Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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I was surfing around iTunes the other day and I found something interesting. I apologize if everybody else knows this but me, but I did a search for Planet of the Apes and found an interesting item under the Podcast section. A theater troupe called Broken Sea does a radio play type show of the first Ape film. It has 14 episodes and runs for hours with tons of extra scenes included in the broadcast. I guess this would be considered POTA expanded universe. It also tries to incorporate elements of the book as well.

I must admit, it's hard to hear other actors play the parts and the script is obviously not as tight as the original but the whole presentation is interesting. It also uses the original score.

And the best things is... it's ALL FREE.
Hey, PZ. I have heard maybe about 10 minutes of that...but had to stop listening because my husband walked into the room and he said, "WHAT are you listening to?" And I said oh, nothing...and I haven't had a chance to get back to it again.
Hi Stickman! Long time, no here brother man! We definately share the same passion for collectibles. I love the Civil War figures dressed in Battle gears items. Auggie has come a long way. I forgot, are you in Washington state? My sister is making plans to move to Seattle.:confused:

I am KFOG. Right here in Great ol Seattle. The summer here has been very beautiful except for the past two days, but we really needed the rain.

Great to hear from you Dr. Z, hopefully I will have more time to visit one of my favorite threads. How's that Beneath Jail Dio holding up?

JJ- I did SS' commercial contest which took two months and am now working on a GI JOE skit for a friend that is currently working with HASBRO and is in charge of the GI JOE FILM FEST and has asked me to make a quick opener for him which is a little behind schedule but I've been told the Fest has been pushed to October or until Hasbro gets things sorted out. :rolleyes:

I'm a big American Civil War fan and am reaching out to Battle Gear Toys to hopefully do some work for them one day as they make truly remarkable items. I love SS but their prices just don't jive with the quality anymore. I recently canceled my Crimson Cobra Commander and Toht w/Ark just to name a few. SS did a great job with Darth Vader but the prices are getting too steep. I truly still feel that SS makes some of the best headsculpts in the business and admire them for that. The HT Apes look phenomenal and URSUS is beyond words, but outside of the Ape line I think that's it for me. I'm really tired of movie licensed items and would really like to see more unique and original ideas like the SS of old used to pump out.

Yes Jessica, I still have sleepless nights. Just last night I was up at 3AM and luckily had Winston Groom's (Wrote Forrest Gump) book Vicksburg 1863 to help pass the next couple of hours.

KFOG you're right I always enjoyed seeing your CW figures. Too bad you sold your collection. You're right about Auggie, he has some amazing items and they're only getting better. I promised to keep my lips sealed but he has amazing things coming later this year.

PZ, lol sorry that you didn't like that DR. Z was beamed to the bridge. That shot is actually my screen saver. Everyone that sees it laughs and says, "That's a funny shot."

I can't wait to break out my wagon again and take more Ape shots, that will surely happen when the HT apes arrive.

Well I'm getting the Dr.Z PF Ex for $85. due to my gift card from last year. I really wonder how he is going to turn out. I really don't have room for him but he's Ape related so I have to keep him. I almost wish he had a real main like the HT line. Does anyone here own any PF's? I think this will be the one and only PF I own. Just can't get into things that stay static. Well, actually I could really go for an Bloody Lawgiver Ex. PZ are you listening? :)

IM - "V" would be great, and I bet it's already on HT's plate. I think they're going to be hitting a lot of Sci-Fi classics in the next twelve months. Knowing me though I'd have them visit POTA for a real wake up call. Not only would they have to compete with the Mutants, but imagine what those Apes would do if they saw a human pull back it's head to reveal a cold blooded reptilian being. :horror - que Peter Gabriel's - "Shock the Monkey!"

Well the only old timer I haven't caught up with is the Great Angel of Music, I can't wait to see what that clever gorilla has been up to. I sure miss seeing his awesome creations.

Have a good night all!
Could this be a missing test scene of Burt Reynolds as Brent, comforting Nova?

Jess, like your sig photo. Do you have a larger image of it?

Sticks, you KNOW we could bring reptilians and simians together in a grand scale!! Throw in a few gorn and transport Kirk and crew to the arena.....
Thanks, IM. That sig photo was created by that clever ape, Dave Ballard! I hope he won't mind if I post...


Let's see if I could name the gorillas starting left to right:
Dave, Simon, Andy, Karyn in the front, Martin and Steve in the red.
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Sticks/Dr. Z, last night I went to bed at 10 because the night before I stayed up watching TV until 1 AM. Anyway, I woke up at 4 AM this morning. So I got up and handwashed 3 of my wool sweaters. I figured that I may as well take advantage of the hot week we are having. Then I went back to bed...and probably fell asleep and could hardly wake up again.
Hot huh! We reached a tieing record of 115 Saturday and close to a record of 113 on Sunday. Oh, how I love the Valley of the Sun in the Phoenix area! I remember working as a Mesa Community College DPS officer working out in a record 122 degree heat (a record). That was June of 1990! It had reached 129 degrees up in Lake Havasu that same day.:horror:maul:balrog
I am KFOG. Right here in Great ol Seattle. The summer here has been very beautiful except for the past two days, but we really needed the rain.

KFOG you're right I always enjoyed seeing your CW figures. Too bad you sold your collection. You're right about Auggie, he has some amazing items and they're only getting better. I promised to keep my lips sealed but he has amazing things coming later this year.

Hello Stickman! My sister has put in for a transfer to a CostCo up there, so I may be visiting sometime. I also have a friend in Arlington.

I also still have many of my Civil War era, Cavalry 1870's and 1880's, some Alamo Santa Anna soldiers (1835-36 period). I will be selling some on ebay soon.:monkey1
Yes, Sticks... when that guy finally starts liquidating you'll be the first to know. :cool:

Speaking of Seattle, I'll be visiting your city next month to take in that Jim Henson exhibit at the museum... so of course I'll be visiting the good doctor as well. :rolleyes:
I've been up of the last few nights as well. The theater I'm working at has had a couple of midnight shows recently and I've been going to bed around 3 in the morning. Last night I ran a midnight show of Harry Potter for the employees and tonight I are showing it to the customers... and it runs over 2 and a half hours. :horror:horror:horror
Hey Guys and Girl...

I finally found a shot from the Super-8 POTA film I did back in High school. That's Alan on the left and Pete on the right and in the center... Old Jungle Jom as Galen. Just like Jess, I too know what it is like to go under the Goo....

It's funny to think I kept that 8x10 since 1975. Gosh I'm old......
Jungle that is fabulous!!!! You should send that to Apemania. They have a junior g section, of apes in their youth. I love that!!!
Jungle that is fabulous!!!! You should send that to Apemania. They have a junior g section, of apes in their youth. I love that!!!

Thanks much Jess... I have a few other old photos that I will share with you guys. They reflect a time when I was much more creative than I am at the present time. I wish I could be as creative today. I think when you are young you see no limits.
Here is a one to one sculpture I did in clay. Eventually I made a mold and made a over the head mask of it using expanding foam rubber. Punching the hair into the rubber took many many months.

You'll never guess the one and only time I wore it. If you can guess I will reveal the finished photo.

Who is going to start guessing?
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