SHIN GODZILLA - Toho Studios To Return to Godzilla in 2016!

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How many members here are going to see this some time this week?

All I know:


I'm not sure if MaulFan wants to see this still. He's seen every clip and frame on the net already. :lol


I am going tonight as a matter of fact, despite seeing numerous clips already, I'm still very excited to enjoy the whole movie. For me, this is only my 2nd Toho film I've seen in a theater, before that was G2K 16 years ago, and other than that, Gino '98 has been it.

What I'm most excited about is musically and visually, the Godzilla scenes look and feel like the old Showa type films, so to enjoy that on a big screen is very exciting.

I won't get home until late but I'll be writing up a review of the movie by itself and how I feel it stacks against Godzilla 2014 in the modern era of Godzilla films.


Shin Godzilla provides a new origin for the legendary kaiju, establishing its own unique style while taking inspiration from the classics in all the right ways. Some fans might be disappointed by the monster’s lack of screentime or confused by the complex bureaucracies at the film’s center, but it all comes together by the end.

Shin Godzilla harks back to the classics.

Here's a good review and synopsis, spoiler heavy of course.

My prediction is, I will enjoy this movie as much as Godzilla 2014 overall, Godzilla's screen time more, and I'll feel both films share flaws. From what I've read, there is a lot of focus on realistic depiction of government response that the movie lacks characters, there's nothing about anyone that makes them feel like a character in a story vs just watching news footage.

This isn't necessarily bad, but like 2014, it would feel like a missed opportunity. I think the success in Japan is due to how much it hits home with their real lives, they don't need characters to respond to the story like people who haven't lived through such events do.

I am going tonight as a matter of fact, despite seeing numerous clips already, I'm still very excited to enjoy the whole movie. For me, this is only my 2nd Toho film I've seen in a theater, before that was G2K 16 years ago, and other than that, Gino '98 has been it.

What I'm most excited about is musically and visually, the Godzilla scenes look and feel like the old Showa type films, so to enjoy that on a big screen is very exciting.

I won't get home until late but I'll be writing up a review of the movie by itself and how I feel it stacks against Godzilla 2014 in the modern era of Godzilla films.

Cool. I'll read your review.
I should be going tonight as well. I didn't preorder tickets. I'm pretty confident there will be enough seats.
Tickets are available all this week at my local cinema, so even if I can't make it tonight, I'll have other chances.
I ordered my ticket last month when they went on sale, wasn't taking chances. Still hoping for some sort of SWAG there to take home.
Here's a good review and synopsis, spoiler heavy of course.

My prediction is, I will enjoy this movie as much as Godzilla 2014 overall, Godzilla's screen time more, and I'll feel both films share flaws. From what I've read, there is a lot of focus on realistic depiction of government response that the movie lacks characters, there's nothing about anyone that makes them feel like a character in a story vs just watching news footage.

This isn't necessarily bad, but like 2014, it would feel like a missed opportunity. I think the success in Japan is due to how much it hits home with their real lives, they don't need characters to respond to the story like people who haven't lived through such events do.

No doubt! They're the only people who can relate. Having had lived through or suffered from nuclear devastation isn't something you can begin to understand unless you've been there.

By the way, didn't click on the link. No spoilers for me. :lol
I ordered my ticket last month when they went on sale, wasn't taking chances. Still hoping for some sort of SWAG there to take home.

I thought you were bringing the swag with you? :wave

Seriously though, I hope there is something there to bring home too but not counting on it.
I thought you were bringing the swag with you? :wave

Seriously though, I hope there is something there to bring home too but not counting on it.

I'm dressed for the occasion but it's all 2014 merch, high hopes would be a Shin T-shirt like the premiers had, I'd be happy with a cup or mini poster though.
I'm sitting in the theater right now.
Movie starts in 7 minutes and there's 50+ fans here. I say fans because you'd have to be fanatical to voluntarily sit through a 2 hour movie to read subtitles in the middle of the week.
Unbelievable! Subtitles at the bottom of the screen are being cut off.
Manager says they can't fix it.
They're issuing refunds to everyone. :rotfl