Save the Planet of the Apes!!! - PIX ADDED!!

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Guys the Conspiracy novel is getting ready to be released. I can't wait. GAWD the suspense is killing me. Drew says that the total number of pages of the novel is 272, NOT 176 as posted by Arcadia.

The new movie is getting my hopes up. I hope I am not disappointed!!
I'm not going to count heavily on the film, although I am intriqued. It looks as though it could use different names and stand on its own.
The Conspiracy novel however I can't wait for. I don't know if its the story or art that I am most anxious to see. I wonder how long the 2nd book will take to comeout?
OMG OMG OMG OMG!! GUYS!!! I may be able to go to Comicon this July!! PZ, if you are attending, you might be able to find me there and finally meet me in person even though I will be in costume. As usual, I may be a moving target, but I wanted to help Drew with his Conspiracy of the Planet of the Apes graphic novel. Plus, I need to get my ape on like you wouldn't believe it. I asked my husband if he could drive me down there, and he said he would check his schedule. So...OMG. Please pray that this will happen, as I seriously need to get my ape on.
Yes, Jess... I'll be there for sure. I'd be great if we could meet up.

I will unfortunately be dressed as a human. :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2
Jessica - I'll be ''dressing up" sometime soon. Not at a comic con, but on the Kiss Kruise! I plan on putting together a special blank & silver costume with platform shoes. I'm ready to rock it! :hi5:

I just listed a few things on eBay. Check it out if interested in seeing them.

I plan on listing more this weekend.
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Angel I can't access your link. Can you repost?

I'm working on these:

Battery-powered Mego scale and 1:6 scale torches for gorillas to light the way with. Can't wait for the Apoxie to cure, so I can try out my idea. I know they look like crap now, but when they're lit and it's dark, it shouldn't matter, right?


Bummer guys. It didn't work out. The flashing makes it look like Christmas lights. Going to have to order a solid orange, and forego flashing...but I almost like it except for the Christmas light effects...

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪1:6 scale torch‬‏[/ame]
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That looks pretty cool. A non blinking light would be better.

What did you make the translucent flame out of?
I'm going to order a non-blinking light. The translucent flame is made out of hot glue. And I think one 5mm will suffice. I just wanted it to flicker, and the company I ordered from does not have any LEDs that flicker.
I'm going to order a non-blinking light. The translucent flame is made out of hot glue. And I think one 5mm will suffice. I just wanted it to flicker, and the company I ordered from does not have any LEDs that flicker.

How did you get it to blink? Do they come like that? Where did you order from? Cool project.

I'm going to try to see if I can MacGuyver one of those flameless candles that run on the smaller batteries, the ones that flicker. I may have to solder those though. Anyway, these are the photos of the gorilla's LEDs that I ordered from Evans Designs from Bloomsfield Colorado. Evans Designs does not carry any LEDs that flicker...they only flash. I decided to try their LEDs because it has an on/off switch, very easy to put together (for me), and they run on those flat coin batteries that can be easily hidden.


Saw an episode of "Hollywood Treasures" the other night. For those you don't know, it's a show on the SyFy channel that chronicles the finding and the selling of Hollywood props and costumes by Profiles in History. Well, this episode went to the studio of Brian Penikas of Apemania. It was cool seeing all of the ape stuff on the walls and shelves of the studio. He ended up selling a piece from Jeepers Creepers II for $10,000.
Bri says the deal fell through and they still have the Jeepers Creepers.


6 DAYS until Conspiracy starts showing up for preorder at Barnes and Nobles, amazon, and the like!

Yeah, Kfog--I need to figure out how to make one of those flickering tealight candles into a torch for my gorilla. The hard part is figuring out how to do the wiring and replace the thick tiny batteries with a coin cell battery...or even putting those batteries on a string and not stacked, so they can be hidden easily.

Or maybe the batteries are not as big as I think. I'll have to buy one when I'm out of the house, to take it apart.
Sooooooo poooooor.....

I just bit the bullet and bought more foam latex, and I also splurged so I can move forward with my General Ursus helmet. Smooth On did not have the roto cast plastic I was looking for on their website, so I have to buy through a distributor. OMG this costuming is so expensive.

Still holding my breath and anxiously waiting for my husband to say he can drive me down to comicon.