Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Wow, there's a lot going on.

IM, I'm glad you got your package, thank you so much. I knew I was going to be mailing it, and I had so many stops to make, when I got to the post office I realized I forgot some paper to write a Thank You note. That came really quick! Thanks again buddy!

Ohh I gotta go to bed. Jessica what's this about a conspiracy deal?

Those HT Apes look great, I'm getting a little nervous that they are so near, I still have 5 Apes on pre-order! I gotta keep the General and at least two soldiers, I only really need one captain. I'm not sure why I ordered two. It must have been one of those late night buying sprees.
I ordered through eBay IM. What to do except put out good energy that all will be well.

Got a response back that the release was pushed back to mid August.

I am also on a quest to see if I can find one loose HT Ursus head once they are released. I have a looonnnngggg waiting custom that can finally be completed if I can score one!

Sticks, can't wait to see that final product!!
If I recall Ironman, I cheated on that Omega Man belt by adding small flashlightlights pouches and painted them brown. Everything else was pretty easy to find at the time. Did you make both the SMG and the Browning Automatic Rifle w/scope? :cool:
Sticks, the conspiracy thing is that you can buy whatever POTA-related BlamVentures SDCC exclusives without attending the con for $52. Includes a dogtag, 4 trading cards, a 13" poster, and I forget what else...
KFog - Now that is fricking cool! Which set of clothes/weapons are you looking for? Maybe I can help.

BTW - I have an extra shirt like that blue striped one you just posted.

I plan on doing the Safari outfit, so I am looking for some brown dress shoes and aviator glasses that I could probably pick up at Cotswold. I kind of like the utility belt set that Stevo Toys offers.:D
Today in history:

The "Scopes Trial" (State v. Scopes, Scopes v. State, 152 Tenn. 424, 278 S.W. 57 (Tenn. 1926), often called the "Scopes Monkey Trial") was an American legal case that tested the Butler Act, which made it unlawful, in any state-funded educational establishment in Tennessee, "to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals."[1] This is often interpreted as meaning that the law forbade the teaching of any aspect of the theory of evolution. The case was a critical turning point in the United States' creation-evolution controversy.

After the passage of the Butler Act, the American Civil Liberties Union financed a test case, where a Dayton, Tennessee high school teacher named John Scopes intentionally violated the Act. Scopes was charged on May 5, 1925 with teaching evolution from a chapter in a textbook which showed ideas developed from those set out in Charles Darwin's book On the Origin of Species. The trial pitted two of the pre-eminent legal minds of the time against one another; three-time presidential candidate, Congressman and former Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan headed up the prosecution and prominent trial attorney Clarence Darrow spoke for the defense.[2] The famous trial was made infamous by the fictionalized accounts given in the 1955 play Inherit the Wind, the 1960 film adaptation, and the 1965, 1988, and 1999 television films of the same title.
In honor of the POTA films being on this past weekend, the SDCC coming up (which I have to miss again) and the :banghead conspiracy offer how about, just for fun, everyone post a pic of the favorite simian in your collection?
Right now this one is still my fave. That may change once the HT's hit though.

I am also going to have these two guys haired up and call them Burke and Virdon.:horror

Admittedly the hair on my Burke sucks, but he is just a stand in until the final version. I can't find a better Virdon without commissioning one. A second choice for Virdon though, and a bit older version too, would be Dragon's Laars:
I know I am still holding onto your Burke...I'll clean him up and send him to you when I come back from the Forbidden Zone, IM.
Kfog I think your Virdon looks pretty good, better than who I snagged up. I think he just needs a rehair and a good paint job. I prefer Ironman's Burke to the one you found.