Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Ironman1188 said:
Nope, still conscious. I'll wait for more info before celebrating though.

Well, I don't blame ya one bit, but it is a little encouraging... keep up the fight! I'll buy 'em if they make 'em!
Looking at that Q&A again, it is interesting that the question is phrased "Planet of the Apes collectibles". The 12" line isn't directly referenced. Maybe they have something else in mind. Perhaps they are looking to expanding the types of items offered... start from a fresh approach.

The Buffy collectibles is changing emphasis to PFs... could it be the same with the Apes? The original announcement of the 12" line was to include a PF line. Maybe they are finally going ahead with them. I know that Ironman isn't too keen on the idea, but I sure am. A PF of Zaius in Forbidden Zone attire holding a human doll or Cornelius reading the 29th Scroll, 6th Verse would be VERY cool.

Also, both Star Wars and Lord of the Rings properties have both a 1:1 bust line and those dioramas that Sideshow is trying to push in a BIG way. Is there a "Hunt" diorama or a 1:1 bust of the Lawgiver in the future?

Another option is that they are planning an accessory in the same spirit of the Military canon. A Sideshow produced Ape Wagon, perhaps? That would need a horse, of course. A Caesar statue?

And IF the possible addition is, in fact, a 12"er and think that the short list of possible candidates are Julius, Aldo, and the Ape-O-Nauts. My money is on the latter. I know MANY people disagree but I seriously don't think that anything from the TV series is really an option.

In any event, any annoucement is a LONG LONG way off. Of course... in the world of the Planet of the Apes "in the future" can mean a heck of a long time. :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3
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Darn it! Now I can't sleep! General Now is a good time to attack! I saw all ape fans should swing by SS' site and drop a thankful comment in the newsletter reply section!

Attack Attack Attack and write those thankful replies!
stickman said:
Darn it! Now I can't sleep! General Now is a good time to attack! I saw all ape fans should swing by SS' site and drop a thankful comment in the newsletter reply section!

Attack Attack Attack and write those thankful replies!

No, I'm not a big fan of PF's. And I'm more than anxious for any new 1:6 POTA, from film or TV. I still believe that a set of Burke and Virdon would sell if packaged right. A 2-pack of them in the ANSA suits, with accessories that include the TV human attire......
And, I am thankful that, or more accurately, IF Sideshow definitely has more in store for us. However, There's a good chance is more reminiscent of the ever popular "no line is ever dead" than it is of any sort of confirmation. Thank them if you will, but I'll hold off and thank them with $ if they actually come forth with them.
lcummins said:
Hey you guys!!!

From tonight's Ask Sideshow...

Your Questions Answered - 06/28/07
Mike V. - Great work on the Planet of the Apes collectibles. Are there more coming out ever?
Sideshow Collectibles: Our design and creative teams really enjoyed working on Planet of the Apes. There's a good chance that you'll see more Apes in the future.

Question 1: Forgive me for being a little slow... I have 2 questions. What is meant by "From tonight's Ask Sideshow..." Is there a link you could provide so I can find this easy? I'm just clueless and require help. Pat me on the back and send me in the right direction...

Question 2: I notice everyone is talking about a PF. What is a PF???
Angel, if you go to Sideshow's actual site [] they put out a weekly newsletter. You need to join up for it but itd free and they'll email it to you as well.
A "PF" is a 1:4 scale Premium Format figure. More a statue with cloth outfit.
I am an avid 1:6 scale collector. I admire the beauty of PF's and a PF Gorilla Soldier would rock the house, but I just can't afford it.

So please sideshow, make the new merchandise for the ape line 1:6.
angelofmusic2112 said:
Question 1: Forgive me for being a little slow... I have 2 questions. What is meant by "From tonight's Ask Sideshow..." Is there a link you could provide so I can find this easy? I'm just clueless and require help. Pat me on the back and send me in the right direction...

Question 2: I notice everyone is talking about a PF. What is a PF???

Ironman answered your PF question; here is the answer to the first one.

Current 'Ask Sideshow' article...

'Ask Sideshow' Archive of previous articles...

'Ask Sideshow' Form to ask your own question...
Any ideas on what type of material and colors that Burke and Virdon wore on the television series? I found a pair of pants at the Monkey Depot that was for a confederate soldier and thought that if I frayed all of the edges, that it would look like Virdon's pants! Here is a pic!:flag
stickman said:
I am an avid 1:6 scale collector. I admire the beauty of PF's and a PF Gorilla Soldier would rock the house, but I just can't afford it.

So please sideshow, make the new merchandise for the ape line 1:6.

If I get another statue from Sideshow, it better be of Caesar in 1:6 scale, like at the end of Battle for the Planet of the Apes. That's about the only statue I want, except for the Statue of Liberty half buried amongst all the rubble...

I just don't see the point in statues, except to compliment the 1:6 apes figures. To me, they should be a complementary centerpiece for the 12" Sideshow apes.

As another collector of 1:6 apes figures, I'd also like to recommend that Sideshow Collectibles stay with the 1:6 scale.

P.S. For those who do NOT have the Lawgiver Statue, that one is a must have! Get it! It looks great beside your 1:6 scale apes! ~Angel~ :angelsmil
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Here are some updated pictures.

I spent a little more time working on the 1:6 scale ape wagon earlier today. I modified its tires by putting the studs on them like in the movie. I also a spent some time cutting the bars of the cage for pre-assembly…

Tomorrow, I'm off from work. (yay!) I'm looking forward to working on this wagon project once again!
~Angel~ :angelsmil
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angelofmusic2112 said:
Here are some updated pictures.

I spent a little more time working on the 1:6 scale ape wagon earlier today. I modified its tires by putting the studs on them like in the movie. I also a spent some time cutting the bars of the cage for pre-assembly…

Tomorrow, I'm off from work. (yay!) I'm looking forward to working on this wagon project once again!
~Angel~ :angelsmil

Angel it's coming along great! - Im so glad that SS decided to announce their wagon series:monkey3
angelofmusic2112 said:
Here are some updated pictures.

I spent a little more time working on the 1:6 scale ape wagon earlier today. I modified its tires by putting the studs on them like in the movie. I also a spent some time cutting the bars of the cage for pre-assembly…

Tomorrow, I'm off from work. (yay!) I'm looking forward to working on this wagon project once again!
~Angel~ :angelsmil

Hey Angel! Are you going to use brads on the outside bars of the wagon?:monkey1
Hey Angel...

Really nice work so far. Things are going well on the wagon train.

A few suggestions. The back of the wagon slants which I'm sure you know but I think the sides may also slant inward to a much lesser degree. In some shots this is discernable and in others it looks like there is no slant, Take a look at the scenes with Brent, Nova and the Wagon.

Also, something I just noticed after watching those scenes over again. The front of the wagon is not one solid piece of wood with a window of bars. It is made up of small slats of wood next to each other. Take a look at the afore mentioned scenes.

I'm not picking nits, just being helpful. I know how much effort and time you are putting into this to get everything perfect. Keep up the unbelievable work, your craftmanship is extrordanary.(I'm sure I didn't spell that word right.. Ha Ha)

And I agree with you about the PF stuff. I hope they stick mainly with the 1/6th stuff if they continue the line.
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Thanks guys,

If SS is making a wagon series I' going to carry this thing out to the curb on garbage day... It would be much easier to buy one from SS, rather than making one. How much will it cost at SS STICKMAN???

I went with your advice JUNGLE; the wagon is 6 blocks high; not 6-1/2. I spent a good portion of the day working on the ape wagon. It's always amazing how much TIME it takes to get these customs done. These projects ALWAYS seem to take longer a lot longer than expected.

After about 5-6 hours of work on it today... I see some results and I’m pleased. But you'd probably expect to see more done after that much time! JUNGLE how long did it take to do that NY poster???

I’ll chat with you guys later, I'll post some pictures later tonight for those of you interested. I still have lot and lots to do.

Oh by the way, you’re right JUNGLE about the slats at the front of the wagon. I actually saw that when I first started researching this wagon project. I opted against it though. It'll be much stronger with just one piece of solid wood. If done right, It'll look like strips of wood as you already mentioned.

Talk 2 you later, ~Angel~ :angelsmil

Oh, yeah KFOG– eventually there will be brads/studs and or rivets on the wagon also. That’s a finishing touch.
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I'm embarassed to say that, that stupid poster which looked so, simple took over a month to do. I think the R & D was what streached out that project. If I needed to do another one now it would be done in a matter of hours.

I'm sure it would be the same for the wagon. You get down to a procedure once you know what works and what dosen't; but finding out what works is what eats up your time. As I told Kfog, trial and error is the best teacher. And as it turns out... a tough taskmaster!
jungle jom said:

I'm embarassed to say that, that stupid poster which looked so, simple took over a month to do. I think the R & D was what streached out that project. If I needed to do another one now it would be done in a matter of hours.

I'm sure it would be the same for the wagon. You get down to a procedure once you know what works and what dosen't; but finding out what works is what eats up your time. As I told Kfog, trial and error is the best teacher. And as it turns out... a tough taskmaster!

I am not sure, but can there be a custom Apes Archive made for all projects done for this forum?:D
That’s it for me, there isn't any more work to do on the ape wagon today. Some of the important parts now have to be glued before the next step, so I’ll have to wait for the glue to dry overnight. Here are some of the latest pictures I just took. Looking back at the pictures I took yesterday, I guess I made more progress than I thought.

I’ve learned it’s just not enough to use the latticework for the bars of the wagon. (That’s a nice start but it would be very weak and lack sturdiness.) I started adding the necessary framework to the wagon to give it much needed strength. Plus, if you look closely at the wagon in the movies, the wagon does have a frame that blends in very well with the bars of the wagon. Trying to do this on a 1/6 scale model is proving to be very challenging. I had to get creative in many areas…

Everything on the wagon fits together like a jigsaw puzzle. I’ll snap off some pictures of this “jigsaw puzzle” tomorrow and you’ll see what I mean. See you then ape fans! ~Angel~ :angelsmil
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