When it comes down to it, calling someone a scalper is name calling, and that's not allowed.

And so the universe continues on in abandoned chaos.
I never called any particular person a scalper. Furthermore, is it really name calling when that is what they are? I'm a collector. I don't mind being called a collector. I am a bicycle rider. I don't mind being called one. I am an investor over the long term. I don't mind being called an investor. These are things I do. I do them knowing what they mean, and knowing how I will be perceived by others doing them. If I did not like how people perceive a certain action, I wouldn't be involved in it.
If someone deals drugs, they are a drug dealer. There is a social stigma to that, and if people don't like the social stigma that comes with being called a drug dealer, than they shouldn't deal drugs. Frankly, I don't personally really mind being called those extremely vague slang insults either, because they really say nothing about the person they are used against, and they say EVERYTHING about the person who uses them. Slang words are more often than not used by unintelligent, unintellectual people, who more often than not, don't like the person they are insulting, because it is THEY THEMSELVES who are corrupt, and were they to be forced to be very specific about why they don't like the other person, it would be revealed that they themselves are the one with the character flaw, and NOT the person that they are insulting.
Of course, all of their friends probably have the same character flaws they do, and so they don't see them as flaws, they see those less than idealistic characteristics as being "normal". These people use vague slang insults to avoid taking a long hard look at themselves. Change is difficult and uncomfortable. No one likes to do it if they can avoid it, and so that is the reason why slang swear words are so popular amongst the hoi polloi. This is especially true about the "tough" "regular" non intellectuals.
Nonintellectuals have this notable trait about never really thinking very much about anything they do, or about the deeper ramifications that these things say about themselves. Thinking people have the ability to articulate their message without using slang swear words. Maybe being able to get away with saying slang swear words seems cool when you're 9 years old, but by the time you are in your mid teens, you begin to realize that it as descriptive of another person or a thing as uttering a grunt. When someone says douche or a ...le they might as well be saying ooga booga. It's meaningless. Saying a swear word to insult people? Way to go, you Rhodes Scholar, you.