Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Just perused the AmokTime site. A number of 1:6 POTA figures AND the Lawgiver statue are all back on pre-order for restock in mid April.
Can you say: SWAN SONG

Now we must truly band together and make every sculpt in the POTA poll come to life. We are relatively few here, but if we can get to broader numbers I may be able to have more Apes professionally manufactured.
Either way, custom or pro, we must continue the line!!!
dekadentdave said:
Yup, looks like I was right. Amoktime bought out the last of Sideshow's inventory. Last call Apes!
Nothing is over till we say it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Ironman1188 said:
Nothing is over till we say it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

It was the Japs and to answer your question, it was. Pearl Harbor signified the end of the war since we retaliated with Hiroshima and they surrendered within days.
dekadentdave said:
It was the Japs and to answer your question, it was. Pearl Harbor signified the end of the war since we retaliated with Hiroshima and they surrendered within days.
Guess you never saw Animal House or you would have recognized the speech of John Belushi's that rallied the boys of Delta House to band together, to fight back and to NEVER give up!!!
Dr_Zaius said:
Now is the time to FLOOD Sideshow with emails and phone calls asking for more Apes. Now is the TIME for APE fans to unite and FIGHT LIKE APES!!!!:maul

I called and told them I want more apes! Did you? Now is the best time! :lsvader
Who all opened their Apes? I know a lot of people like to keep them in their boxes for future $$ increase but I can't resist! I have to open mine. They look much better displayed than in the box I think.
Considering who the prices has fallen on these items, I'd be surprised if collectors are really keeping them in the box for some future payoff. The people I talk to who keep them in the box do so because of a space issue.

For me, I OPEN ALL. Though, in the past year or so I've purchased a few extra Apes that I've kept in the package. Last year, I had a Dr.Zaius signed by Mat Falls at SDCC (I'm debating whether I'll pester him to sign another figure again this year:D) and like I've stated before, I actually put a figure back in the box, to have Don Pedro Colley sign the Mutant Jailor (Ongaro) figure.

But I must say... I've opened EVERY SINGLE Gorilla soldier I've purchased thus far... I have a garrison to build, you know. :monkey5 :monkey5 :monkey5

Heck, the 12" Ape line are so cheap now (except some exclusives), you can buy a set to open AND a set to keep in the package! :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
Dr_Zaius said:
Who all opened their Apes? I know a lot of people like to keep them in their boxes for future $$ increase but I can't resist! I have to open mine. They look much better displayed than in the box I think.

A better question is who didn't open their apes and what are you waiting for?

I don' get it... Keeping things in boxes and hoping for a windfall. Take them out of their cages and enjoy them. And I agree they look much better displayed.
Hey Angel, Frank is great! I think maybe his hands should be black to match his face. How about a close-up of the Gorilla in the background with the open mouth. Also it would be great to see a shot of him stareing at a bloody Lawgiver in amazement and horror.
Looks great. Try to paint in teeth maybe use some sculpty for them. You're fast with that camera.
Hey Jungle,

The chimp worked in a restaurant and is afraid of fire. Do you recall the comment when one human says to another? "I told them to condition him to fire." The chimp is trembling as he stares at the fire.

Later in the film, he's starts a BIG fire in the restaurant and steals some knives by tucking them under his coat along his waistline. I understand if you don't remember, he's not a memorable character.

Actually JUNGLE, I just needed another chimp in the revolt, and that Dr. Zaius coat he's wearing was a very easy modification.
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jungle jom said:
Looks great. Try to paint in teeth maybe use some sculpty for them. You're fast with that camera.

I'm not a dentist Jungle! How about I send the gorilla to you and you hook him up with some teeth? I wonder if my insurance would cover that!
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It was just a thought... I myself also do not practice dentistry. We both seem to be good barbers judging from our work with facial hair.

I now recall the character of the bus boy in "Conquest". Did you know that he was played by Lou Wagner? He also portrayed Lucius, Dr Zira's nephew.
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I think you're right about that being Lou Wagner! I never really gave it any thought. Did I read that on a card from inkworks, in a behind the scenes book, or in the films credits???

I think this chimp was more of a waiter, or perhaps a cook. Not a bus boy. Why would a bus boy need to dabble with fire?
Actually Jungle,

I like your idea :idea about giving him some teeth. I may give it a try when I get some time and I'm feeling creative. It'll either flop, or it'll make him look even better! If it's a flop, I'll just pull his gorilla teeth.

Thanks for the idea :bow, I'll try it out and let you know how it comes out.