And thanks Angel... It's always nice to be missed.
Hi Angel and Jess! I have been checking in now and then. I have been looking for work, since the place that I have been trying to be made permanent at has been leading me on. I took off today and have been checking on jobs. They hired a foreigner from the Ukrain and a 21 year old with no IT experience directly on. I had to prove myself, but this person is hired permanent right off. What the hell is this country coming to.

Anyway, back to the forum! Jess, that Zira is looking outstanding! I really like how everything is coming together for the Escape version of Zira. Good to go! Take care everybody and wish me luck. Thanks, Kent.:cool:
Man, Kfog--that's horrible. I will be thinking of you and hoping all will be well. Sorry to hear about the rough patch of sea you are sailing on. Every cloud's got a silver lining, so you just have to ride out the storm. There's a reason for everything and there's probably something better out there for you.

Jungle I was wondering where you have been...I guessed that you were overbooked with work. Good luck to you, too.

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Where the heck is EVERYONE??? Jungle, Sticks, Proto, Snick, KFog. :monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

Time is tight. I was out checking on Brent's paint job and the Icarus. I can't believe the wagon is in its finishing stages. That is going to be wild.

JESS - The Zira outfit is outstanding. You should consider making and selling those.

Attached is a photo of a painted Brent. He needs a little dirt/grime. It's not your eyes, the photo is a little blurry.
Photos showing the skirt. Have to hem the bottom, but it's almost done. Any suggestions?


Time is tight. I was out checking on Brent's paint job and the Icarus. I can't believe the wagon is in its finishing stages. That is going to be wild.

JESS - The Zira outfit is outstanding. You should consider making and selling those.

Attached is a photo of a painted Brent. He needs a little dirt/grime. It's not your eyes, the photo is a little blurry.

Snick, I would love to see a clear closeup of the painted Brent. He looks fantastic from what I could see! If I see a better closeup, it will help me when I eventually paint mine...


This photo shows the hot pink scarf--need to get a better one. I have said before that my remembering colors is not very great. Looking at the photo references again and viewing my picture below, I need to keep looking for the perfect pink scarf. I will seal the ends with fraycheck and make sure it looks cleaner than this, when I do find that perfect color....

You can see the black seed beads (couldn't find burgundy seed beads) going down the front of the vest. I didn't have a chance to finish the whole row of beads. Or, if you prefer, I can get burgundy string and do a row of French knots down the front to simulate the buttons. Do you have a preference?


Zowie! Zira looks better than I ever expected! You have done a wonderful job Jessica! That's such a beautiful outfit. I love the attention details you've put into it! I can't thank you enough for this! I wanted this outfit made over a year ago. I had Doctor Zaius send me various screen captures but the lady couldn’t make it.

Anyways, Zira looks spectacular in that custom outfit! I have a champagne glass waiting for her little hands! I may have a new favorite figure! Thanks you so much Jess! It's going to be a real mind blower once you get the cape finished! :angelsmil
Zowie! Zira looks better than I ever expected! You have done a wonderful job Jessica! That's such a beautiful outfit. I love the attention details you've put into it! I can't thank you enough for this! I wanted this outfit made over a year ago. I had Doctor Zaius send me various screen captures but the lady couldn’t make it.

Anyways, Zira looks spectacular in that custom outfit! I have a champagne glass waiting for her little hands! I may have a new favorite figure! Thanks you so much Jess! It's going to be a real mind blower once you get the cape finished! :angelsmil

I'm so glad you like the outfit, Angel! So what do you think about the black seed buttons down her vest? Would you prefer French knots of burgundy instead? I kind of like the black on the burgundy, but it's your call. I have to re-do them anyway, because one of them in the middle is dark blue and I didn't realize until I started taking photos this morning.
I'm so glad you like the outfit, Angel! So what do you think about the black seed buttons down her vest? Would you prefer French knots of burgundy instead? I kind of like the black on the burgundy, but it's your call. I have to re-do them anyway, because one of them in the middle is dark blue and I didn't realize until I started taking photos this morning.

I don't understand what you mean by "French knots of burgundy". I love the way the black buttons look. Leave it as is. Don't do extra work. It's looks awesome!

I am so excited about reaching the finish line, but I want to do a good job and not rush through the project. I am glad you like the black seed beads. I think they look great with the burgundy vest. What do you think about the color of the new pink scarf?

Guess what, Angel? I am going to add a lining to the skirt to make it extra special. Just for you. And that way, if you have to pose her outdoors with a strong backlight, you won't be able to see through her skirt.


Thanks PZ, Snick, Angel & Kfog...
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Jessica that outfit looks fantastic! One of the first things I did when the hasbro line came out, I put Cornelius in a gray suit and looked thru countless Barbies and Barbie clothes to try to piece that outfit together... I haven't gone thru all the old posts, have you made a suit for Cornelius?

All of you never cease to amaze me... I love seeing your work.
Thanks, Hasslein! I have never made a suit for Cornelius. Only a Mego sized chimp suit...


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I am so excited about reaching the finish line, but I want to do a good job and not rush through the project. I am glad you like the black seed beads. I think they look great with the burgundy vest. What do you think about the color of the new pink scarf?

Guess what, Angel? I am going to add a lining to the skirt to make it extra special. Just for you. And that way, if you have to pose her outdoors with a strong backlight, you won't be able to see through her skirt.


Thanks PZ, Snick, Angel & Kfog...

Ooo la la! I love all the colors and the quality of this garment you made for me! It's simply stunning! You are numero uno! :joy

"I am speechless... I am without speech!" <Seinfeld>
I've been wanting to share this you guys the last couple of days.

Mendez (Mendez I) to Alba (from "Battle of the Planet of the Apes")

"This is the alpha and omega bomb. It can destroy not only ape city… but the entire earth.

Activate it and we become nothing. Leave it… and its very presence will ensure that at least we remain something. And maybe become something better.

It must never be exploded. It must be respected. Even venerated. For one of its ancestors made us what we are. And what we are, shall from this day forward, be called beautiful."
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Here are some screens shots I took from Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Pay attention the various references in these 3 pictures regarding the line of Mendez.

The songbook make reference to Mendez II.

The next picture makes reference to Mendez X in the background.

The last picture makes reference to Mendez IV in the background.
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“Beneath the Planet of the Apes” a novel by Michael Avallone. (1970)

Chapter 9 – Mendez

"Another white corridor.

Another trip into isolation and a weird world-within-worlds.

Brent, flanked by his grim guards, found himself being ushered down a long bare corridor, a narrow passageway which was lined all along the route with uniform busts, honoring some form of dynastic succession. It wasn’t until the last bleak, awesome stone head and shoulders that Brent got any inkling of what he was seeing. This last impressively mounted face had a plaque at its base, which proclaimed in etched lettering: MENDEZ XXVI. Mendez the Twenty-Sixth! Brent wagged his head, to clear the cobwebs."
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Why did I share this? I'm going to have a small metal brass plate made at the trophy shop that says MENDEZ XXVI. I'll mount it on the pedestal below the 1/6 scale Mendez bust. If I ever make copies of the bust [and pedestal] for you guys, you'll understand the engraving. :)