Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I agree! The sculpt looks really good. I am not sure where to get the clothes for him though.:monkey1
They are saying, when they saw Jess's Lawgiver....

He bleeds! The Lawgiver bleeds!!!!
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Kfog, I just had a thought...there is this guy that might be able to paint your LG. I have seen his work and his painting is fantastic--he would be able to bring out the rock qualities of the LG. Do you want me to ask him? I don't know how much he would charge. I will try to look for a photo of his work so you can see his painting style. Stay tuned...
Kfog, I just had a thought...there is this guy that might be able to paint your LG. I have seen his work and his painting is fantastic--he would be able to bring out the rock qualities of the LG. Do you want me to ask him? I don't know how much he would charge. I will try to look for a photo of his work so you can see his painting style. Stay tuned...

Hi Jess! That would be great! I would like a really good paint job to compliment this incredible sculpt that Angel did. Thanks, Kent.:D
Here's some of his work. He usually works in 9 inch tall figures, but if he can work that tiny, he can definitely bring some of that work on your LG. Let me know what you think of his work and if this is the painting style you like. I think it would look great on the LG but I don't know what you were going after...


PZ, I am glad to hear you are well--just busy. And our poor Jungle has been living a nightmare.

I am thinking of Ironman and Sticks and hoping all is well.....

I think those are the main players of Central City. Did I forget anybody? Most of Ape Council have posted within the last week...even Hasslein! And now, Duane :)

Yeah! You guys don't know the half of it. I just got off from a 14 and 1/4 hour day with no lunch break! I hate the elections! Obama and Clinton are draining the life out of me. Why can't Hillary just throw in the towel and let the inevitable happen? I don't care who wins but these Tuesday primaries are killing me...

Angel, The Armando is looking real good. That oversized one was an Obama Nation.......... ...I mean Abomination.

See what too much of this politics does to you?

The pics of your incomplete Armando with Caesar is a great teaser photo of what we will see in the near future.
Sharing a photo from the POTA Yahoo groups in case you guys don't frequent that...I have never seen this angle before. It looks to be from a deleted scene...

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After seeing Ada's Armando I'm gearing up for her to do a Burke head.

Remember that for every five sculpts, Ada gives you the next (sixth sculpt) free...which is why I think it should be you or Angel to lead the charge...I prefer my monkeys to men though...:monkey1
I'd really like to hire her once again to make Dr. Honorius, Dr. Maximumus and The President of the Assembly. Then, sometime down the road, I can cast my entire Tribunal scene and sell it to those who are interested... what do you guys think?

What do I think? Do you even have to ask? :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

I'm glad to hear that you are planning on selling the entire Tribunal scene in the forseeable future... which means I better start saving... um, now. :D
I prefer my monkeys to men though...:monkey1

What she said. Bring on the monkeys! :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

I understand the interest in the Burke head though (I know my son would probably buy one since Burke is his favorite ASNA-naut. Mine will always be Taylor:D) but... I REALLY like to see the sculptor tackle a monkey. Preferably one of Angel's Tribunal orangutans. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
I would put in my vote for the President of the Assembly, so Angel can get going on that outfit :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5

Hasslein, Snick = Burke

PZ, Jess, Angel = one orangutan from the tribunal scene

That's the unofficial tally for now...
Last night, I made the mold boxes and I surrounded about half of the Armando head (and the Ursus Helmet) in clay. 50% of the rubber molds were completed last night for both of these two items.

Today, I removed the clay from each of them and poured the other halves of the rubber molds for both Armando and the Ursus Helmet. Tomorrow, they'll be dry and I'll start pouring the resin. I want to mail the UNPAINTED heads out on Saturday.

Just wanted you guys to know you'll be getting your unpainted heads soon very soon. (Those of you who wanted painted heads you'll be waiting longer...)

I also owe PZ, Jessica, Sticks and Snick one of my Ursus helmets. I'll be making those for you guys over the next couple of days as well.

Can I get a helmet too?:bow:crying:wave