Super Freak
Another member here. He talks alot like Blackthornone.
I haven't seen Teemu for awhile. Maybe the black helicopters got him.![]()
MOTUC thread

Another member here. He talks alot like Blackthornone.
I haven't seen Teemu for awhile. Maybe the black helicopters got him.![]()
Man this thread is something all right. I feel like I need a snifter of Brandy and a monocle.
Another member here. He talks alot like Blackthornone.
I haven't seen Teemu for awhile. Maybe the black helicopters got him.![]()
I understand love. I understand sacrificing. I cannot understand overvaluing an object or a thing. I would bankrupt myself a hundred times over to save the life of my wife or children. I would give every dollar I have, and every item I own. I would spend a lifetime in prison, or throw myself in front of a train or a bullet in their defense. These are irreplaceable, and are more valuable to me than my quality of life.
But, things are things. They're cool little bits of junk. They come and go. Some are nice to have, some would be nice to have, and some are worth spending on. None are worth actual love. Its stuff. I don't understand "loving" stuff. I don't understand sacrificing quality of life for stuff. That sounds a lot like greed to me.
Perhaps your problem with scalpers is that they're selling something you overvalue (stuff; collectibles) for something they overvalue (money). They see your passion as a tool for profit, just as you see their passion as a tool for acquisition.
Scalpers are only free by law, but that may change someday. Scalpers need to pay taxes on their profits.
I am saying that there should be ethical parameters enforced, ie laws, determined by logic.
Blackthorneone said:I ignore it because it doesn't fit my perception of how ANYONE should be treated, because I value ethics. Other people don't. Ethics are relative. Mine are higher. Mine are more ethical, because they are more absolute, and thus are truer ethics. Yes, my ethics prevent people from committing less ethical acts, which are practiced for the sake of economic gain, but I think that honor and ethics are more important than money.
Or people with the power of telekinesis.![]()
But what if he tries to run for President?![]()
get a life loser..
Profits bad....Capitalism bad.....he already sounds like the President.
I understand love. I understand sacrificing. I cannot understand overvaluing an object or a thing. I would bankrupt myself a hundred times over to save the life of my wife or children. I would give every dollar I have, and every item I own. I would spend a lifetime in prison, or throw myself in front of a train or a bullet in their defense. These are irreplaceable, and are more valuable to me than my quality of life.
But, things are things. They're cool little bits of junk. They come and go. Some are nice to have, some would be nice to have, and some are worth spending on. None are worth actual love. Its stuff. I don't understand "loving" stuff. I don't understand sacrificing quality of life for stuff. That sounds a lot like greed to me.
Perhaps your problem with scalpers is that they're selling something you overvalue (stuff; collectibles) for something they overvalue (money). They see your passion as a tool for profit, just as you see their passion as a tool for acquisition.
The difference between Teemu and Blackthornone is that Teemu is a paranoid schizophrenic who listens to too much Rage Against the Machine and thinks another American Revolution is on the horizon. Blackthornone, on the other hand, thinks he is being productive with his incessant blathering that really accounts to nothing other than stirring crap up. Think about how much _____ing about flipping and scalping he has done and what has he accomplished other than more _____ing?
Teemu is crazy while Blackthorne one is just priggish and annoying.
Civility gets hard to maintain when having a discussion with a fascist who sees the law as a means of forcing others to obey his personal conception of what is ethical. Even if your beliefs were logically derived (they aren't), you would have no right to do what you are suggesting. It is humanity's power of choice that makes morality necessary, and to hold a gun to a man's head, demanding he obey is not propagating morality; it is anti-moral, and makes moral action legally impossible.
You have professed the mentality of a dictator, not unlike any of the high-minded thugs of the past century who have corrupted the world economy to serve their own ego (a phenomenon which the past two years have served as a textbook example).
If ethics are relative, how does the characteristic of absolutism make one system more ethical than another? Your scrambled reasoning aside (i.e., the total lack of logic in your grasp of morality), exactly what do you believe empowers you to unleash the rottweilers and blackshirts upon those who disagree with your admittedly subjective point of view? The fact that you believe you are right? And your faith in that fact is what legitimizes your desire to hold the power of coercion over people who buy limited edition collectibles for their own personal profit?
You honestly believe that the latter is evil, and that you are morally superior? If you do, I have some historic property in Birkenau, Poland I'd like to sell you.
Or people with so much slave labor at their disposal that later centuries were incapable of conceiving that the blocks could have possibly been stacked by any means other than brute domination. Of course, since Khufu had a higher ethics than those he ruled, it was most fair and just. Atleast, that's what he thought.
Blackthornone said:Isn't forcing others to believe or obey a conception of what is ethical what ALL laws do???
Socrates was the gadfly of Athens. I too like being the gadfly.
Except that none of what you say is even remotely original or thought inspiring. You're basically whining and inflating it into a soapbox for your own pompous, egomaniacal delusions.
It is what all totalitarian laws do. In a free society, laws protect the sovereignty of individuals from predators like yourself.
Except that none of what you say is even remotely original or thought inspiring. You're basically whining and inflating it into a soapbox for your own pompous, egomaniacal delusions.
It isn't logical to buy something unless you want to keep it.
Blackthornone said:It is indirect. Directness is always the most logical.
Blackthornone said:People who buy things to keep are buying them out of the most direct and simple motivation. That trumps all others. It is ALWAYS the best reason to buy something.
Blacjthornone said:If you want money, do something to earn it.
Blackthornone said:That is the most direct way to earn money. It is also for that reason,among others, the most ethical. It is the most honest. Scalping is dishonest, because it is about buying a thing you don't want, in order to get something else.
Blackthornone said:As far as the Great Pyramid, there are no hieroglyphics, and the writing inside was forged by Egyptologists. Khufu didn't build it. It is fair to say that the Great Pyramid was not built by slave labor.
I'm not a predator. Scalpers are. They prey on their fellow collectors. They are parasites. Let's get that straight.
As if SCALPING isn't done out of pompous maniacal motivations for profit without concern for others? That's the pot calling the kettle black. Scalpers act like they have the right to take advantage of others, and I say they don't, and you say I"M the pompous one? That's so wrong.
Concern for others does not make you moral. But from what I have read, it has made you pompous as hell. You have boasted that you are ethically, intellectually, and artistically superior to anyone who has disagreed with yout opinions. When questioned, you explain how you know you're superior, and then use that as validation of your point of view. Argumentum ad verecundiam. It is the first informal fallacy they teach in introductory logic courses. Maybe you should take one.