Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Don't feel bad. I lost at least $50 in lost resin when I was learning the ropes. :banghead

My advise is to stir the resin well (and move fast) and scrape the sides of the container while mixing and...NEVER EVER SHAKE IT, that adds to billions of air bubbles.

Dang...I keep look at that Caesar, Angel. You really did a splendid job on him. So how did you manage to do such a nice cast, and it's so BIG compared to just a head I am doing...did you pour the liquid plastic in several batches or just made one giant mongo batch and poured? I know you mentioned you made a mold of three pieces of Caesar...but for his body did you make one mongo batch?
Here's my Dr. Maximus Jessica. He's still being created slooooowly with the apoxie. I can't crank them out as fast as you. Did you ever try green apoxie?

Angel did you paint his face because it's hard to see the sculpt with the green Apoxie? I think that's why I stuck to white Apoxie...also I am now used to the weird pink tint of the super sculpey that it doesn't bother me. It used to. I prefered the white color.
Great photo!!!

I find it odd that there are so many apes fans that are also KISS fans!! I don't know why that is, but it's neat.

I think I'm drawn by the idea of masks. I love KISS. Masks. I love POTA. Masks. I love the Phantom of the Opera and Comic Book Movies. Masks! It has to be the Masks.
Dang...I keep look at that Caesar, Angel. You really did a splendid job on him. So how did you manage to do such a nice cast, and it's so BIG compared to just a head I am doing...did you pour the liquid plastic in several batches or just made one giant mongo batch and poured? I know you mentioned you made a mold of three pieces of Caesar...but for his body did you make one mongo batch?

Jess - When I poured the body of Caesar, I prepared in advance by actually pre-measuring 4 individual containers of the resin chemicals. Each container is measured in advance so I can work quickly. As you’ve learned, this stuff hardens pretty fast.

I mix 2 of my pre-measured containers well and then pour them into the head/torso/legs/feet/base of the silicone mold. The second I’m finished pouring; I quickly mix the other two pre-measured containers and pour them into the silicone mold using a thin stream of liquid resin to cut down on air bubbles.

When you mix larger batches, the resin hardens much quicker. The chemical reaction is intensified and throws off some serious heat as the plastic solidifies. With larger batches, it seems as if you have less time!
Angel did you paint his face because it's hard to see the sculpt with the green Apoxie? I think that's why I stuck to white Apoxie...also I am now used to the weird pink tint of the super sculpey that it doesn't bother me. It used to. I prefered the white color.

Yeah - I started painting him using some flesh colors. Once his hair is painted correctly it'll be better defined. I originally sculpted his face using a yellow apoxy and later did his hair in green apoxy. It was freaking me out.
Yeah - I started painting him using some flesh colors. Once his hair is painted correctly it'll be better defined. I originally sculpted his face using a yellow apoxy and later did his hair in green apoxy. It was freaking me out.

I can only imagine. That must have looked so freaky!

Well...I didn't really do much today mold/casting-wise. Last night I struggled with Carsia. I'm not really happy with her yet. I think I need to fluff up the hair...I don't know. I need to put her down and walk away. Male apes are way much easier. They don't have to look pretty.

It also helps to photograph the work in progress for me. Seeing it on the screen, I can see where I need to touch it up.

I'm waiting for the makeup crew to get a hold of me. The lifemold was supposed to be scheduled for tonight but I have not heard from them. It's about 6:30 here. I hope they call soon. I don't want to go out late.


Reworked hair/lower muzzle/slimmed her brow ridges a little. She still looks masculine. I've got the worst headache. I better pop some Tylenol. The makeup crew still hasn't called. It's way too late to be out.

I called Dan. He's not feeling well. So, we will try to do a lifemold sometime this week or hopefully the weekend. Sooooo glad. I still have to read a chapter I have been avoiding, and I need it done by tonight. Come on, Tylenol...let's get kicking!! My head is killing me...
Reworked hair/lower muzzle/slimmed her brow ridges a little. She still looks masculine. I've got the worst headache. I better pop some Tylenol. The makeup crew still hasn't called. It's way too late to be out.


Looking good Jess! Hope the headache gets better!
First off, I never thought I'd read a post here with the word "hiney" in it. :rotfl
The head looks great, a little more "depth" to the hair than I recall, but i am curious to see how that translates to a finished, painted head so don't change that.
I will get those other 2 heads out to you this week Jess. I'm still catching up from my wife's hospital stay, and, just having been diagnosed with Diabetes has made some unforeseen, sudden changes to my life that I really didn't need right now.
Also Jess, Would you happen to be trying the enlarging method as welll as the shrinking? I am interested in enlarging some Mego sculpts to 1:6 and I haven't heard back from Dr. Shrinker.I also have 10 - 15 Yamato figures that have a similar head/neck as the Sideshow apes that are waiting for life.
I was looking at my Beneath "Fat Man" after the late night FMC showing the other night and I don't think I made him fat enough, so he'll get a reworking. That and I don't have his head yet anyway.
Angel, is it possible for you to take a picture or two, group shots if you'd like, of the heads available from you? I will have to start painting soon I fear and I might as well do as many as possible while the paint is mixed.
On last storage detail, I have three and one half storge bins of POTA!!
I also have a storage bin full of heads. Out of them not all are scheduled for use, some are just dupes. A lot need to be drilled out (another thing I fear trying for breaking some of these is not an option) and some are just repaints of existing sculpts. Others though, are custom sculpts, human and simian that will really test me skills and, most of all, my patience.

My prayers go out to you and your wife Ironman! I am actually at the Hospital with my mom right now. They don't know what is wrong at the momnet. She is either over medicated or has had a stroke. They took a scan today and it showed a stroke but they are not sure if it is a new stroke or the stroke she had 8 years ago. Her family doctor hasn't ruled it out yet but said he was more suspicious of being over medicated. They had her on 2 pain patches plus pain pills. She has been on them for quite awhile but he said it just may have caught up with her. I am praying for the lesser of the two evils: I am hoping it is a medication problem and not a stroke.
Dr. Zaius...I hope all is well with your mom and it's just meds and can be taken care of. If it's a stroke that she had 8 years ago, hopefully they got it in time. How SCARY!!
Does she look more female now??? Headache is gone! I couldn't find any tylenol but I found some 600 mg of ibuprofen. Tried to cut it in half, but couldn' I gave up and popped the whole pill. Headache is totally gone. Thank God..because I had 40 pages to read through. I should have started last Thursday and read a little each day. Back to my old bad habits at school, it seems!!

Matt Fall's sculpt of Zira definitely has Carsia hair going on!!!


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GoApeBilly was so helpful in helping me figure out how to rework the chimp inner sleeves. I have the new yarn purchased--just need to make the time. Can't do it before Wondercon because the yarn I got is much thinner. I'll just make do with what I have.
Angel, if you can do me a HUGE favor...if you can photograph your space helmets for me, front, back sides and top...that would be so totally awesome. Mooncat is going to help me vacuuform the plastic for the visors of the helmets so that I can actually have the Ape-o-Nauts. The project would need me to Apoxie three helmets in the correct shape. He will then vacuuform the visors. I will work on this project in about three weeks, so whenever you can post those pics for me that would be awesome. OMG. I can't believe I'm going to do this! But I know I can do it! I just can't believe that I stumbled across something easy like this for a project that's stumped me for a long time!!
Visited Dr. Zaius and Cornelius at the Sci-Fi Museum in Seattle again this weekend. Twice yearly I drive to Stanwood, Washington to visit with the in-laws and I can't help but stop by. :D

Those apes are practically family too, right? :rolleyes:
Visited Dr. Zaius and Cornelius at the Sci-Fi Museum in Seattle again this weekend. Twice yearly I drive to Stanwood, Washington to visit with the in-laws and I can't help but stop by. :D

Those apes are practically family too, right? :rolleyes:

PZ, I hope you took photos!! I'm putting the book in my bag now so I don't forget...
Angel, if you can do me a HUGE favor...if you can photograph your space helmets for me, front, back sides and top...that would be so totally awesome. Mooncat is going to help me vacuuform the plastic for the visors of the helmets so that I can actually have the Ape-o-Nauts. The project would need me to Apoxie three helmets in the correct shape. He will then vacuuform the visors. I will work on this project in about three weeks, so whenever you can post those pics for me that would be awesome. OMG. I can't believe I'm going to do this! But I know I can do it! I just can't believe that I stumbled across something easy like this for a project that's stumped me for a long time!!

Oooh. I can't wait to see the Ape-o-naughts customs. when they take their helmets off is one of the greatest scenes in cinema history.